External (Bright/Liftoil)

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"Where is it?" Liftoil mumbled under his nose as he dug through the first aid kit. His hands were shaking, searching for the ointment. He knew it was somewhere around here. Bright had always one ready. It comes in handy if you have a clumsy boyfriend, but now, when Bright needed himself, Liftoil couldn't find it. He grabbed the first tube that brushed over his fingers, looking at it with a frown. 

"For external injuries only." Liftoil read the description. He hurriedly stood up, running back to the kitchen to his boyfriend's side. 

"I found it!" He shouted in victory, shoving the ointment to the older man. Bright suppressed the grin creeping on his face and stretched his hand forward, letting Liftoil take care of the small cut on his finger. 

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