Chapter 4

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Lucifer and I climb into the impala, which Dean said I could use, and I drive us to school. "Oh my god! Lucifer! Did you see what you did to Michael? Holy carp dude!" I say and punch him lightly in the shoulder. (A/N: Yes. I meant carp. Like the fish.) "Oh shut up. It was probably you." He says sheepishly. His face is a shade of crimson I didn't even know possible. "Who would like this?" I say gesturing to myself. ----Time skip---- "Hey Raven, banging outfit!" One of the random boys at my school calls out. "Right back at you Kev!" I say and wink at him. Lucifer raises an eyebrow at me. "What?" I ask confused. I roll my eyes and lead him to my locker. "Hey Raven! Who," My good friend Anele says eying up Lucifer. "Is this?" Lucifer blushes and looks down at the ground. "This is my twin brother Lucifer." I say and sling a comforting arm over his shoulder. "Nice. Damn boy, how has no one passed out yet?" She says eying him again. Poor Luci scuffs his shoes awkwardly. "Anele, we'll meet you in class." I say and brush past her with a warm smile. "I'm sorry Luc. She's a lot to handle sometimes. Are you okay?" I ask him. "Im okay. It's just, non of these people know what I've done. I can't help but feel like I'm taking advantage of them." He says sadly. "Luci. That's behind you know. Come on. I'm right here anyway. Let yourself go. Loosen up." I say shaking my arms and legs like an idiot. Lucifer giggles and I smile happily. "Just don't... you know, kill anyone." I say. He nods smiling. "Okay. Let's go get my stuff and head to my psych class." I say and drag him behind me. We pass a couple of people who whistle our way. Eventually, Luci loosens up and just goes with it. We get to my class early and sit in the back. Anele and Alex gone us. "Hey babe." I say and give Alex a quick kiss. "Hey. Hey Lucifer." He says with a smile. "Hey Alex." Lucifer says with a small smile. Alex and Anele continue there heated conversation about something or other. "What? What's wrong with Alex?" I say and Lucifer shrugs. "Well your the first one I told I was bi right? And how I said that I lean more toward guys?" He asks and I nod. "Well, your boyfriend is hot." He says leaning back in his chair. "I can't tell whether to agree with you or be angry. I'm cool with you thinking that just don't kiss him. But please, by all means flirt with him." I say and smile mischievously. "Wait, really?" Lucifer asks. I nod and he pulls a fist bump as Dr.Howard walks in. "Good miring class. Now. First things first. I have a huge ass hangover. So please be quiet. I'm going to work on, 'grading papers'. Which you know means sleep. You guys read chapter 4-10. Talk quietly amongst yourselves." He says and sit down at his desk. "Damn. I love your teacher." Lucifer whispers. "Dr.Howard is actually a really good teacher. But he's having problems with is wife." I say and open my book. I set it so we can share. We read the chapters together making comments and talking quietly about anything that comes to mind. The bell rings and Dr.Howard groans out "Class dismissed." I stand and pack up my bag. "What now?" Lucifer asks and I crack my back. "Now we have lunch with Alex and Anele." I says and turn to them. "Hey guys. Ready for lunch?" I ask happily. "Obviously. Are we going to show Lucifer our spot?" Alex asks. I turn to him leaning awkwardly on the desk as Anele practically sits in his lap. "Well in not leaving him alone here. Anele! Get off my brother! He's not interested!" I say and she glares at me. I gesture for Lucifer to come stand by me, which he does. "Anele. Your a very nice and pretty girl, but..." Lucifer says trailing off. "But what?" Anele asks. "I'm into someone else. I'm really sorry." He says hiding behind me slightly. "Ohhhhhh. Okay!" Anele says happily. Probably because she knows that it wasn't her. "Ready for lunch?" I ask and everyone nods. "The lets go!" I pull Alex along by the hand, Lucifer following behind, and Anele trading behind flirting with anything that moves. We stop at all our lockers to get food. Once food is gotten we lead Lucifer out of the school. "Where are we going?" Luci asks. "Be quiet. We don't want people following us." Alex says and leads us to a small entrance to a hidden path in the forest. Alex ushers us in and makes sure no one followed us. We follow the long path in silence. We all stop and Lucifer looks confused. "Were almost there but you need to swear never to tell anyone about this. This has been our secret spot for two years." Anele says seriously. "I swear." Lucifer says and I nod to the other two. Alex and Anele nod back and we continue. We get there finally and Luci gasps. "This is beautiful. How did you find it?" He asks astonished. "Long story. Sit and I'll explain." I says walking over to a huge rock outcropping. We're in a large clearing, with a bunch of rock piled at one side. Surrounded by tall trees, the light comes down in tangible shafts. A river runs opposite the rocks. We followed it once and it lead to a mirror still pond/lake. It's beautiful. The river sparkles like diamonds as the light shines on it. Our marry band of four walks over to the smooths, flawless rocks and sits. "As freshmen here, I was bullied. Like everyday I was tormented to the point where I almost killed myself. Same goes for Alex and Anele. One day, I got fed up and ran to the woods. Alex followed me to make sure I was okay. I ran for a while then tripped over one of these roots. From there I honestly just lied on the ground and cried. When I got up, I found myself here with Alex. It's been our spot ever since." I say looking at Alex with a blush. "You never told me you got bullied. You never showed me." Lucifers says. "I use what little magic Cassie taught me to make to hide them." I say holding up my arms. I blow on them slightly and a glittering powder falls off, revealing the scars. Some are just straight cuts but most are words that I carved into my forearm. "Raven..." Lucifer says. Stupid. Bitch. Worthless. Disgusting. Just some of the horrible words that will haunt me forever. Lucifer covers his mouth with his hands as tears fall from his broken eyes. "It's all my fault. I felt you hurting, but I didn't do anything cause I thought that Cas would know. I should have done something. Anything. I'm so sorry. Raven, it's all my fault." He says breathlessly. More tears fall from his eyes. "Lucifer. Listen to me. It's not your fault. This, is not your fault." I say gesturing to my arms. I pull him into a hug and we cry on each other's shoulders. "I've missed you so much." Lucifer says pulling back and wiping at his red eyes. "I know. I wish things would have stayed clam longer but apparently dad doesn't like us very much." I say pointing between us. Lucifer chuckles menacingly. "It's not you he hates." I grab his hands in mine and look at him. "He does not hate you." I say and Luci nods sadly. "I know he loves me. He just loves them more." He says sadly. "So. Do you two want to eat or what?" Anele says bluntly. I laugh and nod. "I'm just so... drained and tired." Balling my fists up then un-balling them. "I got that way when my first task was-" Lucifer starts but stops. We make eye contact. "Shit! Right no-" I start but then everything blacks out. Blackness. Then I'm being pulled out of the forest. Blackness. I'm in the back seat of the impala with my head resting on something. Blackness. I'm in my bed at home. Blackness. Then nothing. My eyes flicker open and I try to focus but I have a massive head ache. I whine in pain. I pinch my eyes shut. Ow, ow, ow. What the f***? Why does my head hurt so much? "Raven?" Michael asks. "Yeah. I'm here." I say and open my eyes again. Everyone in my family is standing in front of me. "Hey guys! Anna! Brit! When did you two get here?" I ask excitedly. "A little while ago. Were here for you, Raven." Balthazar says. I smile, but that soon turns into a grimace. "Ow. Why does my head hurt?" I ask. "Your hit your head on a rock when you fell. It'll get better." Cas says and I smile weakly at him. "Hurts like a bitch." I say and Dean smiles. "I forgot why I like you so much." He says and I cock an eyebrow at him. "Why is that?" I ask and he chuckles. "Even though your lying in a bed, probably with a major head wound, and in the face of the most important task you'll ever complete, you still have a sense of humour." I laugh lightly, then out of no where, I black out again. Dream: I'm standing in a black room. My wings spread to thief full potential. "Raven. Ahhh, my pride." His voice fills my head. "Dad? Father is that you?" I ask out stepping forward. "It is dear. I'm here to give you your task. Listen to me. This will not be easy. You and Michael, my right and left. The ying and yang of heaven. Death and Life." He says and I stop walking. "Wait, death and life?" I ask confused. "As you know, our previous death has died. You were supposed to be the angel of humanity, but after careful consideration, I decide you will be the next angel of death." He says and I fall to my knees. "Father, why me? You have thousands of other angels to chose from." I ask him confused. "You are perfect for the job. You've help Castile, Sam, and Dean on hunts so you can kill. Plus it'll give you a chance to work with Lucifer. I know you miss him, I do too." He try's to explain. "I'm still confused father." I say and he chuckles. "You won't be soon my pet. Your task will not be an easy one. As the angel of death, your task is to kill either three civilians, or one person you are friends with or love." He says and I stand. "No! Father you can't! Dad please no!" I say but it's too late. "Good bye, Raven. I am truly sorry." He says. "No!" I scream as I sit up in my bed breathing heavily. "She got her task!" Anna say excitedly. I look up at her in horror and the smile falls off her face. "What? What's wrong? Raven talk to me." Cas says and sits next to me. "Dad. He-he talked to me. He I wasn't supposed to be his right hand man. He said that Michael was the angel of life, and that he carefully chose me to be the new angel of death after the original died. He said my task was to kill four civilians or a friend/ loved one." I say and look at everyone. I'm breathing heavily and I can feel the tears before they come. "I can't kill anyone. I was supposed to be the angel of humanity for Christ's sake." I say and feel the tears roll down my cheeks. Cas wraps his arms around me and I cry into his hair. This is not going to be easy.

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