I remember someone hoping I make this kind of chapter. I hope I'm doing this right- do tell me if you all like it or not.
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The weather was fine, I think. It wasn't sunny, not very cloudy, was it windy? No. My face wasn't cold from the breeze. It was fuzzy and we were seventeen.I was a transfer student in this prestigious boarding high school. I had to walk alone from the car to the principal office. I don't remember a single thing I saw that day until I saw him inside the office. The principal was bald but the sight of him was more memorable.
The principal introduced him as the student president. Honestly? Judging from his stern face and formal body language, I can tell. Have I mentioned how pretty he looks, though?
"They're [y/n] [l/n]. Their room will be right beside you."
I guess I was too nervous I avoided his gaze.
"Understood." His reply was always short I thought he might be a robot.
From the office, Fugo escorted me to my room. It's his name and he gave me permission to call him by his name. So I said the same thing to him.
The boy's dormitory is located on the very right side of the whole ground. His room was at the very end of the corridor on the second floor. I thought that was genius to have a room in a strategic location. There was an empty room beside it because no one wanted to say close to him. So, I got the leftover room.
Fugo was very nice, I think, until he asked a question I knew would be coming. I don't remember exactly what he said but it was something like this.
"Why are you changing?"
"To be who I am. I am no longer a girl."
He didn't pry after that. Even I had to explain to the principal via e-mail in a full page why I am the way I am. The student president had to be smart indeed.
Since then, I kinda follow him around and he lets me. It's weird witnessing how people ignored Fugo most of the time. Only when he wore his student president armband that people start respecting him. It was the same with the student council members. None of them are very close.
He intrigued me. I don't think seventeen years old can be so complex as him.
I, once, jokingly asked if I can help with the paperwork. The council members weren't having it. I used to the side-eyes so it didn't bother me but he almost snapped. Oh, I forgot that in his president mode, Fugo can be nasty whenever he's angry.
"I will take responsibility on [y/n] behalf. He's great at documenting." Was he said in the end after some not-so-friendly statements. I won't tell since I don't want to ruin his image.
He's very respectful actually. Because the very same day I move in, he called me with the he/him pronoun.
".. are you fine with a he? You said you weren't a girl but the principal used they/them on you."
It was a sweet surprise. I reassured him that I was fine with how he addressed me. Though, I've noticed that he eventually prefers to call my name in private.
I've become his best buddy and an unofficial member of the student council. No one dared to oppose that idea. Not even the principal. I thought that was because I didn't have any friends other than him. But now I learned that that was because of his authority and just how awesome he is.
Fugo taught me many things and every time I would sit in awe. He has broad knowledge, brilliant ideas, and the will to learn even more. I heard gossip about how people address him as empty. They had no idea how Fugo was full of the universe.
We grew a year, moving on to classes in our last year in high school. I remained with no other friend. Fugo was no longer the president. The new student president was this feminine beautiful boy with long blond hair. I still think Fugo is the most beautiful person ever.
Because of it, we were almost together 24/7. Through day and night. I never questioned why he never go home on holiday since I too, remained at the school. And he too never questioned me.
I'm sure those two years were the happiest time I ever lived. I thought it could last longer.
He did not continue to our school university. He went overseas to a nameless country. Well, he didn't tell me where he'll be going. For a second, I hoped he was joking even though I knew from his face how serious he was. He never smiled much but that was quite hurt.
Then, he said he's gonna tell me secrets he's been holding.
"I hated to live. I never liked anything and I seek knowledge to get a sense of who I am. You came along, and I respected you. You never bothered by anything. I thought that was unbelievable. Thank you for sticking around me and for being my best friend. I'm going to find out what's lacking from myself."
I was confused. He never gets this personal to me. To be fair, me too, but it changed how I feel. I think that was my first time crying again since the day before I got transferred.
I don't remember what I said that day. It was pretty messy for me. Moving on now, six years to the future, I'm thankful I don't remember. I am embarrassed.
I must admit I missed him a lot. I think about it from time to time. I'm sure he'll be fine considering how he is. I want to know if he had find the answer he's looking for.
I am now a journalist apprentice. I don't know but this job reminds me of him. It seems like my job so far wasn't bad because they wanted me to help my senior to interview this man who's back from overseas. They said this man will be one of the most important people in our country.
I don't understand, I always do. Not until I saw him inside my senior's office. My senior is a unique guy with long pink hair. But the other man is more memorable. It's like digging through my own brain.
My senior introduced his name which rings a bell in my head immediately. Honestly? I can't believe I'll be able to hear that name again. He's still as beautiful as the first time I saw him.
"This is my cute junior. What are you doing, [y/n]? Sorry, he's rarely nervous."
"I know," he chuckles. That was a first.
I proceed to sit across from him. I think I cannot stop staring at him. To listen to that voice again send chills to my spine.
"This is personal because I'm interested so I'll ask you this first. What were you doing overseas?"
"I'll have you know the backstory first."
"Absolutely! Go on, sir."
From his seat, Fugo smiles at me. It is still his name even now. I think I still can call him that.
"We were seventeen..."

Pannacotta Fugo x Reader One-shots
FanfictionOne-shots collection of Fugo x Reader.