Stable (Off/Gun)

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Author's note: Short continuation of Gun in little space. 

Off's face was buried in the pillows hiding from the sun. Today was his and Gun's day off, and he planned to spend most of the time in bed sleeping or cuddling with the younger. He heard a faint shuffling from the other side of the mattress, and the smile spread automatically across his face. He reached forward, placing his hand on Gun's soft, exposed belly, only to frown. The tiny man was breathing unstably as if he was panicking. Off's eyes shot open, meeting Gun's wide and teary face. 

"Daddy." Gun sniffled, his chin quivering. It hit Off like a truck. Gun slipped into the little space unknowingly, and now he was panicking. He pulled himself up, embracing his boyfriend, rocking their bodies back and forth. 

"It's okay, baby. Daddy is here." He whispered in Gun's ear.

"Gunnie is sorry," Gun whined, burying his head into his chest. 

"It's not your fault." Off hummed, kissing the top of Gun's head. 

"Let's enjoy a day like this. What does my baby want to do?" He asked, smiling at the tiny human in his arms. It doesn't matter if Gun was in his headspace or not. He was still Off's baby. 

OffGun June Collection of Drabbles 2022Where stories live. Discover now