Chapter 21

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We all pile back into the new car and Anna drives us back to the motel. "I really hope that I get to use what I bought some time soon." Lucifer says eyeing Michael. "I don't." Mike says and squirms nervously. "I still don't get it." Cas says and Dean pats his head. "It's okay. You don't want to." He says and Cas tilts his head. "Yes I do, Dean!" Dean sighs and leans in to whisper into Cas' ear. "Oh gosh! Lucifer!" He screeches and Lucifer cackles. I chuckle along with Anna. I'm so happy that just about nothing could ruin my mood right now. We park the car and unload everything before I snap and it disappears. "I liked that car." I say sadly as we approach the door to our room. Dean knocks and unlocks the door. "Oh! Hey guys!" Gabriel says from the couch. Sam is sitting on his laptop doing something or other. "Ha! Look! I told you!" Sam blurts out and turns the laptop for Gabe. "Damn it! I hate you right now Samsquatch." He says and Sam laughs. "What were you arguing about?" I ask as I stride over. "Whether or not it's spelt grAy or grEy. I'm Canada and England its gray, but in America it's grey." He says and Sam laughs. "I knew it! In your face Mr. I-know-everything!" He says and Gabe scowls. "What did you win?" Anna asks Sam who shrugs. "Oh, nothing." He says and she turns to Gabe. "Like he said, nothing. Important." He says and flops back down on the couch. "What ever. We bought clothing and shit." I say and head to the bathroom. I put on my new outfit for everyone. Apparently it's a hit cause people whistle and clap. "You look great, Rave." Dean says and I wink. "I always look great, Dean." I say and flip my hair over my shoulder sarcastically. We laugh and I put in my shoes and the pair of matching sun glasses Anna and I bought at Spencer's. Anna comes out with her outfit on and it's a hit as well. "Who'll run the world?" I ask Anna and she opens her mouth but Gabriel jumps in first. "Squirrels!" He shouts and I laugh. "Squirrels." I say and he nods. "Dean! Your kind is gonna run the world!" I say and Dean rolls his eyes. "What are we gonna do about the hunt now? We've had a day to rest after our attack, now what?" Balthazar asks and I shrug. "We find it? We can use Achoo to track down the spirit, he can smell pretty much anything." I say and pet the little puppy at my feet. "Or we could start to do some research on the subject?" Sam asks and I chuckle. "Father, you love research don't you?" Dean asks and Sam shrugs. "Yeah, well whatever." Sam says and bitch faces at Dean. We all laugh as any tension remaining from this morning is washed away. Sam, Gabriel, and I get into some research while Cas and Dean head out with Luci to ask around town. Michael, Anna, and Balthazar work with Achoo on training a little. We research all night when everyone else is asleep. "Oh god, this is harder then you make it look, Sammwich." Gabe says and I nod. "We have to go through a lot of different records to attempt to find the right one. Not easy but extremely necessary." I say and lift my head off the table. "Long hours for no pay and yet the pay off is fantastic." Sam says and Gabe scoffs. "I never knew you two were so poetic." He says and I laugh. "I learned from the best." I say and Sam laughs quietly. "Yes she did." And with that we get back to trying to find our spirit. Around two hours later I leap out of my seat and sigh. "Got him." I say and turn my laptop around. I used all the information the party that surveyed the town, all the information published in the paper, anything we dug up, I used all of the information we knew and it was surprisingly hard to come up with this kid. "Henry Jacobs. I think this boy is the one we need. He fits everything we need. Also, he died twenty two years ago from 'suicide', but honestly what six year old commits suicide? So violent death check, listened to nursery rhymes check, and has a motive check." I say and sit back down, leaning back in my chair. "What's the motive?" Asks Gabe and I nod. "Read it." I say and nod to my laptop. "Body was found in the community pool, drowned. He couldn't swim." Sam says and nods. "I think you're right." I bow and brush my hair into a messy ponytail. "Father, that was a long night. Nice one, Raven." Gabe says and head to the room next door but I push him onto the bed that Sam uses and head to the other room myself. Sam and Gabe share the bed, occupying the other is Cas and Dean, and on the couch is Balthazar. In the other room Michael and Anna are fast asleep on one bed and same with Lucifer on the other. I plop down next to him and fall asleep. I wake up and stretch. "When did you get here?" Luci asks and I yawn. "Good morning to you too. I got in about three am. Gabe's in the other room." I say and stand up. "I'm going back to get dressed and shit. We found out where we're going." I say and Lucifer smiles. "Okay. See ya soon." He says and I nod. I shuffle back to my room and find everyone asleep. "Wakey Wakey, eggs and backey!" I screech out like a banish and zap some food onto the table. "Food!" Gabe says and sits up, pulling Sam with him. I grab the same suit I tortured that one demon in and the trench coat too and change. After everyone else gets ready and eats we head to where we know the next murder is going to happen. A secluded mountain in the wilderness. Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water, Jack fell down and broke his crown, and Jill came tumbling after. We race up the mountain trying to get there in time. "Jack! Watch out!" I screech as we reach a clearing. Jack nearly tripped on the root that would've killed him. "How do you know my name? Jill, get behind me." He says and steps away from it. "Sir, it's okay. I'm agent Strider and this is my team. Please, it's okay. Just come carefully toward us." I say and hold out my badge. The pair slowly walk over and I hand the over to Dean and Sam. I head off to see if I can find Henry with Balthazar. "There! Raven!" He whisper yells and points to a little boy watching us. "I've got this. Go back. Make sure they can't see me." I say and Brit nods, knowing what I'm going to do. I release my wings and crouch. "Hey, Henry." I say and the little boy waves. "I'm Raven. I know all about you. I know how your parents died when you were little. I know how you loved in an orphanage. I know how you loved to play ball. I know how you loved puppies. I have I puppy. Achoo!" I call out and the black dog runs over. "It's okay. He won't bite." I say and invite the little boy over. He reaches out and Achoo sneezes violently. Henry giggles and scratches the dogs ears. "I know about the time you went to the pool with your friends from the orphanage. I know how they dared you to jump into the deep end even though you couldn't swim. I know that you drowned in that pool and blame your friends for it. Henry, it wasn't their fault. You were little and didn't know any better. I know it was unfair and I know your angry, Henry, but this isn't the answer. I know you've been alone since then and I'm here to take you home Henry." I say and he looks up confused. "I'm an angel, Henry." I say and the boys eyes widen. "See?" I ask and lift my wings. Henry's eyes glitter with childhood wonder. "You want to touch them?" I ask and he nods. I let him run his fingers along the soft feathers and he seems mesmerized. "There's more angels here too, Henry. We came to make sure you went home. Do you want to meet my brothers and sister?" I ask and he nods, excited. Probably the mere fact that someone was talking to him was exciting. I take the boys hand and lead him to the clearing. Jack and Jill are gone by know so I call over everyone. Dean reaches for his gun but I smack him and drop to my knees. "This is Dean. Dean's a human, like his brother Sam." I say and introduce Henry to them. I single for the other angels to reales their wings which they do. "These are the other Angels Henry. Michael, Anna, Balthazar, Castiel, Gabriel, and Lucifer." I say and Henry shy's away from Luci. "Don't be scared of Luci. He's my bestest friend in the whole wide world. He's my twin brother and would never do anything to hurt you." I say and Henry loosens up. "Henry, we all are here to get you to heaven." Cas says and drops to a knee. "You do want to come with us, right?" Anna asks hopefully and the little boy nods. "Your mommy and daddy have been waiting for a very long time to see you." Brit adds and Henry brightens up. "We'll make sure your journey is as smooth as possible." Michael says and Henry smiles. "We've got all the candy you can eat!" Gabe says and Henry giggles. "I know our father will take wonderful care you you." Luci says and ruffles Henry's hair. "Are you ready to let go of life and come home with me?" I ask Henry and he nods. "Okay. I'll give you one minute to say good bye." I say as turn to Sam and Dean. "I'm going to escort Henry up to heaven. I may be gone a while cause I'm gonna help him get settled in too. I'm gonna see if Cas and Gabe want to some but I'm leaving Anna, Balthazar, Michael, and Lucifer with you. Henry seems to like Cas and Gabe more then the others. I apologize if this... in convince's you in anyway. See ya soon guys." I say and hug them one at a time. "See ya soon, Raven." Dean says and I nod. Then I hug Sam for a little longer. "Bye, Raven. Take care of him. He seems nice." Sam says and I ruffle his hair. I scratch Achoo's ear the head to the angels. "Cas, Gabe, are you going us?" I ask and they both nod. "You four are staying behind to watch over those three dingle-dorps, Achoo included. Make sure they don't kill themselves." I say and the three of us head over to Henry. "Ready, Henry?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Okay. What's wrong?" I ask and he shrugs. "But you want to come with us right?" I ask and he nods. "Do you want to say bye to Achoo?" I ask and he nods excitedly. He runs over and hugs the puppy tightly. Achoo licks away some of the tears on his face and he walks slowly back to us. "Okay, Henry. Grab onto our hands." Gabe says and Henry takes ahold of Cas and Gabe's hands. "Now close you eyes, Henry and count backwards from ten." Ten, I wave bye to everyone. Nine, I check one last time to make sure we're good. Eight, I nod to Gabe. Seven, I nod to Cas. Six, I rub Achoo's ears on last time. Five, I wipe Henry's tears away. Four, I dip to one knee. Three, I whisper gently to him that it's all okay. Two, I place my two fingers to his forehead. One, were gone.

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