Chapter 6

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Everyone moves from the cramped kitchen to the living room. We open up the couches to bed so we have more room, but it's still not enough space. "Wait! I have an idea." Gabriel says and snaps once, and an air mattress appears on the floor. "I can't wait till I have powers." I daydream and my brothers and sister laugh. We all cuddle in and I grab the flicker. "What do we want to watch?" I ask scrolling through Netflix. "Oh! Let's watch House M.D. I've been meaning to start!" Charlie says and I nod. "Or we could watch Dr.Sexy." Sam suggests looking at Dean who groans. I laugh and click on House. We watch the first season. I pause and look around. "Jesus... I love it!" Balthazar says and we all agree. "Is it just me or does anyone else have a problem with who to ship House with?" Charlie asks. "I know right!? Wilson or Cuddy?" Michael asks. "I ship Cameron and Chase so much." Lucifer says and I quickly agree. "Poor Foreman. He seems lonely now." Alex says and we all agree again. "Season 2?" I ask and everyone shouts "Yes!" We start into season 2 and make it to episodes 20 and 21: euphoria Pt. 1 and 2. "I'm sorry. I can't keep watching this." I say after pausing it half way through. I just start to sob onto Alex's chest. "I know baby." Alex says tears falling for his own eyes. "Someone hold me." Lucifer demands and I send a discrete look to Michael, who stand and walks over to Lucifer. (A/N: SEASON 2 SPOILERS IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT!) "I can't believe Foremen's dad came. That was... oh my god the speech!" Charlie wails and buries her face in Anna's neck. "The officer died! And now Foremen is gonna die! And Cameron is just ugh! HOUSE!" Sam cries out as tears stream down his face. Everyone in the room is having a breakdown. It's hilarious, but I also do sad. When we finally stop, everyone is red faced and puffy. "Keep watching?" I ask and people sniff but yell "Yess!" all the same. After we finish the finale of season 2 everyone is sitting in shock, repulsion, and fascination. "He fucking shot House!" Gabe breaks the silence. "How dare he!?" Charlie asks and I nod. "Who does he think he is?" I ask angrily. "Dude, you better run and hide, cause you've got 7 pissed off angels on your ass." Dean says to the screen. Sam, Charlie, and Alex laugh and high five Dean. "Can I just say that just because this episode was so weirdly awesome, it doesn't make up for euphoria." Cas says and I nod in agreement. "Mike, Luci, you two are quiET!" Anna says looking over to see the two of them sucking each other's faces off. "Go Luci!" I say and the pair jump apart in surprise. "I-Um, we were just-uh," Michael says blushing madly. "Oh fuck. We were making out." Lucifer says and looks down, trying to hide his blush. "Awwww! How cute!" Charlie says which causes all o us to coo. Lucifer smiles and give me a thumbs up and I copy the gesture. "I'm going to bed." I state and stand up to stretch. "Okay. Want me to come with?" Alex says and I nod. "Okay." He says and we wave. "Night guys. See you tomorrow." I say happily. Me and Alex walk to my bedroom hand in hand. "Still have those clothes here?" I ask and he nods. "I practically live here. Of course I have some clothes here." He says and I smile. "You do have a drawer in my dresser." I say and we laugh. Alex walks over to my closet and opens his drawer. He grabs some pjs and starts to leave. "No! No, I'll go to the bathroom." I say and force him to sit. "Okay, okay Jesus." He says with a laugh. "Good." I say and grab some pjs. I walk out of my room and into the bathroom. I change quickly and see Lucifer coming down the hall. I run up silently behind him. I sprint up to his back and tackle him to the floor. "Raven!" He yells as he falls. I cackle as I sprint back into my room and jump over and behind Alex. Lucifer storms in menacingly, causing Alex to back up slightly. I stand up and stick my tongue out at him. He growls but I only crouch and leap at him. This takes him by surprise and he falls to the floor. "Nimble bitch!" He screeches as sit atop him. "I know you'll hate me for this. I'm sorry Luci." I say and his face pales. "What are you doing? Raven, get off me!" He says squirming underneath me. I lean down till we're almost nose to nose. "Love you bro." I whisper as I ready my fingers. "Raven..." He says worry growing in his eyes as I touch his sides with my ghostly fingers. "I really am sorry." I say and his eyes widen. "No! No, Raven!" He yells but I start to tickle him anyway. "Michael! Anna! Cassie! Help me!" He yells out cut off by fits of laughter. "Michael! Michael! HELP!" He screeches as I tickle his sides mercilessly. "Raven, get off your brother!" Michael says from behind me. "But I'm having fun!" Whine as I continue to tickle his sides. Michael sighs and lifts me off Lucifer. I kick and yelp but he just puts me behind him. "My turn, anyway." He whispers to me and winks. I smile devilishly and nod. "You okay Lucifer?" Michael asks turning around. "No. No get away from me!" Lucifer screeches and scuttles backwards. Michael grins like the Cheshire Cat and pounces on him. "This time, no one will save you." Michael says menacingly into Lucifers ear. I watch as Luci gasps and swallows hard, licking his lips. "You like this, don't you?" Michael asks and moves so he brushes his lips across Lucifers check bone. Lucifer whimpers and squirms but it's too late. "I'm not sorry." He says and tickles Lucifer worse then I did. Lucifer laughs and writhes under my older brother, tears streaming down his face. "Michael! Mike! No!" Lucifer howls and brings his hands up to Michaels face. Michael is merciless but Lucifer has a trick up his sleeve. He suppress his laughs and focuses on moving his hands steadily. "Michael, no." He says keeping the hysterics out of his voice. "I like that." Michael purrs and slows for one second. Lucifer jumps at the opportunity and flips them so he's on top. Lucifer uses his powers to hold down against Michaels thrashing as he stands. "What, are you gonna tickle me?" Michael asks, but Lucifer tuts. "No, no, no. Oh, this is gonna be much better." He says in an slightly sexually voice. Lucifer uses his mind to lift him off the floor and into Michaels room. He turns to face me and beams like a five year old on Christmas. He screams silently and I bounce up and down with him. We stop and focus back in and he grins like the devil he is. I nod to him and he sauternes into the room. "Where were we?" He says and slams the door closed with his mind, no doubt putting up sound proof barriers. "Holy shit!" Alex says from behind me. I turn around and tilt my head like Cas. "What? Is something wrong?" I ask him and walk with him back to my room. "That went from harmless to extremely sexual in five seconds flat." He says. I laugh and nod. "Those two had so much tension it was bound to happen sometime." I say and sit on my bed. Alex shakes his head and sits next to me. "What do you want to do?" He asks and I smirk. "You, but that's beside the point." I say and Alex rolls his eye dramatically. "But no seriously." He asks and I yawn. "Sleep. Next to you." I say and wipe the tears from my eyes. I lay back down on my bed and crawl under the covers. Alex crawls in after me and I cuddle up into him. "Good night, Raven." He says into my hair and I smile. "Good night, Alex." This night I do dream. But it's weird cause everyone from my psych. class is there. There all in line for a water slide but then the worker says something about the ride being closed to to a pterodactyls. Then we all look up and a large pterodactyl is sitting on the water slide. It shrugs and says "Sorry." Then we all nod and walk away as if this is normal. Then one thing leads to another and we end up tiding the pterodactyl into the sunset. "His name was Timmy." I say as I sit up in bed and blink a couple of times. "What the hell?" I say the dream crystal clear in my mind. I grab my dream journal and write it down quickly as to remember it. When I dream, it's usually really strange. I climb out of bed and find the Alex is nowhere to be found. I put on some sweats and a spots bra, putting my hair into a messy ponytail. I walk out of my room and look around. I spot Lucifer walking out of Michaels room wearing one of Michaels sweaters, which hangs down to around his knees. "Hey Luci! Where's Mike?" I ask as I catch up to him. "Michael? Oh yeah, he can't walk." Lucifer says and I laugh but high five Lucifer anyway. "Nice bro!" I say as we walk into the kitchen. Alex is sitting at the table with a confused look on his face. "Hey babe. What's up?" I asks as I slide in next to him. "I'm trying to figure out what the heck you were saying in your sleep. You keep mumbling about 'Those damn pterodactyls.' And something about someone named Timmy." He says and I nod. I explain my dream to them and all three of us look confused by the end. "Then when I woke up I said his name was Timmy." I finish and Lucifer nods. "I got strange dreams when powers started to come too." He says and I smile. "Cool! So do you think mine are coming?" I ask hopefully. "Most likely, yes." Cas says. I jump and hold my hand to my chest. "Sneaky bastard!" I say and laugh. "Lucifer, where's Michael? Last I heard he went to save you from the wrath of Raven." Cas asks and I shake my head. "Michael can't walk right now." Luci explains and Cas tilts his was confused. "You'll find out later." I say and Cas nods still confused. Alex puts his arm around my shoulders and I lean unconsciously into him, resting my head on his shoulder. "Hey Cassie, why are you up so early?" Dean asks coming behind Cas and lacing his hands around Cas' waist. "Raven was explaining her pterodactyl dream. I wouldn't miss that! Her powers are staring to come!" Cas says excitedly. "That's awesome Ray!" Dean says to me and I smile. "Our baby Raven is all grown up." Sam says to Cas who smiles fondly at me. "Where's Gabriel?" I ask and Gabe jumps up onto Sam's back. "Here!" He says and I laugh at him. "Charlie! I don't wanna go." Anna says as Charlie pulls her by the hand into the kitchen. "I'm coming too!" Brit says and slides into the kitchen behind everyone. "I better go see if Mikey can walk yet." Lucifer says and winks at me. I laugh as he leaves. "Did he just imply what I think he did?" Anna asks and I nod. "Yes. Yes he did." I say and Dean wolf whistles in the general direction of Michaels room. I smile fondly at the people around me. I love these fucking idiots.

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