Hi, how's everyone doing?
I'm here today to drop off this chapter for matchalline. I'm sorry it took so long to make your request. I hope this can make up for it with you.
--- --- --- --- ---Giorno and Mista were walking back from the laundromat when they saw Fugo inside a bakery across the street. They both look at each other and nod to confirm their thought.
"Isn't he supposed to be in Rome right now?"
"He should," Giorno replied with certainty, then continued as he remembered something. "What date is it today, Mista?"
"Eh? Uh.., 7?" Mista counted his fingers. He looks down at Giorno confusedly. "Why?"
"Then today is the day he's back. So that's Fugo for sure. Look, that's our car."
Mista followed Giorno's finger to a black car parked right in front of the bakery. "Oh, didn't see that. What's he doing there?"
"Who knows..-! Mista, hide, quick!"
"Whoa- what's up?"
Giorno pulled Mista to hide behind the street light. It doesn't hide them at all but as long as Fugo can't recognize them that's fine.
"A picnic basket?" Mista raised a brow as he stated confusedly.
"Seems like he's going out.. for a date. Most likely he will meet [y/n] after this. We shouldn't be bothering him."
"Guess you have a point." Mista nodded accordingly. Aware that he's gonna tease the hell out of Fugo once he gets back home. "We should let them be. For now."
"I hope I'm not late," Fugo said, instead of sounds worry he actually smiled knowing damn well he was ten minutes early. The fact that you're ready to leave is even better.
You throw a smirk at them as you enter the car. "I don't know. I think you're late."
"Yeah." You watched Fugo walked to the door on his side and replied when the door's open. "You made me wait for too long these days. What to do when I miss you? This isn't enough." He brought you a flower bouquet, all are your favorite. The bouquet now sits nicely on your lap.
"I'm making it up with you right now, don't I? Not even Bucciarati knows this."
"They don't? So we're like on a secret mission right now?" You elbowed his arm teasingly.
Fugo raised his shoulders. "That's a way to say it."
"But I want a date. A proper date."
"Don't start being difficult now."
"I'm not. Don't get mad at me~"
"I'll consider it."
No. Fugo will never consider it at all. It's impressive how he's not used to all your teasing and stupid remarks. You're definitely not that type of person but he's hot when angry. wh
He's unbearably a gentleman now. Like how he's taking you out on a secret picnic date by the park. He brings you flowers, tea, and cakes. All of them are your favorites. Isn't he the sweetest?
He's the one arranging the blanket at the park. Make sure you can sit on it nicely without having you do all the work. Everything is perfect. All according to his plan, it seems.
"Thank you for today." You don't think the words are out of nowhere though his face clearly says so. Today is most definitely one of the best days you spend with him and gratitude is meant to be said. You continue, with a little giggle as a funny image of how he used to be back then flashed in your head, "I truly love everything you've done for me today."
Fugo took time to arrange his words. He looks pretty nonchalant about it. "This is the standard, [y/n]. I could go higher than this if I have the time."
It's impossible to not smile from ear to ear like an idiot after hearing that.
"Should we plan our next date or do you want it as a surprise?" he continued.
You want to eat him like he's the sweetest cake, indulging every drop of him like he's the finest tea, and throw flowers at his face just because. He would be angry but that also would be funny. He has so many sides in him that you can't get enough of him.
"I'll say it," I leaned closer to his ear and whispered, "but you have to do something about them first." You pointed to the trash can far away.
Fugo gets it. His eyes glared and veins popped in his neck. Very sexy of him to do and you nod at the sight in approval.
"Those fools..."
Y can't help but laugh, really. He could really jump if you weren't holding him back saying that it's alright and they will leave soon.
"Bucciarati is there! Even Abbacchio!" He gestured his hand angrily at the whole crew behind the trash can. "What are they doing there!?"
You find the situation funny though. Especially when they do the bare minimum to hide. Bucciarati is now waving at both of you. Narancia almost comes running but Giorno and Mista are holding him back. Abbaccio seems like he's quite satisfied with what he sees.
"Now, now, roll cake," you said as you kiss his cheek, "our date isn't over yet."

Pannacotta Fugo x Reader One-shots
FanfictionOne-shots collection of Fugo x Reader.