[35] little girl.

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Spring in Napoli is warm, even at six in the morning. The atmosphere is perfect for basking in the sunlight while looking at the sea. The season where it's nice to take a stroll around the town. The right time to eat desserts in a lovely cafe around the corner. Sadly, you can do none of those things. Not at the moment, there is more important to do.

Like right now, you're running, jumping from roof to roof. You haven't gotten any sleep yet, by this point you forgot what it's like to sleep. Or even shower, what is showering anyway. The missions you got from Polpo, your capo, are limitless. They keep coming like a crowd of buffalos. It doesn't matter anyway. You have gotten used to it, and you're confident to say that you don't smell.

The supposed to be building is now within your sight. That's an old building at the very end of Napoli. Your target supposed to hide there right now. The pace of your feet keeps rising. And your stand is now manifesting just beside you to add the power.

Stops by the end of the roof, you stare down at the closed windows of the other building. It's just one floor down from where you stand. You take a few steps back, then run to leap down. Jumpings straight to the said window. The glass shatters as you kick it alongside your stand. The sound was loud enough for a quiet morning. The room that turns out to be a hallway is empty. You're cautiously examining your surrounding. There are signs of a fight. You sniff the air, narrowing your eyes when you find the smell of your target coming from the other room just beside you. Also, the scent of someone who must be fighting your target here. And it's kind of unsettling that you recognize the owner of the mint scent.

Just when you about to open the door, someone already opens it from the other side. As you suspected, it's Fugo. One of your very few closest colleagues and your best friend. He seems to be more surprised than you.

"It's funny to see you here, Fugo," you greet him, tilting your face with a cheeky grin. "Well? Don't just stand there and not saying anything."

Fugo returns the smile with a gentler one. He's secretly taking his time to savor the sight of you that he's been missing for two weeks. How your twintails are loosening, the messy bang that almost covers your beautiful orbs, the sunflower pin on your collar, everything. He frowns when he also notices the faint bag under your eyes. "How many days," his breath stops, "how many days has it since you got any sleep?"

"That, I don't remember," you reply to him, rather playfully. "Oh, no, not that face. I think three, no, four..., it was only five days! See, not even a week."

"You will hurt yourself." Fugo knows better that you must already be exhausted yourself at this point. He realizes that you tend to talk a lot when not getting any proper sleep.

"Oh, please! I'm stronger than steel!" He sighs, giving up when you gave him the wink. "I assume that we had the same target. Was that him?" You mention the name of the target.

Fugo nods. He turned you around and grab you by the waist to walk you down the hallway. "Are you done with mission?"

"Yes! Just in time where we can go date somewhere!" You hug him, unlike you, he smells fresh out of the shower. It's not like he will mind it, so you bother not.

"I'm afraid we can't do that." Fugo took your hands since you two are going down the stairs. Grabbing waist and hugging wouldn't be safe. "I'm going to have you sleep in my room as soon as we reach the mansion."

You pout to him, making sure to look very angry with all your brows tucked together. "Don't you forget something? Something, really, really important?"

Fugo was making a confused expression for a while. He tried his best to understand faster, but then it hit him. "Ah, yes, of course. We'll be having breakfast first. What would you like to eat? You see, I haven't had breakfast either."

"Good! Morning date, here we go!"

Fugo took you to a small cafe three blocks from the previous building. It was pretty packed, so he was sure the food would be good. The result? The food was tasty. Especially those fluffy jiggly pancakes. Even more delicious when Fugo feed you after some time whining. He becomes weaker to your wish after not seeing each other for so long. And you're more than happy to eat that up.

To your surprise, he took you for an hour's drive around the city before going home. Just chatting, catching up with each other. To share stories on what happened in your absence in his and his absence in yours.

In the mansion, there was only Bucciarati and Narancia. They greeted you with open arms, not literally, but Narancia kinda did and Fugo didn't approve.

"Well, well." You push Narancia and Fugo in the opposite direction while looking at Bucciarati respectfully. "Do you still need him for the rest of the day? Because I'll be taking him until tomorrow morning if that's okay with you, Bucciarati."

"Yes, you can," Bucciarati chuckles which you acknowledge with a wide grin. "He's free for the rest of the day. Makes sure to rest well."

"Thank you, Bucciarati! And Narancia. See you two later." You wave a hand to them as you drag Fugo to the second floor all the way to his room.

"Do you want to take a shower first? You still have your clothes here." Fugo stood by the door while you already jump to his bed. "No, no, don't move around like that. You'll get the sheets to mess up."

"Fine! I'll take a shower first." You ran outside to the bathroom. Fugo managed to flick your forehead when you pass by him.

"What a handful," he complains, but smiling anyway. While waiting for you, he fetches more pillow since he knows how much you like that fluffy stuff. And his eyes rounded up when you show up by the door with his shirt from the laundry. "You're taking mine again." He sounds so done by now.

"Yours is mine, and mine is yours. What's the difference?" You lay down on the bed with slightly wet hair.

"Your hair-"

"No, no, this is not that wet anymore," you cut him, making yourself comfortable under the blanket. Leaning to the side so the other pillow stays on your back. You pat the empty spaces.

"No, I'm going to read." Fugo was already sitting on his chair by the working desk. Instead, he smiled at you. "Go to sleep. I'll be waiting for you here. Good night, tesoro."

You want to protest, but being on the bed made your fatigue finally catching up. "Good night, Fugo."

After three hours of reading and finishing one book, Fugo turned around to find you haven't moved at all. He decides to join you at the sight of you sleeping so peacefully. He got his arms wrapped around you for the rest of the sleep.

Pannacotta Fugo x Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now