Physical (Off/Gun)

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Author's note: I got inspired by the recent foto of Gun and PP covered with the pain or what it was. Part 1/??

The soft giggles filled the room alongside the not so happy grumbles. 

"It's enough, baby." Off sighed as he tried to pull the tube with paint out of his baby's hand. 

"You are already colourful enough." He tried to coax him with a soft smile. The younger looked up at him, his eyes were teary, and a sad pout formed on his face. Being a caregiver wasn't easy, but he still loved every second of being Gun's daddy. Sometimes it was physically demanding to carry the younger around while he was in his headspace, clinging to him like a baby koala, but seeing Gun happy and fresh after his little time was the best reward. 

The first time Off witnessed Gun's drop was an accident. Their schedule was so full that they had barely time to rest, and staying abroad for filming wasn't honestly helping their exhaustion. Gun was acting a little strange since they got in their room, but he didn't pay much attention to it. He went to take a shower, not minding his partner's fearful expression. He was about to turn the shower on when he heard a painful sob. Off hurried out, only to witness Gun hiding in between the beds with both palms covering his mouth. 

"More, daddy," Gun whined, attempting to grab the tube again, pulling Off out of the reminiscing. 

"No, you little devil. You are going to take a bath." Off put the paint away, pulling baby Gun up to his feet. 

"Look at yourself. Your favourite shirt is dirty." He scolded the younger. He didn't mean it, but Gun could be a handle while in little space from time to time. 

"Sorry, daddy." Gun teared up as he grabbed the baby blue shirt, observing the stains on it. 

"It's alright, baby. Daddy is not mad." Off smiled, caressing Gun's fluffy hair, and kissing it afterwards. Gun was his precious baby, after all. 

OffGun June Collection of Drabbles 2022Where stories live. Discover now