Orientation (Sean/White)

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Author's note: Sean/White/Black miniseries part 2.  No Sean this time either. But don't worry. I will make him appear soon. 😉

His brother's apartment was small and kind of dirty. Not that White mind it. It felt homier than his father's house. Even the neighbourhood seemed a little dangerous. White did know Black lived alone since his early eighteens. It turned out that their mother was exactly the same control freak as her husband, but unlike White, his twin was more stubborn, and her manipulation didn't affect him. Black did what White only could dream of at that age. But he managed to contact his brother without his father noticing, even though it took a long time and a lot of effort. 

Black put White's luggage near the wardrobe, showing him a small bathroom and kitchen. 

"I have only one bed." Black pointed out the matter of factly. 

"I can see that." White giggled. It was a long time he didn't have to force a smile. Being with his brother again brought his old self back. He sits on the bed, patting the empty spot beside him. As soon as Black settled next to him, he wrapped his arms around his upper body and buried his nose in the crook of his neck. Black's arms went on his waist automatically, pulling him even closer. White wasn't the only one who had a hard time being away. They stayed like this longer before White's stomach started to grumble. 

"Let's order something to eat." Black pulled out his phone, ordering the first thing that showed up on the app and put it back in his pocket. 

"When is your interview?" He asked, letting White snuggle to him once more. 

"Tomorrow at eight," White answered. A few weeks before he took a flight back to Thailand, he made some research on the vacant doctor spots. He found a small clinic in the poor neighbourhood looking for a doctor in one of their offices. The salary wasn't big, and that's why it was probably still available. He could have easily gotten a job in one of those large hospitals, earning great money, but it wasn't what he wanted. White called as soon as he could to arrange the appointment. When he told it to Black, he expected to get scolded. But his brother surprised him by saying he was proud of him. His father never used these words on him. 

"Can you take me there?" White asked, blinking at his twin. White was never good with orientation. He used to get lost a lot back in Russia, and it led his father to get him a private driver so he won't cause more problems in the future. 

"Sure, it's actually only a block away from the garage I am working at." Black agreed immediately. 

"Thank you, P'Black."White smiled, kissing his brother's cheek affectionately. 

"You don't have to thank me." Black rolled his eyes. The doorbell ringed, making him stand up from the bed, and walk to the door to pick up the food. White was watching his twin's retiring back. The familiar warmth spread through his chest. That warmth he missed all the time after he got separated from his beloved brother. 

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