Chapter 23

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"My fiancé? Well that's simple! His name is Alex England and we've been dating for around five months now." I say and Hannah seems a little shocked. "No, no. I've know him for around three years as my best friend. We literally do everything together. He's my world, my light, my everything. I love you, Alex." I say into the camera with a little hand heart and Hannah coo's. "Okay, now that we have that, what are you looking for in a dress? And what's your price range?" She asks and I think. How do I explain the wing thing to a human who doesn't know? "Well, I want something form fitting. A little but not a lot of bling. Maybe mermaid? I don't know I just had to be backless, there will be no exceptions on that fact. My top dollar would probably be around $2,000." I say and Hannah nods. "I'm gonna go look around and I'll be back soon with some options!" After she leaves I lean back I my seat and smile dreamily. "That was cute of you to tell him you love him. I'll do my best to have the producers show that." The camera man says and I smile brighter. "Thanks. That's sweet of you. What's your name? I'm Raven." I say and hold out my hand. "Eddie. Nice to meet you." He says and shakes my hand. "Nice to meet you too, Eddie. Hey, would you mind not filming me while I change though?" I ask self consciously and he nods. "By law we can't. Your good." He says and I sigh. Eddie and I talk a little more until Hannah comes back with some dresses. "Okay! We have a nice array to chose from here. Which do you want to try on first?" She asks and I gasp at the amount she brought. "Wow. There all so amazing. You pick cause there's no way I can." I breath out. I have to hold my hands over my mouth as she starts to talk about a dress. "Raven? Are you okay?" Eddie asks and I nod. "I'm sorry. I haven't even tried a dress on. I'm just so happy that I'm finally going to marry my best friend. I've been waiting for this day for three years." I say and sniffle. Hannah coo's again and pulls out a dress. Eddie lets himself out an I change quickly into the dress. I look at myself in the mirror and gasp. This dress is beautiful, it's has feathers all along the skirt and each feather seems to be dipped in subtle sparkles. It has a simple sweet heart neck line but it hugs my body in a wonderful way. I love it but I think with the wings it'll be too much feather. "What do you think of this one?" Eddie says and I turn to him. "I feel like an angel. A bride." I say with a massive smile. "Shall we show them?" Hannah asks and I nod excitedly. I walk out to where the crowd is waiting. "What do you think about this one?" I ask and Lucifer wipes his eyes. "Oh gosh, Raven. It looks amazing. I'm so happy for you." He says and I reach out and hug him carefully. "It's seems like you two are close?" Eddie asks and I nod. "We're practically joined at the hip." I say with a laugh. Tears are filling both of our eyes, but their happy and over joyed tears. "Gosh, they do everything together." Brit says and I laugh. "Not everything." I say and wink discreetly at Michael, who blushes darkly. "So, my question still stands. What do you think?" I ask and Luci sits down next to Michael. "It's awesome, Rave. But you know..." Cas says and inclines his head slightly toward the rest. "Yeah. I know. I think it might be to... feathery." I say looking at Hannah. She nods and smiles. I try on another dress. This one is full on mermaid with a deep sweet heart neckline, and the right amount of sparkle. "Well, this one is certainly different then the last one." I say with a laugh. I walk out and earn a few whistles. I laugh and look at Brit. "It kinda reminds me of your endless deep V-Necks, but more cleavage." I say with a chuckle and he laughs. "This one is very nice." Charlie says and Anna cuffs her head, but still smiling. "I think that you should wear something less risqué." Michael says and I nod. Hannah whisks me off again and I try on another dress. All lace A-Line with a false sweet heart. "Oh this one is quiet nice." I say admiring it. When I head out people like it but think that I can do better. "Like all of my old boyfriends." I say and everyone in the room laughs. I try on at least two more dresses all getting around the same reaction. The first is a full on ball gown. The next is a looser fitting dress that flows as I move. That one I like but it reminds me too much of my wardrobe in heaven. "Okay, this is the one I've been saving for you. I really hope you like it." Hannah says and I smile. "I hope so too!" I slip into the dress and I fits perfectly. If this is the one it probably wouldn't even need alterations. Hannah simply covers her mouth to hide some of her enormous smile. "Raven, you look gorgeous." Eddie says and I beam wit happiness. That's the most flattering compliment you can get from a gay guy you barley know. "Okay, I really want to see this magic dress!" I say and turn around to look. I stop dead in my tracks and let out a small gasp. "Oh. My. God." I whisper and I feel the tears start to drip onto my checks. It's a simple enough dress but it flatters my curves and hug my body in way that's sexy but also classy and elegant at the same time. The sweet heart neck line has a criss cross pattern and the skirt is slightly pleated. Separating the two sections is a belt with an ornate pattern of diamonds. (A/N: See photo at beginning.) "Let's go show them." I whisper as I walk dreamily toward the crowd. "Guys..." I say and a collective gasp rings out. "Raven... oh my." A voice says from behind me and I turn to see him standing there. "Daddy?" I whisper and he nods. "Daddy!" I squeal and run to his side. "Raven you look amazing. My little angel is all grown up." He says and I look at him for permission to hug him. He is God after all. In response he opens his arms and I wrap myself around him tightly. "Why did you come now of all time? I've called you before." I say and he shrugs. "This time you seemed worried or extremely happy and I couldn't miss that." He say and wipes some tears from my checks. "Do you like the dress?" I ask as he nods, wiping his own eyes. "Your all grown up." He says and I hug him again. "Come say hi to the others! Everyone's here! Even Lucifer!" I say and pull him toward the group. "Father." Cas whispers and stands up. "Hello, Castiel." Dad says and Cas falls into his arms. "I'm so sorry for what I've done, Father." He whispers and dad holds him at arms length. "Don't be. You've been protecting your little sister. You even managed to find love along the way." He says and pats Cas' shoulder. "Dad! Oh, God I've missed you!" Anna says and throws her arms around his neck. "Father!" Michael says when our dad turns to him. "Michael, my son." He says and hugs him. "Balthazar, still sharp as ever." He says with a smile playing at his holy lips. "Yup." Brit says and hugs our dad. "Dad!" Gabe says and attacks him in a hug. "Hello, Gabriel." He says and puts his son down. "Oh how we've missed you." Gabe says and sits back down. "Hey, Chuck!" Charlie says and dad laughs. "Hello, Charlie. Nice of you to remember me." He says and Charlie scoffs. "How could I forget you?" she asks with a smile. "Father." Lucifer says coldly and our father stands up straight. "Lucifer." He says turning slowly to look at him. When they make eye contact it's almost as if the earth it's self holds its breath as these two bitter rivals stare each other down. "Daddy, Luci, please, not today." I say and my father holds up a finger. "Lucifer," He starts but Luci engulfs him in a hug. "You might know this, but I've missed you too." He whispers. Our dad stands there confused until he realizes what happening and hugs back. "I was just a kid, daddy. I still am really. Even after all that's happened your still my father too." Luci says and my father runs his back lovingly. "I know, Lucifer. But you know I didn't have a chose, dear one." He says and Luci steps back and wipes his eyes. "I know dad." He says and smiles sadly. "Oh my god! Raven!" Cas says and starts to cry for a new reason. Everyone realizes that I'm wearing a dress still. "Raven, your so beautiful." Gabe says wiping his eyes. "Look at you. Our little sister isn't so little anymore. Our tiny Raven is all grown up now." Michael says and I smile widely. "So, Raven, are you saying yes to the dress?" Hannah asks and I nod looking into the camera. "I'm saying yes to this dress!" I say and everyone cheers happily. "Everyone stay here so I can put my clothes around and hug you properly." I say but before I leave Charlie stops me. "I'm sending Sam and Dean a photo." She says and I turn to her. I'm pretty sure my face is a mess but I smile as she snaps a few photos and I run off and change. "We'll be at the front when your ready to pay." Hannah says and I nod. I run back to my family and tackle my father in a hug. Now that the camera crew and microphones are gone and were left alone for the first time we carefully speak about angels and such. "I'm so happy I found one with no back. Since it's just family from our side I'm going to let my wings show at the wedding." I explain and dad nods. "I'm so happy you've all found love. It's all I ever wanted for you all. I may be god but I'm also a father and ever father only wants their kids to be happy." He says and I smile. "Not all of us have found love." Brit says sadly and dad laughs. "Yes you have. You just don't know it yet." He says and ruffles Brits hair. "And I'm so happy that you two worked out your differences and finally got together. God the tension was killing everyone." Dad says toward Michael and Lucifer. "I like how God swears to God." Charlie says and we all laugh. "I'm going pay for the dress now. You all should come." I say but dad holds up a finger. "Nope. The dress is my wedding present for you." He says and I hug him tightly. "You being here is enough for me. Speaking of which, would you be able to minister the wedding? Not many people can say that God wed them." I chuckle out and dad nods. "I'll be there if it's the last thing I do." He says and I kiss his check. "I'm really excited your here, Father. Sam and Dean were worried that you disappeared. But to know what you were from the beginning will probably be a nice surprise." Cas says hiding a laugh behind his hand. We reach the front and dad pays for the dress no matter how much I argue. "I don't think there's enough space in the travers for all of us." I say looking at the car. "The zap your way to the bunker." Charlie sad and I sigh. I look around to make sure no one can see us before I snap my fingers and the car disappears. "Dad, you know where you going?" I ask and he nods. Anna puts two fingers to Charlie's head and with that, we're gone.

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