Reproduction (Sean/White)

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Author's note: short continuation of Sean/White/Black miniseries 12/???

White couldn't breathe. His heart was racing too fast. He managed to tug at his brother's jacket. The second Black and Sean tried to get at each other's throats, White panicked. He never liked violence in any form. Seeing his brother and Sean fighting was too much for him to handle, especially if he was the reason for it. 

"White?" He could hear Black's voice. His hands were instantly on him, pulling him to his firm chest, caressing his trembling form. 

"I am sorry. I won't fight with Sean. I am sorry." Black repeated, kissing his head in between each word. White snuggled closer to his twin, not caring for Sean for now.  He had to get better first. He tried to synch his breathing with Blacks. It didn't take much effort, they were identical twins, the perfect reproduction of each other. 

"White?" It was Sean who called his name. White could hear the worry in his voice, and he felt guilty. He stirred in his brother's hold, just enough to turn his head towards Sean. 

"I am alright." He managed to stutter even though he couldn't smile right now. 

"I am sorry for worrying you." He added. 

"I am sorry too," Sean answered with a tiny smile. White felt Black's chest shaking with a low growl. He knew Black didn't like him talking with Sean, and he was more than curious to find out why. There were too many things he missed from his twin's life, thanks to their parents. 

"Let's go eat first. And then we will go home." Black spoked up, leading White inside the garage. Sean was walking behind them, the boxes with food secured in his hold. 

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