Status (Sean/White)

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Author's note: Part 3/??? of Sean/White/Black miniseries. No Sean today either. I swear they will meet soon. 😅

White was an early bird. When he was a child, he used to sneak out of his bed early in the morning, creep inside his brother's bedroom and crawl under the duvet to cuddle with him. Black never showed him away. He just pulled him closer and let him cling to him. It seems the habit didn't die even after the years of separation. White smiled into his twin's chest, enjoying the warmth he was emitting. It was nice to have him back. He inhaled more of Black's scent before he carefully wriggled out of his tight grip, receiving only an incoherent grumble from him. Black was always a heavy sleeper. 

White paddled through the small apartment, taking care of his morning routine as quiet as he could before he decided to explore the content of the fridge. He shouldn't be surprised to see it half empty. Black already told him he didn't know how to cook and that he was only capable of making instant noodles or rice. He picked up what looked edible enough and proceed to cook breakfast. 

"You are up already?" Black groaned, stumbling still half asleep into the kitchen. White sends him a smile and tiny nod, sipping his hot coffee while reading the news on his phone. 

"I made breakfast." He pointed at the plate lying on the kitchen counter.

"It should be still warm." He added, glancing at his brother through his glasses. He had to chuckle when his twin stormed past him, grabbed the plate with a fork, and joined him at the table. 

"What are you reading?" Black mumbled, showing the food inside his mouth. 

"Just news, nothing that important. I just wanted to get acquittance with Thailand more." 

"Something interesting?" Black asked, and White knew he was honestly interested in what he was reading. Not like his father, who just pretended. The only thing that man cared about was his status, nothing else.

"Stop frowning. You look ugly." Black snorted. 

"If I look ugly then you look ugly too." White stuck his tongue out, giggling after. His twin knew how to make him smile. 

"I will get dressed, and we can go." Black stood up, taking the empty plate with him, deposing it in the sink before disappearing into the bathroom. White returned to his phone, checking the latest report about the new factory opening that will bring jobs to hundred people. He didn't know, who Tawi was, but he seemed like a good guy. 

"Let's go." Black nudged him. 

"You don't want to miss your interview, Mr. doctor." He added, waiting for White at the door. 

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