Prognosis (Off/Gun)

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Author's note: Short continuation of Gun's little space miniseries. 

Gun's first slip into the little space happened out of nowhere. Of course, he didn't know what had happened to him. When it occurred again, Gun was scared. He didn't hesitate and made an appointment whit the specialist. He found out about little space. The prognosis of stopping the drops wasn't pleasant, though.

"It will stop when you are not under such stress." 

But how can he not be stressed? He was an actor, for fucks sake. And as if it wasn't enough, he would need a caregiver too. It was embarrassing to ask his friends. Gun couldn't do it, so he dealt with the situation on his own. It was only a matter of time before someone would find out. And to his luck, it was Off, his Papii. 

Gun didn't want him to know. But it turned out for the best. He had his daddy and boyfriend in one person now. And maybe he didn't want his headspace to disappear. 

OffGun June Collection of Drabbles 2022Where stories live. Discover now