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"There's some boys I need to jack this morning

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"There's some boys I need to jack this morning." Following beside shameek, I listened to him ramble on gripping onto the ropes of his book bag. "You gon' help me?"

"Fa'sho man, who they is?" I asked curiously with my eyebrows pulled together, walking through the school doors.

He fixes up his pants as I my eyes caught a gun peaking out before his hoodie covered it back up. "Dawg." I whispered going to the side of the locker's. "Fuck you doing bringing a gun to school?"

"What?" Meek scoffs playfully. "I ain't shooting nun in school hours, this for afterschool nigga."

"Shameek bra." Kissing my teeth, I ran a sand down my face. "It's not that serious, just talk the shit out, or even fight the shit out. You tryna end a nigga's life is crazy pawtna."

"Na, fuck that!" He spat being angry and all, i didn't know what to respond with so kept my mouth silent.

It was crazy how me and Shameek shared differences, i still don't know how the two of us have been friends for this damn long. And i find it crazy how normal he felt about killing someone, it was like he didn't care at all, maybe i don't really know meek like that, maybe his just my school friend i just play ball with.

Meek stops in his tracks bending down to the bubblers to drink some of the waters, "Water taste like shit" He huffed, wiping his mouth on his sleeve. "You going to tequila's this Friday? after our basketball game?"

I nod folding my arms together. "I told her i'm inviting you, she thinks you scary." I chuckled a little.

"Mane, that girl scared of every 'thang," He scoffs in return. "She lucky my ass give her a discount on the daily, I've been wanting to fuck her for awhile now. I got a thing for virgins."

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