Medical (Sean/White)

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Author's note: Sean/White/Black miniseries part 7/???  Yok is going to meet White today. 😉

The apartment was silent and lonely without his brother. White was lying under the covers, snuggled to Black's pillow, hugging it with all his mind and inhaling the comforting scent. He yawned a few times, not actually fighting the sleepiness, letting his eyes close. It was better to catch up on sleep while his brother was working. 

"Medical school?! What the fuck is this, White!" Adul shouted, throwing the acceptance letter at his face. 

"I want to be a doctor," White answered weakly, looking at the scattered papers on the floor instead of his father's angry face.

"Doctor? Are you kidding me? Where did that stupid idea come from? " His father shouted as he stepped closer to him. White flinched when his arm was harshly grabbed. 

"You are going to be a diplomat. Get that in your brain." Adul continued. The hold on his arm tightened, making White moan in pain. He knew he would find a bruise there later. It wouldn't be the first time. 

"Go to your room before I get angrier. I don't want to look at your ungrateful, ugly, disobedient face now." The man's icy cold tone made White shiver. He heard these words before, but now they stung even more. Lowering his head more, he stepped out of the dining area and walked to his room, forgetting all about the dinner he was supposed to have. 

The painful squeeze on his chest made him writhe under the blanket. A muffled whimper escaped his lips as the memory of the past came back to him in the form of a nightmare. White heard a soft click in the distance as the apartment's door opened, followed by multiple voices. 

"I told you to fuck off." Black groaned.

"I want to see him too. It's not fair Gram and Sean did, and I didn't." The unknown voice answered cheerfully. 

"I don't fucking care. He's my brother, not an animal in the zoo." Black barked.

"Just let us in." Gram's voice interrupted the quarrel. White stirred, and his eyes slowly opened. His vision was blurry, and he was still a bit dizzy from the nightmare, but he managed to recognise four figures standing near the entrance. 

"P'Black?" White stuttered before he pulled himself to the sitting position. 

"Look what you did, you dickheads. You woke him up." Black growled, walking over to the bed, leaving the trio to do whatever they wanted. White watched them come inside the flat, letting his eyes linger a little bit longer on Sean. 

"You okay?" His brother asked while sitting down next to him and handing him his glasses. White nodded. Now that his glasses were back on, he could see the worry on his twin's face. Black's hand slipped on his cheek, caressing it tenderly. And White knew their connection worked again, making Black sense he wasn't as alright as he pretended to be. 

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