Chapter 26

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"Fuck, fuckitty, fuck, fuck." I say as I flush the toilet. "What's wrong baby girl?" Alex asks from the bed an I hold up the test. "This." I say and he leaps up. "When in hell did this happen?" He says and pulls me into a kiss. "Probably when we fucked on graduation night." I say and he nods. "We're gonna have a baby, Ray. We're gonna be parents." Alex says and I nod. "What's wrong boo?" He asks, still holding me close. "I'm fucking terrified that's what wrong." I whisper and he shakes his head. "Don't be scared sweetheart. I'm right here for you." I kiss him passionately. "I never said I wasn't happy. I'm just sacred we won't get it right." I say and throw out the stupid test. "I know. But you never get it right the first time. The first kid is always the test child." He says with a laugh. I hold my hands to his face and press my lips to his. "Mmmm. I love you." I say and he bites my lip. "I love you more." He says and I shake my head. "No you don't." ----Time skip to when their back home---- "We've called you all here today because we would like to announce something." Cas says next to Dean. "Well it's more of a question." Dean says and Cas nods turning to me. "We're were wondering if you'd be willing to carry that baby for us." The say at the same time and I spit my water every where. I look to Alex who shrugs and I nod slowly. "I'd love to Cas but your gonna have to wait a while." I say wiping my mouth. "Oh. Okay. How long?" Dean asks and I cough. "Nine months." I say and Cas give me a confused look. Then it clicks in for everyone. "HOLY SHIT IM GONNA BE AN UNCLE!" Gabriel screeches and attacks me in a hug. I laugh but hug him back tightly. "Congratulations guys!" Anna says and I smile at them all. "I was just think recently how strange this poor little persons life is gonna be. Half human, half angel. God is his grandpa. His uncles and aunt are all angels. Well, except for the ones that aren't but you get the point. Oh yeah, and his one uncle is literally fucking satan." I say. "Hey!" Michael and Lucifer yell at the same time and we all laugh. "And this, to be child, is exactly what punctuation is for. Stupid author." I say looking down at my belly. (A/N: Fuck the fourth wall.) "How old is it?" Brit asks, holding Sonya's hand. "It's about a month old. I know I should've told you sooner but with the wedding and the honey moon and then the hunt when we got back there wasn't much time." I say and Charlie squeals. "I'm so excited!" She says happily. "Can I touch it?" Lucifer asks and I nod. "We're going in for a ultrasound tomorrow I think?" Alex asks and I nod. "You know, it's hilarious because I knew at the wedding after Gabriel swore. My mind immediately told him to mind his language for 'the children' that weren't even at the wedding." I say and we all laugh. "Hey, we women now our bodies." Anna says and we all laugh harder. "Oh holy shit! It kicked me!" Lucifer says excitedly and I smile down at my belly. If you look you can slightly see it starting to show. I look around and see my happy smiling family and an enormous wave of joy washes over me. Lucifer goes and sits back down next to Michael and I smile down at the little baby growing inside me. "Soon, you'll get to be apart of all this craziness. Be prepared little Riley." I say and Alex coughs. "Riley?" He asks and I nod. "Do you not like it? We don't have to name it that its just a universal name so I thought it could work and-" Alex presses his lips to mine and I shut up. "Its beautiful." He says and I smile. "What do you guys think of Riley?" I ask everyone. "I think it's the cutest thing ever." Lucifer says and I smile. "Adorable." Michael says and I turn to Anna and Charlie who just squeal in synch. "Sam? Gabe?" I ask hopefully. "It's perfect." Sam says and Gabe lights up. "I think you should name it Gabriel Jr. Only kidding but Riley is cute too." He says and I chuckle. "Brit? Sonya? Dean? Cas?" I ask eagerly. "I think it's fucking adorable." Brit says and Sonya nods her agreement. "Riley's cute." Dean says and Cas smiles. "Name it whatever you want. I'll like it." Cas says and I smile. "Riley it is. Hello there little Riley. Welcome to the world." I say and look at the tiny bulge in my stomach. That nights goes well and I can barley wait for the next day. Me and Alex wake up early and get ready for the day. We climb into baby and head to the doctors. "Hello there! Do you have an appointment?" The lady at the desk asks and I nod. "Alex and Raven Winchester." I say and she smiles. "Doctor Paige will be with you in just one minute." She says and we sit in the uncomfortable chairs in the waiting room. "I can't believe this is happening. Baby, this is surreal." I say looking around the maternity ward of our hospital. "I know. I feel so unprepared." Alex says and I nod. "We have eight months to get prepped. Then it's game time. I hope your a good baby Riley. Please be a good baby." I say to the bulge, rubbing it. "I'm sure it will be. I'm betting girl. Fifty?" He asks and I scoff. "Deal. It feels like a boy." I say and shake his hand. "Mr. and Mrs. Winchester?" The doctor asks and we stand. "Dr.Paige?" I ask and she nods. The Doctor has sparkling hazel eyes and blonde hair that been pulled into a tight bun. She can't be older then twenty five. "Right this way." She says and we follow her to a different room. "Please lay down. You can sit sir." She says and Alex smiles. "Have you thought of a name?" She asks and I smile brightly. "Riley. We thought it was cute since it's universal." Alex says and takes my hand. "That's sweet. Let's find out shall we?" She asks and I nod. She pours some of the gel shit onto my stomach an I flinch. "Shit that's cold!" I say and she smiles. "You'd be surprised how common you sound." She says and I laugh. She then puts the ultrasound thingy on my belly and starts to move it around. "Well, there's defiantly a heart beat. I found that immediately. And it's definitely a boy. That much is obvious," She says as we look at the screen. "Ha! I told you! You owe me fifty bucks! Little baby Riley's getting some books!" I say happily and Dr.Paige smiles. "No fair! He's inside you!" Alex says and I laugh. "There one other thing. Either his heart beat is extremely irregular or..." She says and moves the thing a little bit. "Yup. It's twins." She says and my mouth drops open. "Both boys, both healthy. The one that's not Riley seems to be moving a lot. Looks like you need another name!" She says and I turn to Alex. "Oh my gosh!" I squeal and he copy's me. "Do you wanna name this one? Since I chose Riley?" I ask and Alex nods frantically. "What about we stick with your families angel name stuff. What about Valentine? Riley and Valentine Winchester?" He asks and I smile. "You remembered! Oh I love it! What do you think Dr.Paige?" I ask and she nods with a smile. "Then Valentine it is." I say and the doctor hands me a towel to dry off. I wipe the gel and give Alex a kiss. "We're gonna be parents." I say simply and he smiles. "I love you, Raven." He says and I peck his lips. " love you too, Alex." I say and we head to the front desk. "Here you go Mr. and Mrs. Winchester. Good luck with the twins." She says and I thank her before we leave with the photos. When we get into the car I look at the photos and coo. "The guys are gonna love these." I say and Alex nods. I tune on the radio and we sing along to Eye of the Tiger as we drive home. "Guys! I have the photos!" I yell into the bunker as we descend the stairs and walk to the kitchen. "Can I see!? Please please please!?" Lucifer asks and I hand him the best one of just Riley. "We want to see too!" Anna says as she and Brit sprint into the kitchen. "Look how cute it is!" Anna says and I smile. "He. Our little Riley is a boy." I say and Cas coo's. "Look at him! Awww, his hands are so tiny!" Dean says excitedly as the rest of the family hands around the photo. "Oh yeah, there's another good one." Alex says and hands them the best photo of both the twins. "Oh my fucking God! TWINS!" Charlie screeches and everyone stops moving. "Holy crap!" Michael says and everyone starts to talk excitedly. "Everyone, I'd like to introduce you to Riley and Valentine Winchester. Our newest family members." I say and Lucifer squeals excitedly. "This is great! I can't wait to be an uncle!" He say and gives me a hug. "I can't wait to be a father." Alex says and I smile. "I can't wait to be a mother. You guys will al help out right? Please don't tell me we have to do this alone." I say. "We'd never leave you. Especially now that your carrying the next generation of Winchesters." Sam says jokingly and we all chuckle. "I really hope their good babies. I hope they get along. I hope that they look like Alex." I say and kiss his check. "Baby, I hope they look like you." He says and I giggle. "I for one am super excited to be able to play with them!" Gabe says excitedly. "You know that for the first year their probably going to be really, really boring right?" I ask and he nods sadly. "But hey, after that, I think they love playing with a grown man child." I say and he sticks his tongue out at me. "Are they going to know about their angelic origins?" Cas asks and Alex and I scoff. "Well obviously. It's kinda hard to hide the fact that they are half angel." I say and Cas shrugs. "Okay. What ever you think is best." He says and I smile. "I'm going to lay down. Have questions talk to Alex." I say and head for my room. As awesome as these two are, they're horrible on the back. Thank god I've been doing yoga with Sam, Gabe, Anna, and Luci recently. My balance is a least better. I lay down on my bed and close my eyes. I imagine what my baby's will look like when they're finally born. Riley will be born first, by a minute. He has blonde hair, blue eyes and a sharp face. Valentine is born next. Black hair, brown eyes, sharp face. Both boys are beautiful and precious. They get along well in my mind. The best of friends always doing everything together, practically joined at the hip. Currently their only figments of my imagination but soon, very soon, they'll be reality. And I know I'll love them with all my heart.

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