This one is trash..
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"I think your love would be too much."The wind gently sweeps over your teammate who is standing in front of you. His honey-blond hair, his bangs sway over his violet eyes. Making it hard to look at them properly but he's beautiful as always. Especially basking under the evening sunlight like this. He's staring straight at you with indescribable expression covering his face. Eyebrows drop slightly by the pointy end, lips are pressing too tight together. A little scared, a little guilty.
You remember the first time Bucciarati brought you to the gang, he was the one who pays close attention to you. He was cautious around you, in case you'll do something dangerous to them. He didn't say anything, not scolding you or anything. It's all can be seen from his body language like an open book. And that's okay.
Eventually, Bucciarati assigned him to be your mentor. It was scary at first. He was really strict and won't let a mistake passes. Yet he was kind enough to hold back from hitting you like how he did Narancia. You learn that he's not a bad guy after all. Just misunderstood. You try your best to friend him so everything would be okay.
He's getting more comfortable around you since you were well behaved. You use the chance to know more about him. He's a genius in every subject but you notice he doesn't care much about politic so you learn about it to discuss with him. Engaging him into debate until late at night. He's okay with spending time with you.
You try to be braver by telling him your past. Not a past you can be proud of but it was sad enough to get his attention. He knows what it's like to doesn't get enough attention as a child. Despite his hate for skin contact, he makes exceptions from time to time just for you. Only hand-holding and pat on your hair. But that's okay.
It was one time when he told you his past. You already know but keep it for yourself. He was trembling. And you did your best to carefully placing your hand on his, telling him that it's all over. Everything is okay now.
The two of you will do almost everything together. From daily patrol on the streets, missions, or just day off. If the day goes well, you'll buy gelato to celebrate. He'll return the favor at times by buying you a cake. They were all delicious, some are okay.
It's gotten to the point where the other members will start cheering at the two of you. He will deny them angrily while you laugh it off. They're all getting well with each other is one of the happiest things you can ask for. You're okay with them fooling around.
Still, you need more time with him. You'll convince Bucciarati on what to do to finish a mission better by sending you and Fugo. Sometimes you'll add one more person. Bucciarati was okay with it.
One day, Abbacchio pointed out that you were gotten to close with Fugo. He said it in private just with you. You said that's not entirely wrong and you're just happy with Fugo's company. You admitted to him that maybe you do like Fugo. As a friend, of course. Abbacchio was okay with it.
Mista was noisier than usual. More annoying too. He kept interrupting your time alone with Fugo. Not that you mind that bad, you always ready for some stupid philosophical debate with him. It's just he won't hold back. To the point that anything he said is far beyond crazy. When you realized it, Fugo was not there anymore. Suspiciously, you can't pick up Narancia's present too.
You ignored Mista's plead to stay with him. Abbacchio shrugged when you ask the whereabouts of Fugo and Narancia. Even Bucciarati said he doesn't know. At the right time, Fugo and Narancia came through the front door with groceries on their hands.
Narancia explained to you that he craves some snacks and want Fugo to drive since he hurts his ankle. Mista can't drive so Fugo was the only option. They changed the subject when you offense them that you could drive for him. Since that, Fugo has weirdly been distancing himself from you.
It took several days to build up the courage for Fugo to finally talks to you again in private. Or perhaps it was because you keep coming to him every night just to say sorry. Fugo told you everything on what Narancia had said that day. Narancia, and basically everyone, think that you're becoming less you. Like you're a different person. As if you're going to do something terrible. And Fugo said he feels the same. It was sad for you to hear. But you can understand. They can't understand yet. In the end, you didn't say anything to him.
Instead, today, you decided to confess to him to clear the confusion. Asking him to meet you by the beach in the evening where the sun is the most golden. You told him the three words and how you've always loved him. He was hesitant at first. Then his answer was just like you expected.
You smile to him, making his shoulders drop in relief. He was half smiling to you when you took steps closer to him. You keep eye contact as your hand moves from your behind to his stomach. Electrocuting him with a taser. The sight of him kneels in front of you is beautiful. And before he can lose consciousness, you make sure he sees your sneaky eyes and the smirk glazing from ear to ear.
"That's not okay."

Pannacotta Fugo x Reader One-shots
FanfictionOne-shots collection of Fugo x Reader.