Examination (Pat/Non)

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Non had to switch the doctor again. The last one knew his mother too. He was getting tired of this. It's not like he asked to have health problems. All the doctors were informing his mother, not really helping him. They only cared for the money she sent them. He went through multiple examinations, just to get random pills, that made him dizzy or nauseous all the time. 

The new clinic he found was small and far from his house. His leg was shaking as the nervousness began to consume him. 

"Nonsee?" The nurse called out his name, gesturing for him to come to the consulting room. Non gulped, taking a deep breath and followed the young woman. He walked into the small room, observing the interior before his eyes landed on the man sitting behind the white table. 

"Nonsee, I assume?" The tall doctor asked, smiling at him. 

"Just Non." He managed to stutter.

"Okay, Non. I am doctor Pat. I will be in charge of you from now on." The handsome man grinned, making him blush. 

"Thank you," Non muttered, biting his lower lip. 

"Sit down, and tell me what's bothering you." Pat pointed at the chair standing in front of his table. Non took a few hesitant steps forward. He truly hoped this nice doctor didn't know his mother. 

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