Cycle (Sean/White)

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Author's note: Sean/White/Black miniseries part 10/??? 

It always fascinated White how those small clinics were different from big hospitals. There was no one, only personnel getting ready for the opening. There was no rush, no furious running, yelling and a neverending cycle of patients. Everything was calm and steady. 

"Welcome, Doctor White." Namo greeted him from her spot at the front desk. 

"Hello," White send her a timid smile. Not long ago, he almost had a panic attack before coming here, and if it wasn't for his brother, he would probably end up curled in the corner of the room, hyperventilating. 

"Nuch is waiting for you in the office." She pointed at the door on the other side of the hall. White thanked her before walking away. 

Working in the clinic was more fun. The patients were a lot kinder and more thankful than in the public hospital. White already felt at home here. The closing time was around the corner. White already informed Black and waited for him to pick him up. His phone beeped a few minutes later.

"Do you think you can come to the garage instead? We have too much work to do since that idiot Gram got hurt." 

White chuckled at his brother's choice of words. He pondered if he would be capable of walking around without his twin, but he had to get used to it anyway.

"Sure. Send me a location." He answered. The phone made a noise again as he received a message with a map. White studied it for a while before deciding if he should call for a taxi. The garage was within a walking distance of the clinic, so he eventually settled on walking and saving money. He packed his things, and after a short goodbye to Nuch and Namo, he stepped outside. The street was still busy even in the late evening. White took a deep breath, glancing at the map before he started walking. 

He was on the way for a while, the garage was nowhere to be seen, and White started to panic. The house he was standing in front of looked too familiar. He sighed frustratedly, when he peeked at the map again, finding out he walked in the circles all the time. His orientation did suck. He had no other choice but to hook a cab if he didn't want to spend the night here and make Black worried. 

"White?" The familiar voice catches his attention. He turned around, spotting the man on the black bike parked near him. 

"P'Sean!" White squeaked excitedly, running towards him. Sean looked stunned for a second before a wide smile spread across his face. 

"What are you doing here?" Sean asked, pretending he wasn't happy to see him. 

"I was on my way to the garage." White smiled shyly. He suddenly felt ashamed of his ability to get lost at a few meters. 

"Hop on. I will take you. I was picking up food anyway." Sean pointed at the plastic bags in front of him. 

"If you don't mind." White tried not to grin. He watched Sean take off his helmet and style his hair. White's heart fluttered. 

"I don't have a spare with me," Sean spoke up, handing him a helmet. 

"I assume you know how to ride a bike?" He added. White nodded, putting the helmet on, and sitting behind the taller man. He wrapped his arms around Sean's waist hesitantly. And maybe for the first time in his life, he was glad to get lost. 

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