Chapter 25

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----Sorry! Time skip! But hopefully the content makes up for it!----

"Has anyone seen my dress!?" I yell out over the bustle of the room. "Clam down, Raven. It's okay. It's right here." Charlie says and I sigh in relief. "Thanks Charlie. There's more people here then I thought there'd be." I say shaking slightly. Dad called down all of the Angels he could spare to witness my big day. Raphael and Uriel are here and around thirty other of my brothers and sisters. As well as a few minor gods from different cultures. Pretty much everyone that likes me is here. Alex's parents are in Africa and have been for four months and couldn't get a plane ride back home so the wings are defiantly ago. Charlie and Anna help me into my dress and I have to take a few deep breaths. "Raven." Michael says from behind me and I jump. "Dammit all of our siblings are fucking ninjas." I say clutching my heart. "I've come with a note from Alex." He says and hands me the note. "Read it out loud for the camera!" Gabe says and holds up the little camera he's been filming with. "My one and only love, my baby girl, my beautiful angel, I stand now surrounded by our family. They've always been our family never yours or mine, ours. I'm waiting desperately to be wed to my most gorgeous bride by our father. I love you with all my ever living soul and can't even imagine a day spent with out you. Cas keeps telling me to clam down but there's no way I could even try to contain my giddiness. Hold on to your hat, baby, cause soon we're going to be married. I love you and I can't wait to become an official part of your family. We're taking your name right? Are we doing Novak or Winchester? I wouldn't mind either. We'll decide when we're married. I can't stop saying that. Married. Married. Married. I have to go now but I love you and can't wait to be your husband." I read out, tears dripping onto my checks. "Thanks Michael. Tell him, if it's okay with Sam and Dean, we're taking Winchester. Ask the brothers first though." I say and give Michael a quick hug. "Good luck, Raven." He says and disappears. "I can't believe that my little sister is getting married! Before me too." Lucifer says and I hug him tightly. "I thought we decided you were the little one." I say and he shakes his head. "Never!" He says as we pull apart. "Okay, we need everyone to line up now." Uriel says, he's kind of taken over the roll of supervisor. "Thanks, Uri." I say and give him a hug before everyone goes to line up. He nods and walks off to help organize everyone. "Any final words of unmarried life?" Gabriel asks and I look at him. "I don't know. To my unborn children, mommy and daddy are getting married! Wish us luck!" I say into the camera, a huge smile spread across my face. "Come on, Gabe. Your filming everything right?" I ask and he nods. "Gabriel! Your needed!" Uriel yells and Gabe hugs me before running off. I'm starting to panic now. What if Alex doesn't want to marry me? What if he runs away? What about demons? And spirits? Would they try to disturb my wedding? "Raven, clam down. Everything is going to be fine." I turn around and see Michael smiling. "Mikey! Oh god I feel like I'm going to throw up." I say and he walks quickly over to brace me. "Raven, it's time." Uri says from the door and I try to control my shaking breath. "Come on. Let's get you married." Michael says and leads me to the door. "Okay. I can do this. I've never been more sure of anything in my life, I want to marry Alex. What did the brothers say?" I ask worriedly and Michael laughs. "I couldn't even finish the question. Dean said if you didn't he would kill you. Sam said he'd cry." I sigh as we link arms before the door. "Oh, can't forget this." Michael says and puts my veil over my face. "Or these." I say and let my massive black wing take shape behind my back. They're so big some of the longer feathers drag on the floor as I walk. (A/N: Imagine Malifecent's wings in all black with no horns. That's what I based 'em off of.) I nod to Uriel and the door opens. Michael leads me down the aisle. When he's about to hand me over, he quietly whispers "I love you, Raven. Good luck." I smile as tears blue my vision. We hug and I whisper in his ear. "I love you too, Michael. Thank you. I'll see you when I'm married." I say as we pull apart. I walk toward Alex, who's also crying. "I love you." He says and I wipe my eyes. "I love you too. I love you with all my grace." I say back and dad coughs. "With that, we're going to begin the ceremony." He says and I smile so wide I'm worried that some of my face might peel off. After around ten minutes, dad says "And I believe that the couple has written their own vows?" We both nod and he backs off a little. "Do you want to go first?" I ask and he nods. "Raven, my beautiful bride. I adore you. The real you for everything that you are. I don't care if your thousands of years older then me, your the only person I could ever love. My beautiful angel it fills me with suck joy when I see you smile, pain when I see you cry, anger when I see you hurt, what ever you feel, I feel. So no matter what it takes I'll always come to to. I'll travel through mountain, over seas, I'll go hell for you because I know that you'll come and save me. After all we've been through it only makes sense that we spend eternity together. So I do, yes, take me away, give me your name, baby I love you. And I always will." He says the tears running a little faster as he puts the pure iron ring on my finger. We thought it would be a little nod to our hunting years if our rings were pure salt covered iron, their still beautiful though. "My one and only, my dearest love, my heart, my soul, my rock, my humanity, my Alex, theres not enough word in any language to describe the infinite depths of my love for you. I love you for everything you do, everything you are. My life with out my main source of humanity would be drastically different. You were their when I was bullied right up until the day I graduated as a law student. With out you I'd be a husk of the Raven everyone here knows and loves. I'm yours and only yours and I can't wait for forever. But this ceremony is only to make it official to the people of earth that we are committed to forever. In truth I would've spent the rest of my undying life in your arms wether were married or not. Sometimes I look up at the sky and start to think. Yesterday as I was laying next to you I realized that the reasons why I adore you are more boundless then the fading stars in the sky. If your ever in danger just call my name and baby I'll be there to see you. I'll crawl through the darkest pits of hell to bring you back to heaven. I'd do whatever I had to do to save you, Alex. So I do no matter what that means, I do baby. I do." I say and put his ring on. "Then with the power I hold as God, I pronounce you husband and wife. Alex, you better take care of my little girl. You may kiss the-." He doesn't even get to finish before I throw my arms around Alex's neck and smash our lips together. He grabs my waist and pulls me close. When we pull away I rest my forehead on his and smile. "Eternally bound together." I whisper and he nods ecstatically. "My I present to you or the first time ever, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Winchester!" Dad says as we walk hand in hand down the aisle. "We did it baby! I love you so much!" I say when we get into the library where we'd sing some paperwork saying we were officially married. "I. Love. You." I say in between frantic kisses. "Not as much as I love you." He says and slips his hands around my waist, pulling me into his lap. "Jesus Alex. You still have the reception, don't ruin your suit yet." Sam say with a laugh and I sneer at him sarcastically before continuing to make out with my husband. "Guys, seriously. Let's get this all done." Sam says more forcefully as he walk in and sits in the chair across from us. "So, there's not a lot as we're trying to keep it to a minimum with the documents, but it's gonna take at least three to five minutes. Then you can do what you want for fifteen the the reception starts. It's outside so yeah." He says and slides the papers toward us where we can sign our names the same. Finally. After we joke around with Sam for a little as we finish up, he leaves us to do our bidding. "Is it just me or do you ever just read random fanfics about our family online for fun?" I ask, adding a slight but seductive emphases on our. "Like what do you mean by wired?" Alex ask and I grab Sam's laptop and log into my Wattpad. "Like this. Wincest, Sastiel, I particularly like some of the Samifer and Micifer ones." Say and pull up a book with all different ships from our dads old books he wrote so long ago. "Oh, that? Yeah. All the time when I'm bored. I usually stay away from the ones with you in them but the others are hilarious sometimes." He says with a chuckle. "Wait, I've never seen any with me in them! I've seen like ever other angel but ms." I whine and Alex pushes me away slightly. "That's cause you have to know what your searching for. Their see? A book of one-shoots. Your in like half of these." He says and I open it. "Well, it's Sastiel or Wincest but they'll do until my other one update." I say and Alex opens my library. "Hey!" I say and he looks at me. "If I can't see what's in your library how can I trust you? Sweet one were married." He says and I sigh. "Fine but I get to look in yours too." I say as the screen loads. "Holy. Shit." He says looking through the many books I have about our lives. There's a few other ones in there too but it's mostly Supernatural fics. "How have I never heard of half of these titles?" He asks and clicks on one. "Because I have my ways." I say as we start to read. After around ten minutes of reading, were leaning back in our chairs oooing and ahhing at this super fucking long Wincest fic that never seems to end. "Samantha! Get away from your brother!" I say covering my eyes. A split second later I open my fingers allowing me to keep reading. "Is any of this legal?" Alex asks, terrified. "No! Baby, I'm sorry. I had only read one I this book. I didn't know that appARENTLY SAM IS A KINKY BASTARD!" I screech at the DNS as we finish the fanfic. "What the hell just happened?" Alex asks and I shudder. "Sam and Dean were in a room. Everything was okay until Dean started to get... creepy. Then Sam heard him talking out loud. Then heated make out session lead to hard core butt sex between them. Oh god I feel so violated!" I say and cover my eyes with my hands. "We should go. The reception is about to start." Alex says and I nod. "Read more tonight?" He asks and I nod frantically. "Obviously." I say as we link hands and head outside. Everyone claps widely and we strut out hands held high in pride. We pull close as the music starts to play for our first dance. Alex thinks it's going to be some classic song, little does he know that I spilled our DJ Raphael an anonymous tip to play a different song. The familiar ukulele riff plays and my husbands eyes widen. "You didn't." He says, face breaking into a smile. "Oh but I did." I say and press a sweet, loving kiss to his lips. S.O.S. by Gin Wigmore blasts through the speakers and I nod and Raph. "And now the bride and groom invite everyone to grab a dance partner to join them." He says and slowly people file onto the dance floor, but the whole time a spot light is on me and Alex, bathing us in a pale golden pink. Our colour scheme was golden pink and ivory, despite what you may think this were Alex's choses. He was so happy when I went along with them. The song ends and we all retreat to our chairs. Alex and I are placed a raised dais on one huge thrown. I gently wrap my left wing around him and place a head on his shoulder, looking out over our wedding. To my right is Balthazar, Cas, and Michael. In front of them are their dates. Sonya who's become kind of a perms in feature at the bunker, Dean, and Lucifer. To Alex's left is Charlie, Sam. Anna and Gabe sitting in front of them respectively. Dad had to leave right after the ceremony but we sent him with some food and a slice of cake so he wouldn't miss out, I mean even though he doesn't get hungry but it's a nice gesture right? Right. "Sweetie, do you wanna get the speeches started?" Alex asks and I smile. I nod to Raphael and he announces speeches. Cas stands up slowly and very shyly. Raph hands him a mic and he coughs. "Uh, hi. I'm Castiel. I just wanted to say a few words for the, uh, happy couple." He says and smiles at me. I smile fondly and silently encourage him to continue. "Me and Raven have been here on earth for a long time now and she's know Alex for around half of that time. I've known that they were meant to be since the first day that she first introduced him to the family. I can't imagine a better person for her. I love you sis, and I can't wait to see you two grow up together. So, to the happy couple." He says and raises his glass. Everyone raises their glasses and drinks. Gabe jumps out of his chair. "Hello! I'm Gabriel but most of you know that already." He says and everyone laughs. "I really do love watching these two amazing people hanging around each other. They love each other so much I can't even handle it sometimes. But even with all of their crazy, stupid antics I've never shipped anyone harder. I mean look how fucking cute they are! Love you sis! Merry Wedding!" Gabe says and drinks the contents of his glass. Everyone laughs and sips at their drinks. Gosh Gabe. Theirs children here. I think quietly to myself then choke on my drink. I look around and see no children. "Oh fuck." I say and Alex turns to me confused. "Nothing. Nothing. Just super excited." I say with a huge smile. Alex nodded slowly and turned back to the crowd as other people did their speeches. I listened, but not intently. I was i my own head panicking my ass of. This isn't happening. It's just myself being stupid. This. Isn't. Real. I insist over and over trying convince myself. We danced all night and I almost forgot about my little problem. "Thank you all for coming! We loved having you! Honey moon time!" I yell as me and Alex grab hands and run towards baby. "No! Your not taking baby! Your taking the rental!" I heard Dean yell but I only cackled with Alex as we clambered into baby and drove away.

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