"I didn't hear anything about this, Giogio," You folded your arms, asking was your friend now a boss an explanation.
You keep your gaze towards Giorno, ignoring Mista and Sex Pistols cries beside you. And ignoring one more person that standing beside Giorno. A very familiar person.
And it hurts you to see him.
Giorno rests his chin oh his intertwined hands, "You heard it, [y/n]. Fugo is one of us again, he admits his faults, passed the test to prove his loyalty once again, and vow his loyalty to me."
"It must be why Mista become weird these past few days," You glanced at Mista whose shrinking by your presence only.
"I'm sorry, okay?" Mista said, raising his hands, "Giogio told me to keep it a secret from you."
"Oh, yeah, I wonder why?" You scoffed at Giorno.
"[y/n]," Giorno called you, still not budging, "I hid it because I knew you would react like this."
"Hmm, like what?" Your hands clenched, growling. As if you are ready to devour anything in front of you right now.
"He IS a traitor," You continued, emphasizing every word.
The man beside Giorno flinched.
Giorno sighed, "My decision is final, [y/n]. You have to accept it whether you like it or not."
"Do as you like then," You turned around, "I don't care anymore and don't expect me to work with a traitor."
You left the room without looking at the red-suited man.
"Damn it," You hit the wall on your left. Leaving your voice ringing in the empty hallway. You're not even walking far from the office, yet you can't hold it anymore.
It was a tragedy. Way before Giorno becomes the new Passione's boss. You were in a team with Mista, Bucciarati was the very kind leader. There was Abbacchio the grumpy, and the always cheerful Narancia. Then, there was the strategist. Your mentor. Your best friend. Your lover.
One day Giorno joined the team. Things getting crazy since then but all of you did pass through it. Everything took an extreme turn since Bucciarati decided to betray Passione to save the daughter of the boss at that time. You don't hate Trish, both of you quickly become close as a girl. And you swear your loyalty to Bucciarati. You will follow him anywhere.
Everyone but one man.
It suffocates you every time you remember about him. For the rest of the way to search the boss, you tried to hold it in. Nobody dares to talk about it to you. And now that you thought he is gone for good. Giorno dares to bring him in again.
You understand it must be hard for him too. You knew his way of thinking. You knew what he did after he leaves. In his own way, he saves everyone from even dangerous enemies.
But it still won't budge off your mind. You can't forgive him. He betrayed you.
"[y/n]," A soft and weak voice calling you from behind.
The tears you've been holding in slowly make their way down your checks. You've been craving for that voice to call your name again. And it still made your knees weak.
You kept walking forward with your left hand tracing the walls.
"[y/n], please wait," He grabbed your right wrist.You must make everything clear right now.
You turned around, showing him your red crying face. You bit your lip as you see his expression. The same expression he had that day. Even more sadder, more depressing. You recognize the swollen eyes. He's becoming more thinner. His face is pale. His eyes show unbearable pain and regret.
"Look at you, Fugo," You shook his hand, "What a mess you've become. Bucciarati must be sad looking at you, Abbacchio must be mad at you, and Narancia laughing at you. Too bad I'm not them."
"I know, I'm sorry," Fugo grabbed your shoulders, "Please let me fix everything. I realize what I did wrong. I finally find the answer to keep going, [y/n]."
You stared at him flatly, "What are you gonna do if Giorno doesn't bring you back? Are you gonna keep running away in the dark? Your pretty fingers must help you a lot to play those pianos."
"No, I.., I," Fugo looked away from you for a while before clicking his tongue to look at you again, "I was gonna look for you again. I missed you."
"You liar! You should've just come along from the beginning!" Shouted you, brushing his hands from your shoulders.
"They could be alive right now! We can make it out perfectly if only you were there! You knew it best! Aren't you strong? I thought you were smart? I thought we were loyal to Bucciarati? You promised to stay together!"
"That was all my fault, Cara, we still can fix thi--,"
"What makes you think it's gonna be easy?" You pushed him just enough so he can stay away.
You made your decision.
"I am not giving you any second chance. But for Giorno's and Passione's sake, I'll just let you go."
There was light of hope in Fugo's eyes.
"You remember that day?" You turned around, "I'll treat you as a stranger who becomes my work partner. I'm going to stay alone until death does us part. May we meet again in our next life."
You waved to him as you walk away to your suicide mission. Leaving him behind, speechless, lifeless.

Pannacotta Fugo x Reader One-shots
FanfictionOne-shots collection of Fugo x Reader.