Chapter 29

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------Six years later------

"Good Riley. Stay focused, there... there you go!" I say as my son try's to stay steady in his new wings. They can three days ago, but Valentine can already fly like a pro. "I'm doing it! Val! I'm flying!" Riley says and flutters up to where me and the others are waiting. "Come on Riles! Your almost there!" Luci says and drops to his height. "Tag." Michael says and pokes Val's shoulder. "Oh your on." Val says and chases Mike through the air. "Anna! Save me!" He says and dive behind Anna. "Sorry Michael. Nope." She says and pushes him out. "Balthazar?" He asks but he just shakes his head. "I'll save you Michael!" Gabriel says and dive in front of Michael. "Gabriel. Move." Valentine says and Gabriel nods, as if in a trance. "Valentine! Don't compel your uncles! How many times to I have to tell you!" I say and fly up to meet them. "Apparently a lot." He says and I sigh. "You boys wanna learn to shoot or not?" Dean yells and the eleven year olds dive towards the ground. "Just like old times, eh?" I ask looking around at 'The Magnificent Seven of Heaven' as the humans have taken to calling us. "Yeah. Do you guys remember what we used to do when we were younger?" Luci asks and grins. "Obviously." We all say and I slap Gabe's face yelling "TAG!" before flying off in another direction. Oh your gonna get it now!" He yells as we all scatter far out in the air. ----Three years later---- "Happy fourteenth birthday boys." I say as I place the cake in front of them. "Thanks mum!" "We love you!" Riley and Val say at the same time. "Blow out the candles and make a wish!" Alex says and Gabe zooms the camera in. "One," Val says and turns to Riley. "Two," He says and the both yell "Three!" at the same time and blow out the candles. Everyone cheers and claps. "You two are getting so old!" Sonya says and pinches their checks. "Sonya, move away from the children." Brit says and pulls her back into her chair. "But it's true! Look how big they are!" Anna says and the boys groan. "Can I cut the cake yet?" Val asks and hold up a massive knife. "That's ma boy!" Alex says and ruffles his hair. "Yes Alex, encourage our children to use the biggest knives possible." I say sarcastically with a wide smile. "Okay, I'm cutting it now." Val says and slices into the cake. "OPPA!" Luci yells and everyone laughs. God the family is getting massive. Me, Gabriel, Castiel, Michael, Balthazar, Anna, Lucifer, Sam, Dean, Charlie, Alex, Sonya, and now Valentine and Riley. Jeez, if it get any bigger we'll have an army like heavens. "Okay, random thought, what did father have with the el's when he was naming us? Like seriously, GabriEL, MichaEL, UriEL, CastiEL, RaphaEL, seriously dad." (A/N: Okay me and my friend had a conversation about this and I thought it was hilarious.) I say sarcastically and glance to the sky. "Well fuck me for being uncreative." Chuck says from behind and everyone turns. "Uhhhh, mum. Who's that?" Riley asks, moving to stand just behind me. "Hey, grandpa!" Val says and skips over to him. "Hey, Valentine. Did you guys get my card?" He says with a laugh and give Val a hug. "I'll ask again, who is that?" Riley asks and looks around. "That there, kiddo, is our father." Gabriel says. "Who art in heaven." I cough out. "Oh, shut up, Raven." Dad says and I laugh as I walk over and give him a hug. "I missed you dad." I whisper and pull away. "Yo, Chuck! Whats up?" Dean says and Chuck smiles. "Hey, Dean. Sam. Alex. Sonya. Castiel. Gabriel. Lucifer. Michael. Anna. Balthazar. And my two favourite grand children!" He says and ruffles Val's hair. "It's okay, Riley. Come say hello!" Alex says and Riley walks over. "Riley, don't be scared. For serious, this is God." Valentine says and Riley holds a hand out. "Please. I may be god but unlike some of children," He says and looks at Michael and Castiel. "I don't have a stick up my ass." Dad pulls Riles into a hug. "Hey! That stick was removed long ago." Cas says in a huff and crosses his arms. "Yeah, what Cas said!" Mike says and puts an arm around Cas' shoulders. "Nope!" Luci screeches and tackles Michael to the floor. "Lucifer, get off you brother." Chuck says and the pair groan. "Well when you put it like that," Luci say and sits up. "Then it just sounds wrong." Michael finishes and runs his head where it hit the floor. "That's cause," Anna starts. "IT IS WRONG!" Pretty much everyone yells. "Hey, if the devil wants to fall in love with his archangel brother, the who are we to stab in the way?" I say and move to stand protectively over my brothers. "She has a point." Chuck says and everyone groans. "Shut up, will you? Let them eat cake!" Val yells and flings a chunk of cake at Gabriel's head. "You little punk," Gabe says and turn to the twin. "Your gonna get it now." Balthazar says and Gabriel throws cake at him instead. "Oh no you didn't!" He says and stands angrily. "Dean, I think we may new more cake. Also, please excuse me." Cas says and dives into the fight, flinging cake at those not already coated. "Castiel! Stop it!" Anna screeches and hides behind Charlie. "Valentine! Duck!" Riley yells and Val ducks just in time for a piece of cake it hit my face full force. "You little-" I start but I'm cut off by another piece of the cake shoved into my mouth. "Alex!" I squeal out and he grins. "Sorry babe!" He says and I growl. "Sick em boys." I say to the waiting twins. They from evilly and dive at their father, smearing cake over his face and hair. "For a minute I though you might be Crowley." Sam says and I use my mojo to slap his face with a piece of whatever cake is left over. "Haha! No more cake and I'm still clean!" Dean cries and I turn to the others. "Plan B!" I yell the angels attack Dean in a cakey, messed up, family bear hug. "You know this is all your fault, right Valentine?" Riley asks and Val chuckles maniacally. "Of course I do. What? I was bored." He says and sits up, dragging his twin with him. "You're always bored, Sherlock." Riley sad and Val scoffs. "Of course I am! I have you for a twin!" He retorts and Riley shoulders him jokingly. "Is it weird that I ship them together so hard?" Charlie asks from the couch. "What the hell, Charlie! Those are my children!" Alex yells and disentangles himself from the pile. I slowly pry myself out as well and help the other peel cakey limbs from around other people. "So what now?" Sonya asks from next to Charlie. "We clean up?" Sam suggest and I snap my fingers. Next thing you know, the room is clean. "Or not." Balthazar says and straightens his shirt. "We should clean ourselves up. I'm going to take a shower. But there's only a few so we should pair off. Alex?" I say and take his hand. "Anytime." He says and we head to the washroom to get cleaned up. After a nice shower, we towel off and head to our room to get some clean clothes. "So, you think the boys had a nice day?" I ask as I slip on the iconic black dress. "I think so. You know, Charlie had a point when she said the boys are cute together." He says and I slap his bare shoulder. "Alex!" I whisper yell, trying to hide my giggles. "What~?" He ask and I bombard his shoulder with little punches. "It's not like it's not okay, I mean look at Lucifer and Michael." He says and I sigh. "I know, it's just, their our kids! We shouldn't ship them! Anyway, that's Charlie's thing." I say and let him put a t-shirt on. "I know. I wonder where Chuck went. After Gabe throw that piece of cake I didn't see him." Alex says and I take his hand. "Probably didn't want to get in the way of another angel food fight." I say and we walk into the living room. "Another?" He asks and I giggle. "I haven't told you that story yet? It's was maybe a six and a half millennium ago." I say and pull him gently into the seat next to me. "Me and Gabriel were chilling out in a restaurant up in heaven, as you do, when suddenly Michael stormed in all pissy and flung himself into the booth next to me, complaining about something or other, I can't remember, but not to long after Lucifer joined us. He was bugging Michael about something and Michael just started to throw fries at him. Now, me and Gabriel say this as an opportunity to start something awesome, so we started to fuel the flame. It was really great actually. We all need up throwing food around and they actually had to send Castiel, Anna, and Balthazar to stop us. Clearly that didn't work, seeing as we all ended up covered from head to toe in crappy diner food. Dad was pretty pissed, but he was nice and let us off with a warning. To this day that's one of my fondest memories of heaven. When Lucifer was still around and everyone was happy. The golden days. I really miss those days sometimes. After Lucifer fell, he was pissed that I didn't come with him. Our close knit, amazing relationship was destroyed. It took two millennium to finally gain his trust again. To this day I still think he resents me at least a little for not joining him. I know I still feel guilty at night when ever I relive my memories for not trying to stop Michael." The memory started out really excited but that excitement quickly faded away to sadness as I finished. I wipe a tear away and sniffle. "Why? You shouldn't feel guilty, it wasn't your fault, Raven." Luci says from next to me and nearly I jump out of my skin. "Luci? Jeez, don't scare me like that!" I say and wipe frantically at my eyes. "I remember that! We were having such a calm, chilled out lunch until Michael ruined!" Gabriel laughs out and plops down onto the already stuffed couch. "I tried to hard to stop that. Balt wasn't much of a help either. I swear it's like he wanted to egg you guys on." Anna complains and Brit laughs. "That's cause I did!" He says and rubs my hair. "That's one of my favourite memories. Ahhhhh, the times we had way back when. At least we have a middle ground now, right?" Cas asks and joins us in the living room. "Yeah. A place where we can see each other. You know, I think Luci was bugging me cause he found out that I was secretly planning to turn the entity of heaven into a rainbow to come out. Gosh, back then I was such a dork." Michael says and sits in Luci's lap with a shiver. "Oh yeah! I remember that! I found out you weren't straight and I was teasing you! Sorry about that, just by the way." Lucifer says and Mike just smiles. "Do you guys remember that time we played poker with Mosses? Damn he was a hard bargainer." Gabe says and Luci coughs. "I think that was after I fell." I say quietly and we all fall silent. "You know, there's really no reason you couldn't come back. I mean, Crowley can deal with hell. You should come home, Luci. I miss you up there." Michael says and Luci bites his bottom lip. "Maybe if dad lets me. I don't know if he will though." He says and the other and I boo. "Of course he will ya twat!" Brit says and Gabe scoffs. "Your still his favourite!" He says and Luci chuckles. "I think it'd be nice to see you upstairs again. It's so boring with out you." Anna says and I feel the couch lighten beside me. "Alex?" I ask and he kisses my knuckles. "I'm gonna go check on the boys. You guys talk details." He says and walk away. "Okay." I say quietly and turn back to the others. "We really do miss you." Castiel says and I rest my head on Luci's shoulder. "And I'd obviously just like to see you genuinely happy again. Like that time that we raced each other from Jerusalem to heaven and back." I say and Luci chuckles. "You two were always so competitive." Anna says and I smile. "You know, maybe I will come home. You guys have my back right?" He asks and I take his hand. "Always. I'll never make that mistake again." I say and smile. "Bro, I never wanted you gone in the first place." Gabe says and takes my other hand. "Of course! I wasn't with you before and I've never really forgiven myself." Anna says and takes Gabes hand. "You have my word brother." Balt says and takes Anna's hand. "What else do I have to lose? Anyway, another person up there wouldn't be so bad." Cas says and takes Anna's hand. "Your the love of my eternal life. I will always have your back. It killed me inside to have to banish you the first time. But now, I know you belong with us. Not with them." Michael says and takes both Lucifers and Castiel's outstretched hands. "I've never felt more loved." Luci says and sniffles. "You've never been more loved. From now on, we're going to be a part of each other's lives wether you like it or not." I say, smiling fondly at my brothers and sister. "We've got your back to Uncle Luci!" Riley says and Valentine place a soothing hand on Lucifers shoulder. "Anyway, you still have to teach me about lightening like you promised." He says and Lucifer laughs through the tears. "Well, looks like I'm coming home." Luci says and we all fall into a lovely dovey, angelic, dog pile/group hug. I can't wait to see Luci back up in heaven where he's meant to be.

(A/N: I'm really sorry about this but there's only going to be one more chapter after this. I have school starting soon and I think that this story is long enough. So hold your asses cause here we goes nothing.)

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