Condition (Khai/Third)

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Author's note: Continuation from Khai/Third a/b/o story. 

Their little bean was growing as he was supposed to. He didn't give Third a hard time now as the months passed. He didn't wake up with a need to throw up for a while now but still gets tired pretty fast. Khai was afraid at first, and he needed assurance from the gynaecologist that it was normal in his husband's condition. He was relieved. 

"Khai?" Third's voice echoed through the house, startling him. He abandoned the script he was working on, running to his beautiful husband. 

"I am here. Are you okay? Do you need anything?" He asked as soon as he barged into their bedroom. Third was lying in bed, blinking sleepily at him. 

"Cuddles, kisses." Third murmured, making grabbing hands at him. Khai chuckled, walking towards their bed. Third, become more clingy and affectionate now that he was pregnant, and Khai loved every single second of it. 

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