[16] buon appetito, caro.

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An hour after hour passed by slowly until the hour hand eventually pointed at number two. The city of Naples has become very quiet as all people would be on their dream right now. 

Except for Fugo.

The honey blond man has been awake since yesterday. Shutting himself in his bedroom as he tries to fight through his episode of depression. He tries to sleep it away but all the thought keeps coming at him. He decides to read books again and after finishing five books he wasn't getting any better. 

Worse even.

In the end, he ended up lying on his bed staring at the ceiling for another hour.

The base was really quiet but his mind was too loud.

Until something other than his mind starts to growl. Fugo skipped dinner because he wasn't feeling it seven hours ago. Now he is starving. All the energy just left into nowhere.

Now he is thinking of he could just wait until sunrise or go to make something now. 

The continuous growl on his stomach eventually made him stepped out of the bedroom. Made his way downstairs all the way to the kitchen. Only to find out there is no bread or cereal or anything that could be eaten immediately. Not even snacks.

"You must be kidding me," He mumbled out of frustration. 

It's not like there is no food. The fridge is still full of raw ingredients just perfect to cook something. The problem is he can't cook. At all. 

But he knows someone who can. The member of the team who will be in charge of cooking. The one who said to everyone to just call her if they hungry no matter when. 

"Should I go wake up [y/n]?" He closes the fridge as he thinking hard.

Narancia and Mista have [y/n] making them toast at midnight twice before. Giorno have you made him cake right before dinner. Even Abbacchio and Bucciarati have you cook for them when they just got home from a mission. 

Except for Fugo. 


Besides the breakfast, lunch, and dinner together at the base, Fugo never asks you to cook for him even if you offer it first.  Fugo doesn't want to trouble you as you already did much for the team. You have your own mission sometimes, or with him as your power compliment his, and still cook for them when you just got home. 

You're too kind for heaven's sake.

Which why Fugo adored you.

Fugo find himself already in front of your bedroom. Hand ready to knock and wake you up. 

Will you wake up? Will you gladly cook for him? What if he is a nuisances? It's two in the morning. Of course he will bother you.

Fugo shouted in his mind. 

But he is hungry and it starts driving him insane. Just right when your smile flashes his mind. Those sweet cheeky smile you have every time you see him.

knock, knock.

He waits anxiously. Starting to regret his decision for waking you up in such hour. Fugo was ready to leave when the door slowly being open.

You yawned and rubbing your eyes as you leaned to the doorstep, "Yeah?"

"Uh, [y/n], I'm sorry for waking you up like this," Fugo flustered, his face reddens, "Nevermind. You can go back to sle--,"

"Oh, Fugo!" You exclaimed a little when you realize his voice, still half asleep, "I was waiting for you."

"You were waiting for me?" All his flustering was gone instantly, "Don't tell me you haven't gotten sleep at all."

Fugo starts to panic.

"No, silly," You giggled as you regain your consciousness, "You are hungry, aren't you? You haven't eaten anything since lunch. Come on, Fugo. Let me cook for you."

You stepped out while your hand closes the bedroom. The other hand went to grab Fugo's hand. Leading him to the kitchen.

Fugo, on the other hand, too surprised to respond.

You even made him sit down while you immediately got into work. Fugo finally asks you to cook for him. It actually made your heart flutters.

"[y/n]," Fugo called out from behind, seems like he already collected himself, "I'm sorry for bothering you at this hour. You could've just declined it."

"Nonsense!" exclaimed you, turning around to him with hands on hip, "I was worried since you haven't come out of your room and refused to eat dinner. I waited because I know you hate being disturbed when you need time for yourself. Also, I was wondering if you actually hate my food or hate me in general."

You pouted.

"There's no way I hate you! Your food was always so delicious too! I love them! I don--,"

"That's more like it," 

Fugo stared in shock as you wink to him. He knows he can't debate you anymore when you put up the cheeky smile. He sighed in defeat. Corner of his lips lifted.

"Now, would you like tea, coffee, or orange  juice?"

"Orange juice, please,"

"Would the meal be chicken parmigiana or lasagna?"

"Chicken parmigiana sounds delicious,"

"Wait patiently okay, It won't take long," You winked again before turning around, "I'm a pro, trust me."

"Yes, chef,"

Fugo waited with a smile on his face. He never realizes that he actually, really, enjoyed watching you cook from behind while listening to your humming. And as you said, it didn't take long for the meal to be served.

After placing the meal and orange juice for Fugo, you pull the seat in front of him. Waiting for him to eat.

"Aren't you going back to sleep?" Fugo asked, worried, "I'll wash the dishes."

"I'm not sleepy anymore," You beamed as you rest your chin on your palm, "Don't mind me. I'll be accompanying you. You're still feeling down, aren't you? I'm here now. Buon appetito, caro."

"Grazie per il pasto, cara."

It didn't take long for Fugo to finish his meal. The meal was warm and delicious. It made him feel better now that his stomach is full. Moreover, you were with him the whole time. Just quietly being happy watching him eat. 

Fugo glads he woke you up. He was thankful you were there for him. 

"Fugo," You called out when he finished, "Never again hesitate to ask me, alright?"

Seeing you smile softly he can't help but did it too. 

"I won't hesitate again."

I know you'll be there for me.

Pannacotta Fugo x Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now