Dynamics (Sean/White)

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Author's note: Starting the month with Sean/White/Black miniseries. Let's see what will come out of it. 😂

Coming back to Thailand from Russia was one of the best decisions White could have made. He had enough of his father's constant pressure to work for his friend's high-class private clinic, even though he always wanted to own a small clinic to help the poor. Their arguments were getting worse each day. His father was never satisfied with anything he did. When he choose to study medicine instead of politics, his father almost flipped the table. He never told his old man the reason. In the end, that man came to accept the truth and started to plan a different path for him. After graduation White accepted a job in a public hospital, starting the fire once again. He was probably the first person who got a congratulatory slap. But he didn't mind. It was all worth it.

When the plane landed at the Bangkok airport, he was nervous. He wasn't allowed to come here for years. White enjoyed the warm sun rays caressing his face through the windows as he made his way out of the arrival area. The luggage he was pulling behind him wasn't big enough to contain all his things, and he had to leave most of them back in his father's house, but he could easily replace them later.

"You are late." The voice he longed to hear for so long echoed from the crowd. He had to search for a while to find the person. When his eyes landed on his brother, he couldn't stop tears from pouring down. He looked exactly like in the photos he sanded him. White abandoned his baggage and hurried to him, landing straight in his waiting arms.

"You are still a crybaby." His twin commented as he pushed him closer to his chest.

"I missed you, Black." He managed to choke out in between the sobs.

"I missed you too, White," Black answered, ruffling his hair.

"Let's go get your stuff before they get stolen." He added, dragging him back to his suitcase. They were holding hands all the way out of the airport building. White was enjoying the closeness that was denied to them for almost a decade, and he could feel Black's happiness too. It seemed like their connection was back. Black leads him to the waiting taxi, making him sit inside while he put his things inside the trunk.

When the car pulled onto the road among the number of cars and motorcycles, only then did White realise the difference between Thailand and Russia. He leaned his head on Black's shoulder, inhaling the mix of oil and gasoline coming from him. He will have to get used to different dynamics, and he knew it would be easier with Black by his side. 

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