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toast'd up'🦎.

Me and Saint made our way up the apartments complex while his hands were thrown over my shoulders, "This shit lowkey hurt." Saint winced in pain as we stopped on the second floor.

Ignoring the small collision that was happening two doors down, he grunts even more.

"Shut up, it doesn't even hurt that much pussy." I say leaning his back on the bricked wall checking his lip hearing him groan louder than before.

"Koji, you shut the fuck up. This shit hurt more than I expected, you shouldn't be talking." He fired back sucking his teeth. "You think it look bad?"

"Phew." I raised a brow snickering under my breath. "Your lip cut, black eye. Really nothing a little of my make up won't fix!" I spoke not taking the whole situation seriously.

"I ain't no bitch! Got me fucked up if you think I'm putting your make-up on my face." He points his hands towards me with rolled eyes. "Just glad nobody touched you, surprised you even jumped in."

"They were on your ass bro." Moving him off the wall, he laughs in return while we walked up the steps stopping in our section. "That jumping shit is not cute at all."

He sighs in relief, "Tell me about it."

"You get that amber alert earlier today?" He nods as I asked. "Did they find her yet?"

"Bra, honestly," He glances up at me in worry. "I don't even know, who even snatches muhfucker's at malls these days, I hope they found her."

"Hm." I reply lowly, twisting the door nob as the door began to creak already hearing my mothers loud sigh on the other end.

We both knew she was going to lector us, and we both knew that we weren't going to follow it or even bother listening to what she had to say to us.

Me and my brother were kind of a like, but, I was just the most hectic sibling that's gets up in trouble the most.

"Koji-" Mama stops herself from talking, gazing at Saint with concern scanning his face as her mouth fell gaped open, "What happened to your face? Koji."

"Hm?" I let Saint go as my mother held onto him firmly.

"What happened to his face?" She shook her head looking partly disappointed in me, in both of us. "Was it a fight? He fell? What? And, why didn't you guys stick together?"

"I mean I did- I jumped in and helped him."

"Oh, you did really? Huh?" I could tell my mother was being sarcastic, to the max. "Then why is his face like that and yours isn't? Now tell me that!"

"Ma, chill! What matters is that ain't nobody touched her man." She nods at his reply, I stayed quiet standing by the side getting distracted from the tv.

"Turn that up baby." Mama insisted, hurrying herself towards the couches.

Picking up the remote, I boosted up the volume getting attached to the television as the news reporter rambled on about the recent amber alert.

"Damn." Saint says, shocked and all. "Hasn't even been a day or two and she dead."

"And we got a curfew now." I added on as the two of us groaned loudly in frustration. "I was going to get my hair braided down at Shynes."

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