Chapter 19

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(A/N: Like I warned in the last chapter I'm going to be doing some big time skips to the next big plot point. Which is... well, you'll find out. TALLY-HO!)

"Oh my gosh! I'm so excited!" Lucifer says from the back seat of baby. "I know! This is so awesome!" I say and I squeal a little. "Girls, calm down, it's only a hunt." Dean says from the front seat of baby. "Not just any hunt! We're hunting a possible new chance for Achoo to show case his new talents!" I state and Dean scoffs. "New chance? We're hunting a some freaky ghost who's murdering people like classic nursery rhymes. How is that a good opportunity for our little puppy? Why are we brining the dog anyway? He only just learned how to follow our instructions." Sam says. Sam really has grown to adore the big puppy. "He needs the experience, don't you baby?" I ask the puppy in my lap. Since the day Alex proposed it's been two months and the little puppy has been growing non stop. He's a tough ass puppy, actually. Dean, Sam, Alex, and I have been working really hard to train him so he'll follow our commands. We've been so excited for this hunt because we get to try it all out. "Yeah, just trust him! He's smarter then you think he is." Luci says and I nod. Alex couldn't come on this hunt. He had to go home to his family for spring break. So, we had nothing to do and we found this hunt. Nothing like a ghost hunt to bring our family together. In baby currently is Dean who's driving, Sam in shot gun, and stuffed into the back is Cas, Lucifer, and Me. The other angels are flying. "Cas, what do you think?" I ask and turn to him. "Well, um, I think that Achoo will help on this one and that he does need a chance to prove himself, but I don't know if this I the specific hunt to do it on." He say nervously but Achoo just licks his face and barks. "Yes, hello puppy." Cas laughs out. I smile and move the puppy to get a better angle. "Raven! Stop! The dog is licking me Dean! Help me!" He says and I laugh as I move Achoo away from his face. Cas scowls at me and I snicker. "Gosh, I'm having an effect on you, aren't I? Is this a good or bad thing?" Lucifer asks as I turn to him. "Oh, this is a very good thing." I say and Cas shakes his head. The rest of the drive had the same fun atmosphere and we crack jokes and listen to the radio 'singing'
(A/N: More like screeching) along to the lyrics. We reach the motel in Indiana by around 2 am. Three are asleep at this point. Sam is cuddling Achoo close to his chest, Lucifer has his head in my lap, and Cas' legs are intertwined with mine and his head is on my shoulder. Dean and I are the only ones awake. "You know Dean, you and Cas are getting pretty serious. And I just want you to know that if you ever want a child, I'd be willing to carry it for you." I say and he turns around. "Thanks, Rave. That means a lot." He says and I smile. "Now, do you want me to zap the assholes inside or not?" I ask and Dean laughs. "Can I take a photo?" He asks and I laugh quietly while I nod. "The others will want to see this." Dean climbs out of the car and presses his camera to the windshield. I make a stupid face and he snaps the photo. "Here." He says and hands me the phone. "Oh, this is so perfect for black mail. Plus you got little Samantha in it too." I say and Dean nods proudly. "Okay, I'm tired and I'm gonna zap them now." I say and press to fingers to Lucifer's head and two to Cas' head. I focus and the next thing I know, we're sitting on a bed in the motel room. I huddle them down into the bed and walk out to get Sam. "Oh, hey guys." I say to the others who just showed up. "We got two rooms this time so you guys get the one next door." I say and hand them the keys. "Dean! Show them the photo!" I say and Dean jogs over. He pulls out his phone and shows the guys the photo. "Can you send me that?" Gabe asks and we all laugh. "We can send it to all of you." I say as I walk to baby and pick up a sleeping Achoo. His eyes flutter open but I shush him and he falls back asleep. "Okay Sam. I'm sorry in advance." I say to his sleeping body. I press two fingers to his fore head and we appear in the motel room. I place Achoo gently on the floor next to him and walk back outside. "What you his talking about?" I ask and Michael looks up. "We were saying that you've been getting really good at all this magic... mojo stuff lately." He says with a proud smile. "Thanks." I say simply and yawn. "I'm really tired so I'll talk to you guys in the morning." I smile and wave as I walk back inside. My retreating back ways followed by some 'Byes' and a few 'Nights' as I close the door and flop down onto the cot we order for the room. I fall asleep immediately. In my dream I'm flying through the night sky with a huge falcon beside me. Like, enormous. It's brown feather seem to be struggling to contain the rippling muscles beneath. It's massive wing span shrouds the ground in shadow as we fly together. Massive razor sharp talons gleam in the light of the full moon, yet strangely I'm not afraid of the huge beast. It turns to me and screeches loudly at me and I wake up to a horrible piercing noise. I cover my ears and tuck my head in between my knees. Lucifer sits straight up and gasps at the sight of what the sound is doing to me. Cas whimpers from underneath the pillow and we writhe in pain. "Help! Dean! Sam!" I yell out through gritted teeth. The sound is all I can think about. It's eating away at my brain, consuming all thoughts about.... anything other then the screeching. "Raven! Cas! Guys, what's happening?" Sam asks sitting up in bed. I would've laughed at his bed head if my mind weren't consumed with the keening whaling noise. "Noise. Hurts. Check. Other room." I manage to get out and before I fall off the couch. Sam leaps out of bed and riches next door. "Dean! H-Help me! Help us!" Cas yells as I claw furiously at the ground. Dean twitches and sits up. "Guys? Guys! What's wrong?" Dean asks and a small moan of pain escapes my lips. "It hurts. Make it stop. Make it stop! Make it stop!" Cas yells and I cling my fists into my hair and pull. I ground my teeth, gnaw on the inside of my check, bang my head on the floor, anything to help take my mind off the noise. "Dean! Get over here and help me!" Sam yells as he burst threw the door carrying Gabriel in his arms. Gabe is twitching violently and murmuring something nonsensical about pain. Sam gently lays Gabe onto the bed and runs back into the other room. "Cas, Luci, wh-what's happening?" I stutter out and grind my teeth down onto my tongue. "I don't know." Cas yells back and I feel something drip into my mouth. I can taste the saltiness and know immediately that it's blood. What? I went through a... murderous faze. Sam and Dean come back in with Anna and Balthazar. Michael is clutching his head and stumbling in behind them. "You let him walk? That's not okay guys." Luci say and the blood drips a little harder at the strain it takes to stay conscious. "Raven, you bleeding really badly." Sam says and rushes to my side. "You think I don't know this? It's dripping down my throat and I'm chocking on it." I snarl angrily and I see the hurt flash in his eyes. "Sam, I didn't mean that directed at y-" I say but I'm cut off by the fact the my body tries to expel my lungs from my chest. Blood spews out of my mouth and all over Sam. "Sam, I'm so sor-" I say but then I start to choke on the cursed stuff. Sam rolls me over and holds me as I cough blood onto the floor. Achoo is howling at the screaming and I can't figure out where it's coming from and in so disoriented I think it might be aiming from me but the I remember that there blood coming out of my mouth. I sputter a little and take in a breath. Both mine and Sam's shirts are ruined and I look at him apologetically. But the moment is ruined as more blood drips into my throat. All I can taste is blood, all I can hear is the noise that won't let up. Then, out of no where, it stops. Just like that. My ears ring after and white was staring to surround my vision. "Luci? Michael? Anna? Cas? Brit? Gabe? Are you guys okay?" I ask and stand shakily. As soon as I get to my feet, I fall to my knees and vomit all over the floor. I clutch my stomach as the red liquid falls out of me. It's mostly the blood I've ingested but there's some plain stomach acid too. "God I forgot why I hate doing that." I say as I wipe my mouth. I feel it coming again and turn to poor Sammy who I've probably put through hell. "Could you hold my hair?" I ask but I vomit again too soon for him to help. "Okay, I think I'm good now. Not gonna stand again though." I say and I drag my body around the couch to survey the damage. Gabe is still murmuring on the bed but his nose is bleeding too. In fact all of the angels have blood dripping from their noses. Michael is just clutching his head. Anna is looking into the distance, ears covered by frantic hands. Dean is cradling Cas who was screaming. Lucifer is whimpering in the corner looking at his brothers and sisters in this state and being able to do nothing to help. Brit has tears mixed in with the blood on his face. "Guys?" I ask and everyone looks at me. "What was that? Anything that has the power to do that to an angel... what was that?" I ask and Sam rubs my back. "Go to Gabe." I say quietly and he looks at poor Gabriel rocking back and forth on the bed. "I have no idea." Cas says and I nod. I stand extremely slowly and waddle carefully to the bathroom. I have thick claw marks from my nails on either side of my face, which is probably where all the blood came from. I try to turn the water on but my hands are too slick with blood and puke so I walk back out and sit on the floor next to Anna. "Shhhhh. It's okay Anna." I say quietly as I gently move her hands from her ears. "Oh father, Raven." She says and covers her mouth in horror. I'm cover in my own bodily fluids, a.k.a. snot, blood, vomit, tears, etc. She tentatively touches the claw marks and I wince. She retracts her hand like she burned me. I crawl into the centre of the room and slowly, one by one, the other angels haul themselves to me. "Guys, whatever that ways, it's was extremely powerful and by extent, very dangerous." Michael says and I nod, wiping at my mouth. "I feel like a fool." Anna says and puts her head in her hands. "Hey, your not the only one." Brit says and puts a hand on Ann's shoulder. "We all feel like fools." Lucifer says and smiles weakly looking around. "We look the part." I say and smile. "I feel so bad for Sam. He came over to help me and then I bad mouthed him then I totally coughed blood all over him." I send him an apologetic look. His shirt is in the sink as he scrubs vigorously at it trying to get the blood out. He bitch faces me and I smile apologetically. I turn back to the group and a look at my ruined shirt. "I liked this shirt." I say and sigh. "So did I." Anna says and I chuckle lightly. "What do you think that was?" Cas says, extremely confused. "What ever it was, I don't think it likes us." Gabe says and I nod. "Or maybe it does." I say as the clock work turns in my head. Michael gulps and looks at the door, which he locks with magic. "Yeah, but it incapacitated six angels. What was it?"

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