Hormones (Khai/Third)

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Khai thought he got used to Third's mood swings by now. But it always surprised him how quick he could go from happy to sad. The pregnancy made Third's hormones go wild and Khai tried everything to keep up with him. He finds himself walking on eggshells trying not to piss off his beloved husband. But it's all worth it. He caressed Third's protruding belly, smiling. He shifted slightly, trying not to wake his husband up. Third's head was resting on his chest, and his arms were tightly wrapped around his torso. 

Only a minute ago was Third crying his eyes out because Khai had to pick up his phone and stopped paying attention to him. It took Khai a lot of apologizing, face kissing and promising of Third's favourite ice cream to calm him down. Khai was exhausted but happy. 

"Love you." Third murmured in his sleep. Kahi's heart fluttered. 

"I love you too." He whispered before kissing the top of Third's head. 

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