Complication (Sean/White)

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 Author's note: Sean/White/Black miniseries part 5/??? 

White was stunned. They said goodbye hardly ten minutes ago, and Black still managed to get in trouble. He shouldn't be surprised by it. His brother was always a magnet for the danger. 

"Sean, I think I hit my head too. I can see two Blacks." Gram spoked up, blinking rapidly. White chuckled, covering his mouth with his hand immediately. It seemed inappropriate to laugh at this situation. 

"Don't know. I can see it too. But this one is cute." Sean answered, wearing the same expression as his friend. He heard a low growl coming out of his brother's mouth. Sometimes White believed his twin was supposed to be born as a dog, but something went wrong, and he became human instead. It was no way you could explain his behaviour differently. He would do a cute angry puppy, though. 

"Shut it. He's my baby brother." Black barked at his two friends. 

"That explains a lot." Gram rolled his eyes, wincing in pain when Black unintentionally squeezed his arm. White rushed forward, pushing Black to the side. Blame it on his doctor instinct. He carefully removed the bloodied rag, examining the cut. At first glance, it appeared deep, and he assumed Gram would need a few stitches. 

"The bleeding most stopped. It looks deep, but I can't tell for sure. You will need a few stitches, though. Don't use this arm for a while, and it will heal with no complications. If you are lucky, there will be no scare left too." White smiled, putting the cloth back at the wound, pressing it gently enough not to hurt Gram more. 

"You are a doctor?" Sean asked. 

"Isn't it obvious, dickhead?" Black decided to speak instead. 

"And I hope he will work here." The woman dressed in white smiled at White, making him shy all of sudden.

"I am Nuch. Head of this small clinic and nurse in charge. I would love to have you here as a doctor, White." She added. 

"But what about the interview?" White frowned. His resume could tell her about the university he studied at and his previous jobs, but she couldn't possibly judge his personality. 

"I saw enough. You will fit perfectly here." Nuch smiled again, waiting for an answer. White didn't know what to say. He did come here looking for the job, but it seemed too easy. He glanced at his brother, looking for help. Earning a slight nod from him was all he needed. 

"It will be a pleasure to work with you," White confirmed.

"Will anyone help me, or should I bleed out here?" Gram interrupted the exchange.

"Come with me. I will see you tomorrow, doctor." Nuch said, pulling the pale man with him. Now that Gram was in the consulting room, getting treated, White felt the awkwardness settling in. He didn't know what to say. He shuffled closer to his brother, almost hiding behind him. He felt Sean's eyes on him, and he didn't like it. This kind of attention wasn't his favourite. 

"So, you are White?" Sean addressed him. White nodded, grabbing Black's arm in the process. 

"I am Sean." He introduced himself. 

"No one asked you." Black snarled, forcing White more behind him. 

"How is it to have this asshole as a brother, White?" Sean asked. White chuckled. This Sean had a weird sense of humour. 

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