Mental (Pick/Rome)

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The day started for Rome the same as usual. He woke up early, kissed his still sleeping boyfriend on the cheek, and got through his morning bathroom routine before heading to the kitchen to make breakfast. Half an hour later, Pick came down with his usual morning grumpy expression, which Rome fined cute for some odd reason.  He received a quick peck on the lips before they started to eat. Rome's mood changed as soon as they sat in the car. He starts to fidget nervously, peeking at Pick from time to time. As they were nearing the cafe, his anxiousness rosed. 

 "P'Pick, can you walk me?" He asked when the car stopped.

"Sorry, I am already late. Next time." Pick answered, urging him to step out of the vehicle. With a sigh, he left the car, watching his boyfriend drive off. Rome reluctantly made his way to the building entrance, glancing around. He thought he would be lucky today and won't meet the creepy man. He was wrong. 

"Hi there, cutie." The man showed up from behind the corner. Rome's eyes widened. His hands were trembling, making it hard to unlock the door. 

"You look even prettier today." The man continued to speak, moving closer to panicking Rome. It was just his luck to open the cafe alone. 

"You won't talk to me?" The guy slurred. Rome ignored him. The key slid inside the hole, and he hurriedly turned it. The door opened, and Rome attempted to escape, but the guy's hand wrapped around his arm, stopping him from going further. 

"Are you going anywhere?" 

"Leave me alone," Rome muttered. 

"Yes, leave him alone." The third voice interrupted. 

"P'Pick." Rome breathed out in relief. He didn't care why his boyfriend showed up, but he was glad he did. The older was glaring at the creep, holding his shoulder in a tight grip. 

"Do you need help to get lost?" Pick spoked up again, his voice cold as ice. The man shook his head, running away. They both watched his retiring back for a while before Pick, pulled Rome into the embrace. 

"Are you okay?" He asked with concern.

"Now, I am," Rome whispered, burying his nose in the crook of his neck. 

"Why did you come, P'Pick?" 

"I knew something was wrong with you. You didn't tell me, so I had to find out myself." 

Rome nodded, snuggling closer to PIck's body.

"Turns out some creep with mental issues was bothering you. Why didn't you tell me, Rome?" Pick asked, frowning.

"I thought I could handle him. It seemed I was wrong." Rome blinked cutely at his other half, preying mentally it would calm him down. 

"I am going to walk you here from now on." Pick stated, not leaving a room for arguing. Rome smiled and nodded, packing Pick's lips as thank you. 

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