Syndrom (Pick/Rome)

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Author's note: Last drabble of this month. Thank you for reading, commenting and voting. I know I left the Sean/White/Black story open, but I will get back to it, not in July, though. I have a different concept for the next month. I hope you will like it. 😉

"Why are you still here?" Pick growled at his best friend. Porsche was sprawled on their couch, pouting and frowning at his phone for almost an hour. 

"Go home." Pick kicked his friend in the leg, hoping he would take a hint. 

"Leave me alone," Porsche murmured. 

"I don't understand why you have to come here every time your abandoned boyfriend syndrome kicks in." Pick snickered, receiving disapproving noise from his cute boyfriend, who was busy cooking in the kitchen. 

"Why I am calling you my best friend," Porsche whined.

"Because I am the only one who can stand your annoying personality." Pick retorted. 


"Be good to P'Porsche. He just misses Emma." Rome shouted from the kitchen.

"But he's acting as if she would never come back," Pick yelled back. 

"One more night won't hurt us, P'Pick." Rome peeked in the living room, sending Pick an adorable smile. 

"Fine." Pick groaned dejectedly. 

"Whipped," Porsche whispered.

"Shut up." Pick barked, throwing a pillow at his best friend. 

OffGun June Collection of Drabbles 2022Where stories live. Discover now