Chapter 20

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"What do you mean it might not, not like us? Did you even hear the noise? It hates us." Brit says and I shush him. "Maybe it was trying to stop something else and we got caught in the cross fire." I say looking up from the floor. "You know, that might actually make sense." Dean says and we all turn to him. Even Achoo and Sam. "You know, maybe a novice got ahold of some spells and tried to get rid of a spirit or something but did it wrong." He suggest and I suck air in through my teeth. "It would have to be hard core evil. As is evil enough to completely ruin six angels. Anyone with that knowledge is probably very powerful in the dark arts." I say and turn to Lucifer. "I've never heard of anything- wait." He says and looks off into the distance. "I remember killing a demon who was trying to come up with a spell to almost exorcize angels. The best way I can explain it is like one thing holding you in place in your vessel and another pulling you out, but you can't actually leave." A collective gasp arises from the crowd and he nods. "Maybe his work for out. It certainly felt like what you were describing." Brit says with a shiver. "Okay, I'm gonna take a shower." I say and stand up. I walk to the bathroom and push Sam out. "Sorry Sam, but I can't stand the smell." I say and take my shirt off before closing the door. I peel off the rest of my clothing and start the water. I scrub away the smell with my grapefruit and mint scented shampoo and conditioner. When I finish I tune off the water and grab my towel. I dry off and brush my hair out so it hangs wetly down my back. I wrap the towel under my arms and exit the bathroom. "Okay. All clean." I say and pad across the room. "Need to burn the shirt though." I say and rummage through my duffle. I grab the simple white dress I wore that day Alex proposed. I head back to the bathroom and close the door. I put my clothes on and leave the bathroom. "Okay, anyone else can use the bathroom now." I say and sit on the couch. I take this moment to survey myself for wounds. My hands are all torn up and my nails are pretty much ruined, there are some small chunks of hair missing and I assume their on the floor, and I my throat and face are raw, but that's it as far as injuries go. I sigh in relief and sink into the over stuffed couch. "What are you so happy about?" Sam says and sits next to me. "Well, mostly the fact that I'm still here." I say and smile. "I really should clean this mess up." I scowl at the floor and stand up to grab a mop. I slide in my socks and try to stop, but of course the world just can't have that, and I end up falling face first onto the ground. "I'm good!" I say throwing a fist into the air. Everyone's laughing so I just laugh along happily. I push my sorry ass up off the floor and grab the mop and a bucket. Achoo runs over to me, extremely concerned. "Hush, it's okay. If okay, Achoo." I say and rub the puppy's ears. I fill the bucket with water and mop up the mess. "I realize I could've just zapped that out of existence." I say as I plonk down on the couch again. "Your getting really good at that magic stuff. It's kind of terrifying cause I know where you came from." Sam says through a laugh and I nod. "I've come along way since the incident." Gabe jumps over the back of the couch and sits in between me and Sam. "Hello!" He says and I roll my eyes, smiling at my fully returned goof ball of a brother. "Hey, Gabe." Sam says and I crack my elbows. "What the hell was that Raven?" Gabe asks turning to me and I shrug. "I don't know. My bones are always cracking after I my full powers came." Gabe shrugs back and puts his arms around both Sam and I. He pulls us in close and whispers. "Shhhhh. Don't tell anyone, but you two are my favourites." He says in a hushed tone and I smile at Sam across his chest. Sam shrugs and we just accept the fate that Gabe isn't gonna let us go. "Your an idiot, Gabe." I say and he looks at me. "Says the one I'm holding on a head lock." I smirk up at him and shake my head. "Says the one who's gonna tickle the shit out of you." I say and his eyes widen just before I leap on top of him and start to tickle him. Gabe's fighting back though, and he pretty strong. "Sam! Sammy, help me hold him down!" I say and he hits me on the back of the head before pinning Gabe's arms above his head and tickles him as well. "Guys! They're ganging up on me!" Gabe shrieks. "Sorry dude. I've felt the wrath of Raven for four hundred years before and I'd prefer not to again." Lucifer says and I glance up at him. "Was it really that long? Jeez, sorry bro." I say with a laugh. He scowls and I turn back to my torment. I wink at Gabe and he raises an eyebrow. "Sam, I'm relinquishing control to you. Do what you will. We're honing out though." I say and Sam straddles Gabe's tiny hips. "Any time, Raven." He says with a wicked smile. Gabriel gulps and I give him a thumbs up. Then I turn to the other Angels and Dean. "Get in the car losers. We're going shopping." I say and Dean face palms. I laugh as we all walk outside and I close and lock the door. "What do you want to do?" I ask Anna and she shrugs. "We could take them on a shopping trip. Father, we haven't been on one of those together since the 80's." I smile and we turn to the boys. "You boys are strong, no?" I ask and they nod. "Good. Your gonna need it where we're going." Anna says and we smile. "Where are we going?" Lucifer asks and I put a hand on his shoulder. "Oh sweetie. We're going to hell." I say and me and Anna turn dramatically and walk toward an empty secluded section at the back of our block. "What are you doing?" Cas asks and I snap. A midnight blue Chevy traverse appears in front of us. "I will not be seen driving that." Dean says and I tut. "Then get in the back." I say as me and Anna climb into the front seats. I pull out two pairs of sunglasses from my purse and hand one pair to Anna who puts them on as do I. Michael, Lucifer, Balthazar, Castiel, and Dean squeeze into the back and close the doors. Dean is sitting right being me in one of the two solo bucket seats. Next to him in the other is Cas. Squished into the back is Lucifer, Michael, and Brit. I start the car and fist pump Anna. "You have chose over radio, Anna. Your taste is similar to mine." I say and a grin spreads on her face. I pull out of the parking lot and start to drive to the nearest mall. Anna finds a station playing some pop songs and we listen. "What is this garbage?" Dean asks and I shush him. "This is Work B*tch by Brittany Spears." I tell him and Anna nods. "I would say queen bee but, you know, that's our little Cassie." She says and I laugh. We seamlessly pull of an epic high five/hand shake. "I have to agree with Raven and Anna, Dean." Lucifer says and I point at him. "You know where it's at bro!" I say as we pull up to the mall. "Oh! We should text Charlie a photo!" I say and pull out my phone. I turn it to selfie mode and hold it up so everyone fits in. Charlie couldn't come because she didn't want to. I snap a photo of us being our normal crazy selves and text her. Hello, Charles! It's is I coming to you with an update on the hunt. As you can see, your girlfriend and I have convinced the boys to come with us on a once in a life time shopping trip. Wishing you were here! -Raven I hit send and we exit the car. "So, clothing or accessories?" Anna asks and I scoff. "Shoes." We them look at the map and head for the nearest Brida. The boys seem very confused when me and Anna squeal as we walk in. Every kind of shoe imaginable is here and we both head straight for the heels. "Ohhhhhh! Look at these!" I say holding up a pair of pencil heel boots. Anna nods and holds up a pair of red velvet pumps. I smile as we turn to the boys. "Nice. I like both. They each suit your personalities." Luci says and we coo. "Your cute." I say and we turn back to the racks of shoes. "Do you need any help?" A preppy young purple haired girl says. "Yes, actually. Do you have these in an eight? And those in an eight and a half?" I ask and the girls, Rebecca says on her name tag, smiles and takes the shoes to the back. "I'm so excited! Isn't this exciting?" I ask Anna and turn to the boys, who look slightly awkward on the store full of women and some gay men. But I'd die before I let a woman touch my hair. "Yeah. So exciting." Dean says and looks at his fingernails. "Oh, I know the perfect space for you boys. After this, Spencer's?" Anna asks me and I nod. "That will be a scene change." I say as Rebecca comes back with our shoes. They fit perfectly and we pay. "Boys, you didn't even look around!" I say and Brit sighs. "I would've loved to but I really didn't want to." He says and I punch his shoulder as we pass. "Okay, we have a special treat for you boys." Anna says as we walk up to Spencer's. "Super special." I say in a preppy voice. "Okay, while you do that, I'm going next door to look at some new sexy V-Necks." Brit says and I stomp my foot over dramatically, like a five year old. "No fair, Balthazar!" I say and he shrugs before entering the store. "Fine, well he's a party killer, you four get a special treat." I say as me and Anna usher them to the very back. As soon as they get lost in the 50-Shades-of-Grey-esk section the pair of us sprint out of sight. "Oh my gosh! Did you see poor Cassie's face?" Anna says laughing her little was off. "Yes! Michael looked so horrified! That was defiantly one of the best pranks we've pulled!" I say and we high five. "Did I hear the word prank?" Brit says and we stop dead in our tracks and turn around. "Yeah, why?" I ask and he laughs. "Guys, I know what in the back of Spencer's. Why do you think I got out of there A.S.A.P.?" He says and I nod. "Well, you'll be happy to know that you and Gabriel have rubbed off on us." Anna says, as we try to contain our laughter. "You should have seen Michael and Cassie's faces! Priceless!" Anna says and I nod, pretty much collapsing to the ground. "We should get them." Brit says and I nod sadly. After we retrieve them from the horror, Michael pretty much tries to rip our throats out. "You guys! That was horrible! Lucifer kept trying to seduce me!" He says and Lucifer cackles as he slaps Mikes ass before running off to the front of the shop. "He is Satan Mikes." I say as we lead them out of the store. "Dean, what was that all?" Cas asks and Dean blushes deeply. "It was nothing Cas. Just leave it at that." He says and I giggle with Anna. "We're bad. Very naughty." I say and Anna nods with a pout. "Guys! He bought a riding crop!" Michael says mortified. "You know it!" Luci says as we saunter out of the shop. "Why would he need that, Dean?" Cas asks. "Well you see Cas, Lucifer use that when he's riding Michaels-" Balthazar says but Dean pretty much tackles him in the process of covering his mouth. Cas tilts his head and I talk his left while Anna takes his right as we usher the boys into a clothing store. "Dean-o! Why don't you take Cassie to find some new cloths! Michael, Balthazar, you two go find some stuff. Me and Anna are taking Lucifer with us. He's the only one with any sense in style." I say as Anna and I flank Luci like we did Cas. "So, what are you guys looking for? Dresses? Shorts? Shirts? Skirts?" Luci asks and I hum. "Well, I want a new dress to match me shoes!" Anna says and I nod. "I want a skirt and shirt for the shoes." Lucifer nods and we spread out in search of what we need. We convene again and survey the finds. "I love this, Luci!" I say and take the crop top he found me. It's simple and has some cat ears and writing on it. The writing says 'I can't even right meow'. "This dress literally make my day." Anna says and holds up a 50/60's themed cherry pattern dress. "Well then go put them on and we'll see what you think then." Lucifer says and pushes us into the change rooms. With the shirt I add a simple black high waisted, pleated skirt. I look in the mirror and smile. I look awesome in it. There's a small piece of skin showing around my belly button, but it's exactly my style and I adore this outfit. I step out with a massive smile on my face and Lucifer cracks a grin. "Rave, you look amazing." He says and I nod. "You really do look amazing." Anna says as she steps out of her change room. The dress she's wearing fits her body perfectly and she seems to glow in it. "You look amazing." I say and Luci nods. "Well, then it's settled." Anna says and I hug Lucifer before changing back into my other clothes. We pay and find the other four eating ice cream. Cas is wearing a brand new outfit. A dark green t-shirt and a pair of dark ripped jeans, and to complement it is a black jacket. "Damn Castiel. Your probably for filling all of Deans dreams right now." I say and sit next to him. "Thank you?" Cas says, even though it's more of a question. I survey the others too. Other then Cas' major change, nothing seems too different. Michael has a new black leather jacket and Balthazar is wearing a new royal blue v-neck. "Ready to go home?" I ask and everyone nods. We've been in the mall for around three hours now and we're all ready to go back to the motel. Father I hope that Gabe and Sam don't scar us too badly.

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