Situation (Sean/White)

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Author's note: Sean/White/Black part 5/??? 

Standing in front of the clinic with Black's friends was weird. White was used to different situations, but no one was this awkward. He was still hiding behind his brother, clinging to his arm and hoping Sean and Gram won't try to talk with him. Even though they were Black's friends, they looked scary in his eyes. Back in Russia, he didn't have a choice but to interact with the people his father brought home. They were mostly diplomats, and politicians, talking about topics White didn't understand and honestly didn't want to understand. He remembered that one time he accidentally said what he actually thought in front of his father's important guest. The consequences of his action came right after the guest left. After that, White never spoke up until it was necessary and before he thought about what to say first. And it was one of the reasons he didn't have any friends. 

"Let's go home." Black shook his arm to get White's attention. White nodded slowly, thinking. It was only half-past ten, and Black surly had to work. 

"You don't have to go back to your job?" He asked curiously. 

"They will manage without me." Black dismissed his worry.

"You are more important."

"I am hurt. I can't work." Gram grinned their way, receiving a roll of eyes from Black. White holds the sudden urge to chuckle at their interaction. He peeked at Sean, who was just silently watching. Now that he had a better view of the tall man, he could tell how handsome he was. Tall, well-built, with honest yet somewhat sad eyes. 

"We will pick up my bike at the garage and go home." Black ignored Gram's whining, pulling White towards one of the cars. The other two men followed them. When they settled inside the vehicle with Sean behind the wheel and Gram in the passenger seat, White decided to speak. 

"You can drop me at the apartment and go back to work. P'Gram can't work for a while, and I don't want to bother you." 

"He said P'Gram. I am touched." Gram smiled at White, receiving a glare from Black. 

"No." His twin answered.

"I can be alone, P'Black. I am still a bit tired from the flight. I will take a nice nap while you will work." White pouted. He didn't really want to act like this in front of the two strangers, but he had no choice. Balck's stubbornness could be defeated only with his cuteness. 

"Fine, but no coming out without me knowing. You can get lost." Black huffed, crossing his arms in front of his chest in annoyance. 

"I won't." White smiled, showing off his dimple. And if he caught Sean glancing at him through the rearview mirror, he didn't let it show. 

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