Presentation (Pick/Rome - Khai/Third)

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Author's note: I suddenly missed Rome and Third's friendship. I made the last one a little angsty and abandoned it with an open ending. So here I am making up for it.

The room was too quiet for Third's liking. It was Friday, and Khai was out with Bone to finish a new project, and Two was busy with Un, leaving poor Third all alone. He suddenly missed the old days when he and Rome would meet and talk shit about Pick and Khai. After a drama a months ago, when he found his tiny friend crying in front of their doorsteps, they didn't have time to meet again. 

Pick made sure to be with Rome all the time, assuring him in every way possible he was the only one and Third understood it perfectly. Khai used to act the same way at the start of their relationship. He hesitated before taking his phone and dialling his junior's number. It ringed for a while before Rome picked up.

"P'Third?" Rome's voice echoed through the speaker. 

"Hi, Rome, are you busy? Did I interrupt you?" Third asked, waiting for the younger's answer. 

"No. I am stuck with the presentation I need to submit, and a little break would help." Rome sighed in despair. 

"Are you alone?" 

"Yes, P'Pick is at work. He will be home later at night." 

"Can I come ower? I miss our Fridays. I can help you with the presentation, and we can chat later?" Third asked, hoping Rome felt the same way. 

"Of course. I miss it too." Rome's voice sounded more lively again, making Third smile. 

"I am on my way. What should I bring?" 

"Anything is fine. Just hurry up." Rome giggled before the line went silent. Third was already tossing his things in the bag, not forgetting to send Khai a message about where he went. 

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