Chapter 9

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Five days later, everyone is final happy again. We still miss Anele, but we've learned its okay to let go. Right now we're stand out side. Cas, Gabriel, and Michael are trying to teach me to fly. Anna, Lucifer, and Balthazar are sitting on the side lines to help give pointers. "Okay, first things first, wings. Out." Gabriel says and I shrug of my sweater. I'm wearing a black plain backless shirt and some comfy sweats. I slowly let my wings expand, I'm not quiet used to the length yet. "Damn those are nice." Anna says admiring the glitter. "I know right?" I say and watch as I turn the around in the bright spring sun. "Raven! Focus!" Cas says and I snap back to attention. "I'm going to be in the air with you today." Cas says and takes off his trench coat. He loosens his tie an shrugs off my shirt. Dean wolf whistles from inside but Cas just bitch faces him, with a discrete wink. Cas lets his giant mat black wings out. "Holy-" He says as he stretches them out. "Jealous!" Anna says and I turn to her. "There nothing stoping you all from taking out yours. I'd love to see them." I say flapping my wings slightly in excitement. "Oh thank father!" Anna says and let's her wings out. "That feels so good!" She says and sighs. "Awww! Yours are pink?" I ask in jealously. "Sweetie, I wish I had black. Pink is a pain in the ass to clean." She says and Charlie yells something from inside. "Thanks Babe!" Anna yells back and cracks her wings a little. Gabe takes off his jacket and let's his golden wings out. "Your right. That feels amazing." He says. "Golden! So cool! Look how little they are!" I say and he laughs. Slowly Michael take off his shirt and jacket and allows his wings some freedom. "Oh my word. That's very pleasing." He says. "I love the bright white!" I say and he smiles proudly. "I want in!" Brit yells and his come out full force. "The brown is pretty!" I say and he bows. "Lucifer?" I ask but he shakes his head. "Luci, no one will judge you based on l look." I say and sit next to him. "I know. But... I don't know." He says and I smile. "Hey, it's okay. I'm sure no matter what they look like they're beautiful." I say and he shakes his head. "Fine. But only because it's what you want." He says and stand. Slowly and almost shyly he lets his wings fluff out. Their red, but they're singed and a little beat up. "I told you they would be beautiful." I say and he shakes his head. "They're not beautiful. They're ruined." He says and looks at the sadly. "No they're not. They're perfect just the way they are." I say and he smiles. "It does feel good." He says with a laugh and I nod. "Okay, Raven, back to the lesson." Cas says. "What do I do?" I ask. "Just copy me." Cas says and darts to flap them slowly at first but eventually he gains speed and I flatter a bit. "It's okay. Keep trying." He says and I nod. Eventually I figure out what I'm doing and I decide to try something. "Be back in a jiffy!" I say then leap nine feet in the air. I let my wings catch the air and I start to flap them like Cas taught. Eventually I'm way up high in the air. I smile as I twirl and soar high above the trees. Even from here I can see Gabriel smile as he crouched low and takes of after me. "Nice to see you here." I say to him and he laughs. "Everyone's cheering for you. Good job!" He says and I bow. I fall a little but quickly regain control. "I'm not the best." I admit but Gabe smiles all the same. "Now one is their first try." He says and I sigh happily. "Lets get the other snooty pusses up here." I say and fly lower to the group. "Come on! It's awesome up here!" I say and flip in the air. "It's been a while." Michael says but I blow a raspberry at him and I swoop down. I slap his ass and yell "Tag!" Then I fly back up to where he can't grab me. "You little- I'm coming!" He yells at me and I laugh. "Anna! Brit! Cas! Lucifer! Guys! Help me!" I yell and Brit grabs Anna's hand and drags her up with him. Cas sighs and shoots up like a bullet after the five of us. We're all flying high and laughing when I notice that Lucifer is just sitting down on the ground. I start to fly towards the ground, but since I'm new to this, I trip over my feet and face plant. I stand up and spit some dirt out of my mouth. "I'm okay!" I yell and Lucifer chuckles a little. "Why aren't you up there with us?" I ask sitting down next to him. "I haven't flown since the day I fell. I don't think I could." He says and looks at his singed wings. "I'm sure you could! Just cause the wings of a plane are a little singed, doesn't me it can't fly!" I say and pull him to his feet. "Besides, all you need is faith, trust, and pixie dust!" I say blow on my hand, which surprisingly has glitter in it. Lucifer sputters and try's to wipe the glitter off but it only makes it worse. "Where did you even get the glitter from?" He asks attempting to get it out of his eyes. "I don't even know." I say and take his hand. I start to fly up a little off the ground. "I already told you I can't." He says sadly. "Well how do you know you can't if you've never tried?" I ask and fly a little higher. Eventually when his feet are off the ground he reluctantly starts to flap his wings. He eventually he makes his way to my hight. "See! I told you you could do it!" I say and drag him up higher. "Look who decided to join us!" I say and everyone turns to see me and Lucifer flying up to them. "Luci! Why are you covered in glitter?" Anna asks confused. "I was at a strip club. I don't know ask Raven." He says sarcastically and I smile. "PIXIE DUST!" I yell then start to spin. I bring my wings in close and then fling the open wide. "Raven!" Balthazar says shaking a little. Everyone covered in glitter and I laugh. "Well, she can creat things at will. At least we know her powers are starting to arrive." Cas says shaking some glitter out of his hair. Everyone hums in agreement. "Holy shit Lucifer is flying!" Michael yells when it finally dawns on him. "Oh my father! Your right!" Cas says excitedly. "Raven! What did you do?" Brit asks and I shrug. "I told him he was a plane, then blew glitter in his face, then dragged him up here." I say proudly. "Luci! This is amazing!" Anna says and claps. Out of no where the sky starts to darken. "Uh, guys..." I say and a single rain drop hits my forehead. "Uh oh. We should go." Lucifer says and everyone nods. We all descend and touch down, but I again trip and face plant into Cas who yelps, and grabs onto Brit, who pulls Anna down with all of us. Gabriel laughs at us as the rain starts to pour down. Gabe yelps as I leap up and drag him down into the mud with us. Michael and Lucifer are running to the door to get inside. I look at all the others in the mud. We all nod and run after them, dragging them down with us. "No! No, not the wings!" Michael yells as he falls back first into the mud. I laugh and throw some mud Brit who gasps and laughs. We start fighting and wrestling around in the mud. Were laughing and have a great time when Sam and Dean come outside. "I never, ever thought that an angel would act like these ones do." Sam says and shakes his head a little. "Come on you seven! Let's go get you cleaned up!" Dean yells and we all awe. "Come on." Dean says and we all stand up and shake off as best we can. We all smile and push each other around a little as we walk inside. "I'm going to get a shower while I still can." I say and head into the bathroom next to my room. "Raven! What did you do?" Alex asks as I pass my room. "Me? Oh, I started a mud fighting/wrestling ring in the back yard!" I say happily and skip into the bath room. I shower quickly and wrap a towel around my shoulders. I walk back into my room where Alex is sitting on my bed reading one of my magazines. "How do girls read this stuff?" He asks me and I laugh a little. "I don't know. I get them for the quizzes." I say and plop down next to him. I look at the page he's on and scrunch up my nose. "Ew, that is not nice at all." I say and point at one of the models. "I'd kill to see you wearing that." Alex says and points to a photo of a massive, bright red, fur coat. "Oh god, never!" I say and cover my face with my hands. Alex laughs and pulls my hands away from my face. He smiles, then gently places his lips on mine. I smile and wrap my arms around his neck. He snakes his arms around my waist and I rest our foreheads together. "We have to go to school tomorrow." He says and I groan. "I know baby girl. I don't want to either, but you really want your degree right?" He says and brushes some hair from my face. "Yes... But I don't want their sympathy. We just started to move on, and now their gonna bring it back up." I whine and Alex nods. "I Ray, but we have to get through this. We can do it together." He says and laces his fingers through mine. I sigh and smile. "At least you'll be there." I say and kiss him. I get up and grab some pjs. I go to the bathroom but the door is locked. I groan but turn and stomp back to my room. "Some ones in there." I say and put my shirt on over the towel. I put the shorts on under neath the towel then just throw the thing in the hamper. I flop down on the bed, but my hair hates me so it just goes crazy and covers my face. I try to spit it out of my mouth, but it does nothing. Alex chuckles and brushes it out of face. "I love you, Raven." He says and I smile. "I love you too, Alex." I say and pull him down into a loving, gentle kiss. He pulls away and we crawl under the covers. I curl up into him and just start to talk. "I can't see myself without you. I can see us in the future with kids running around us, and still living here with the family. I don't think I could bare to leave this place." I say and smile at the happy thoughts. "I can see you and me staying together for the rest of our lives. I couldn't leave this place either. Its been as much a home to me as it has you." He says and I nod. "It's settled we'll live here forever. I think that our future kids will love this place. There's so much space here for them to run around an play." I says wistfully. I can feel the smile on Alex's face as he kisses the top if my head. That night for the first time in a long time, I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

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