Chapter 22

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----One month later----

"Raven!" "Cas!" "Gabe!" Alex, Dean, and Sam yell at the same time as the three of us approach the bunker. I see them and Sprint toward Alex. I tackle him in a hug and place kisses all over his face. "Dean! Sam! You guys, you'd never believe how amazing that journey was!" I say and help Alex off the ground. "Oh, gosh, Henry's parents were so ecstatic to see their son. It was the sweetest thing I've ever seen. Dean can we get a kid?" Cas asks and Dean blushes. "Maybe, Cas. Let's just go with the flow for now. Besides, my baby just got back." He says and gives Cas a huge hug and some kisses. "It was pretty adorable. Him and his parents were more then happy to let us get them settled in. It was pretty sad when we left, but Henry promised to stay with his parents from now on." Gabe says and I nod, wiping my eyes. "How long were we gone? It felt like ten years." I say and wrap my arms around Alex's neck. "I was so scared I missed our wedding, babe." I say and press my lips to his. "It was only a month baby girl. I had to tell the school that you went on a family trip. God, they wouldn't stop asking about you." He laughs and I press my smiling lips to his. "Good." I say and pull away, but I still hold his hand. "Let's go inside! I want to see everyone!" Cas says excitedly. "You missed it. Lucifer did end up using the thing he brought from Spencer's." Sam says with a horrified shiver. "Oh god, Michael was slightly pissed at first but then... oh god." Dean says and grabs his hair. We walk inside and find everyone sitting in the war room. "Their here!" Balthazar says and I let go of Alex's hand and sprint over. I hug him and look around. "Guys! You should've been there!" I say and hug Anna as she comes up to me. "Oh we missed you three so much!" She says and hugs Gabe and Cas. "Michael! Lucifer!" I say as I tackle the pair into a hug. "Raven!" Michael says and hugs back. "Welcome home." Luci says and I stand up straight. "It was the nicest thing. Henry's mother and father were so kind and they lived their son so much. I aspire to be like them." I say and wedge myself in between Mike and Luci. I put my feet in Michaels lap and rested my head on Luci's shoulder and yawned. "Father, all that warred me out." I say and close my eyes. "It's was pretty exhausting. Say, did you guys end up finding that person who was doing the spells that caused us to collapse?" Gabe says and I feel Luci nod. "Yes. Don't even worry about that, he's gone for good. As well as that cursed spell." Michael says and pats my leg. I nod and drift off into a gentle sleep. I wake up in my bed, Alex laying next to me, playing with my hair. "Morning, baby girl." He says and I him. "'Morning, Alex." I say and he smiles. "How long was I out?" I ask and he shrugs. "All three of you slept for around a day." He says and I nod. It seems pretty normal, a trip like that would drain anyone. "So, what now? It's a Saturday so we have the weekend free and I'm bored." I say and stand up. "Well, you could always do something with the family." He says and I nod. "Ohhhh! I could take the people dress shopping!" I say and he nods. "We already have the venue, here obviously, and pretty much everything else we need. All you need now is a dress." He says and I smile. "I'm so excited! It's in what? Like two months!" I say and pounce on him. "It's decided. Your growing dress shopping." He says and I squeal. "Do we have a price limit?" I ask and he shrugs. "Go crazy. We only get married once." He says and I press my lips to his. I spring off the bed and get dressed into the outfit I bought while we were on Henry's case. I skip to the kitchen, smiling like an idiot. "What's got you so excited?" Brit asks from the war room, computer on his lap. "I'd like to ask you the same thing." I say with a wink before grabbing a can of whip cream. I pour some into my mouth and sit next to him. "Hmm?" I ask holding out the can and he opens his mouth to which I just pour some in. "So, joking aside, why are you so excited?" He ask and I smile. "Cause I'm going to buy my wedding dress today, and I'd like you to come with." I say and eat some more whip cream. "I'd love to." He says and I top him off before kissing his check and skipping off to find the others. I find Charlie and Anna watching House in Charlie's room. "You want to come wedding dress shopping with me?" I ask and Anna looks up. "Oh my father! Yes!" She squeals and Charlie nods. "Whip cream?" I ask and Charlie opens her mouth. "Father what is it with my family and not using words?" I ask as I walk in and fill her mouth with the stuff. "Anna?" I ask and she grabs the can. I take it back after she fills her mouth and gives me a thumbs up. I leave and head to find Gabe and Luci. Gabriel is attempting to get Sam to fork up his candy horde in the library. "Yo! Gabe, shopping?" I ask and he stops to look at me, smiling. "For what I think?" He squeals and I nod. "Of course!" He says and I glare at Sam. "Candy." I say and he sighs but tosses me the bag. "Oh yeah, whip cream?" I ask and Gabriel races over and I hand him the can. I smile at Sam who seems extremely confused by our interaction. "What? This is perfectly normal." I say and Sam just chuckles. "Don't harass poor Sammy to much." I say as I hand Gabe his candy. "I won't. When are we going?" He asks. "Soon. You'll know." I say and head off to find Luci. He's in his room. With Michael. I open the door and start to talk. "Hey guys I had a quest- OH DEAR LORD ALL MIGHTY!" I screech as I slam the door shut. I bang my head multiple times on the wall sprint to the library. "Quick! Some one shoot me!" I yell and Dean, appearing from no where, shoots me in the shoulder. "Ow! What the fuck Dean! I didn't mean literally!" I scold as I hold my shoulder. Dean cackles and drops his gun to clutch his sides. "Oh shit this is gonna hurt." I say as I pinch my eyes closed and stick two fingers into the bullet wound. I dig around a little and yank the bullet out. "Fuck you, Dean." I say and throw the thing at him. He laughs and I grunt in pain. "I was going to go dress shopping today too!" I say angrily and storm past Dean. "Wait, really?" He asks and I stop. "Yeah! The wedding is in two months plus the dress need alterations and I don't even know if I'll find the right one and I freaking out cause nothing is really figured out and I'm terrified the this whole sorry, bloody, fucking mess will collapse around me and you'll all know that I have no idea how to plan a wedding." I say and run a hand through my hair. "Well, for what it's worth, I think your doing great." Sam says and I smile sadly. "Thanks Sam." I say and head toward Dean and Cas's room. "Yo, Cas, I need your help." I say as I walk in. "What happened?" He says and I take my shirt off. "You boyfriend shot me." I growl and sit on the bed next to him. "Give me a minute." He says and helps heal me up. "Thanks Sassy Cassie. Want to come dress shopping with me?" I ask. He nods vigorously and I kiss his forehead before looking at my shirts. "I hate you Dean!" I yell and the sound reverberates around the bunker as I use some magic/mojo shit to fix it up. With that done I stuff the shirt into the waist of my pants and shot some whip cream. "Hey, Raven. Sorry you had to see that earlier. What was it you wanted to ask?" Lucifer asks, leaning on his door frame in only a baggy pair of sweat pants. "Oh god, that was something I could have gone my whole life with out needing to see, Lucifer. I wanted to know if you and Mikey want to come wedding dress shopping with me." I say and he nods. "Sure. Let us get ready. One question, why are you not wearing a shirt?" He asks and I scoff. "I'd ask you the same thing but I know. Dick-wad shoot me." I say and death, not really death but still, glare at Dean as he enters his room. "You said someone shoot me." He says in his defence and I turn back to Luci. "Well dude, she literally just walked in on something." He says and I fake claw at my eyes. "I'll never be able to un-see that." I shake my head and crack my neck. "Five minutes then we're off." I say and head to alert the others. After we all clamber into the traverse I made again, I start to drive toward the nearest dress shop. "So what are you looking for exactly?" Charlie asks and I shrug. "Mermaid might be nice. Or maybe A-Line? I defiantly don't want lace, but I also want something so I can let my wings out at the wedding, since it's only gonna be family." I say. "Father, you've been watching too much TLC." Mike says and I laugh. "Oh, you have no idea." I say and turn on the radio. "Why couldn't we have just flown there? Your bridal party is made up of almost all angels. I could've carried Charlie." Anna says and we all look at her. "People can't know about us, Anna. The world isn't ready to know that angels are living freely among them. For Christ's sake to them were like gods." Balthazar says and Anna nods. "I'd love to be able to fly around freely but if anyone saw us things wouldn't go very well." Gabe sighs out and I turn up the radio. We arrive at the dress shop and a perky, in more ways then one, brunette welcomes us. "Hi! I'm Jennie! Welcome to Cleo's Bridal! Can I help you?" She asks and I fight not to throw up. Father with the amount of make up she's wearing she could be a clown. "Um... Yeah. Do you have space for us?" I ask and she nods, brown bob bouncing. "Come right this way! Please wait her and a consultant will be right with you!" She says and shows us to a waiting area. "Hello there! I'm Hannah and I'll be helping you find the dress today. Can I ask who the bride is?" She says with a friendly smile. Hannah is African American and has long silky curls. "No." I say and she looks a little confused. "Of course it's alright. I'm the bride. Names Raven." I say and she sighs in relief and chuckles at the joke. "Well nice to meet you Raven. Who's all here with you?" Hannah asks and I turn to my crew. "Well, there's my older brother Castiel, my other older brother Gabriel, my other other older brother Balthazar, my other other other older brother Michael, my twin brother Lucifer, my only and older sister Anna, and a close family friend and Anna's girlfriend Charlie." I say looking around and pointing to people in turn. "Wow. Like the angels?" She asks and we all nod. "We had religious parents." Luci says with a chuckle. I try very hard to contain my laughter. Very religious parents, damn that's an understatement. "Okay, I have a question. Would you mind terribly if we filmed you guys for a new television show we have? It's gonna be on TLC, it's a branch of say yes to the dress?" She asks and I nod my head. "What do you guys think?" I ask and they nod their heads. "Well that's great! We're going to have to redo all that. I hope you don't mind, you guys are one of the most interesting groups we've had in a while." Hannah says and I smile. After we redo the whole introduction and explains toon thing, the group is lead away to a different seating area and I'm whisked away to a private dressing room. "So, tell me about your fiancé."

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