Genetics (Khai/Third)

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Author's note: Khai/Third a/b/o mpreg drabble for yesterday's TOL 3rd anniversary. 

Third nor Khai expected this. They both knew Third's body was capable of this, but they didn't think it would happen soon. Yes, Third was an omega and bearing a child was written in his genetics, yet it was still sudden. The first sign was the day Third woke up feeling sick, barely making it to the bathroom, and throwing his guts out. The second was a slight shift in his scent. Sweet apples now accompanied his sweet vanilla smell. When the gynaecologist confirmed they were expecting a baby, they were both shocked yet happy. 

Khai and Third were just a newlywed, and the thought of having an addition to their family didn't cross their minds so far. The tiny bean was now happily growing in Third's stomach, turning their lives upside down. Yes, they need to change plans and get their house ready for the baby, leaving most of the work at the company to Two and Bone. But these two were more than happy to help out, ready to be the best uncles under the sun. 

 It was unexpected, but they were glad now. After all Khai and Third would be parents soon. 

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