Physiology (Sean/White)

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Author's note: Sean/White/Black miniseries 9/??? Here comes Sean and White's interaction. 

White shifted uncomfortably. The two pairs of eyes were studying him, probably comparing his and Black's physiology. Their faces were almost the same, but you could find small nuances if you looked close enough. White's eyes were rounder, and he was shortsighted. His father forced him to wear contact lenses, but his eyes got irritated way too often. When his father proposed the surgery, White was scared. He was thirteen, and only thanks to his ophthalmologist, he didn't have to get through that traumatic experience. They settled with glasses. He still remembers what his father said at that time. 

"At least you would look smarter than you actually are." 

It hurt, but he couldn't say anything back. White liked to style his hair in a way that looked more fluffy and cute. It annoyed his father in a way and made White happier. 

"Stop staring." Black snapped at Gram and Yok.

"Sorry. You look alike." Yok commented, making Black growl and White duck his head lower. 

"No shit, Sherlock. We are identical twins." Black rolled his eyes. 

"Eat, don't mind these assholes." He turned to White, patting his back gently. White smiled at his brother lightly. Black was always protective of him, and it didn't change even after those long years. He continued eating the noodles, glancing from time to time at Sean, who was sitting across from him. The tall man was handsome, and White couldn't control himself. His cheek turned red when Sean caught him staring, and he immediately looked down at his plate. It was embarrassing. He felt Black's elbow poking his ribs, giving him a disapproving look. 

"You are going to start working tomorrow, right?" Sean asked, breaking the uneasy atmosphere.

"Yes. I am kind of excited and scared at the same time." White admitted. He didn't dare to look up at Sean again.

"You will do great," Sean assured him with a smile. 

"You can't know that." White frowned. When his father finally stopped demanding the change in his study program, White thought he had won. He was wrong. His father only switched tactics. He never failed to remind him how incompetent he was in the hope he would give up on his own. White didn't, he continued to study medicine, but his mental state was affected. Every time he had to face a new situation, he got doubtful.

"I saw how you treated Gram. I have no doubts about you." Sean pointed out. White's face reddened, and before he could hide it, Yok spoke up.

"Someone is shy." Yok teased, winking at flustered White. He let out an almost agonising whine, and before he buried his face in his brother's shoulder, he managed to catch Sean's soft smile. 

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