Doctor (Sean/White)

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Author's note: Sean/White/Black miniseries part 8/??? Yok meets White, and White is shy. 

Black's and White's connection was unique. They could feel each other's emotions as long as they were close enough. Black was White's anchor, and White was Black's. They completed each other like two puzzle pieces. When their parents separated White was dragged by their father to Russia. The sudden split shocked White to the extent that he was out of it for nearly two weeks. He couldn't sleep or eat, and he was constantly seeking the lost bond. With his father's constant yelling and neverending nagging, he managed to get out of the horrible slump, but he never stopped missing his other half. Now that he was back, so was the connection. 

"I didn't know Black could look so cute." Yok beamed, jumping on the bed. The mattress bounced, startling White that he plastered himself on his brother.  

"Hi, I am Yok. You must be White. Black didn't tell me about you. Gram and Sean did. You are cute. Let's be friends." Yok blabbered. White snuggled closer to Black, seeking comfort. He didn't know what to think. His brother's friends were too weird. 

"Shut it, Yok. You are scaring my baby brother." Black hissed, pushing Yok as far as he could without hurting White. 

"I didn't do anything." Yok pretended to be offended. 

"You are too much," Sean spoke up. 

"He clearly doesn't appreciate being in the centre of attention." He added, and White felt like Sean could see right through him. 

"Really?" Yok asked, eying the cuddling twins like he didn't believe it. 

"Sean is right." White decided to speak. He was thinking about how to answer all the questions, but he wasn't sure until Sean unintentionally helped him out. 

"I am sorry." He added, hiding in his twin's chest. White didn't want to look vulnerable in front of Black's friends but the nightmare and the emotional rollercoaster he had to go through before coming here finally got him. 

"Enough." Gram interrupted the conversation.

"You must be hungry, White. We brought food." He pointed at the small table with his good hand. 

"How is your arm P'Gram?" White asked, peeking from over Black's shoulder. 

"Good. It hurts a little, but that's all." Gram answered with a smile.

"That's normal. The anaesthesia wore off. If the pain starts to be uncomfortable, you can take painkillers." The doctor in him kicked in.

"You are a doctor, White?" Yok asked, receiving a slight nod from him.

"That's cool." He commented, making White smile. It felt nice to hear somebody considered his life choice cool instead of being degraded every time. 

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