Symptoms (Khai/Third-Pick/Rome)

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"P'Third!" Rome clung to his friend as soon as he opened the door. Third wasn't surprised, though. Pick watched Rome like a hawk past few months, making sure to give him all the attention. Rome must have loved it at the beginning, but Third could see how tired he actually was. He let the younger drag him to the couch. 

"How are you?" Third, asked, eying the number of papers and books on the table. 

"Tired, but I can manage," Rome answered as he snatched the beg Third brought. 

"I can tell." Third commented.

"You can?" 

"The symptoms are all there." Third chuckled. 

"P'Third," Rome whined. 

"But really, how is it going with Pick?" He asked, patting Rome's head in the process. The younger leaned back, sighing deeply. 

"I don't know. I love when he's giving me attention. But it's a bit too much." Rome pouted.

"I don't want to complain. It's partly my fault after all." He added.

"Did you talk with him about it?" Third, asked, stealing the plastic bag from his friend's hands. He pulled out two beer cans, handing one to Rome.

"I will," Rome confirmed. 

"Let's get drunk for now." He smiled cutely. Third rolled his eyes, but he was smiling too. 

When Pick come back home hours later, he found the duo cuddling and sleeping on the couch. Chuckling, he pulled his phone out and snaped a few photos before calling Khai. 

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