[41] one of those days.

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Finally finished all the requests
Thank you for sticking around until now ❤️👉👈

This chapter was requested by SwordofAwsomeness
How did you enjoy this one? I wasn't sure about what kind of activity they should be doing.. sorry if this is too short- I did my best

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Being a part of the gang of a certain organization was never easy. Mission after mission keeps coming almost every day. The hectic life just seemed to be endless. The only fun was you can beat the shit out of people while also releasing the stress building. There's no weekly day off. The gang knows no weekend. The days off are rarely given. Only work, work, and yes, work. But, when the day off actually given and at the weekend at that, no one really knows what to do.

Today is Sunday with nice warm weather. The gang is gathering together in the common room. Giorno and Bucciarati are watching Disney. Abbacchio on the very end of the couch is listening to music with his headphone. Mista and Narancia are debating if tomato is a fruit or vegetable. Fugo is enjoying the back massage you are currently giving to him. He refuses to listen to the other two useless debate. The two of you are on the carpet anyway, pretty far from Mista and Narancia.

"That was just what I needed," Fugo remarked as soon as you're done massaging him. He turned around with a satisfied smile shaping his lips. Looking more alive than he was in the morning. "Thank you, [y/n]."

"Don't mention it, Fugo. Aren't you feel as light as feather?" you hummed, also feeling content. You sat down after standing on your knees the whole process.

He nodded, leaning back with his hands supporting his body. "What now? It's not even one in the afternoon yet."

Shrugged, you sign him that you also have no idea. All of you had finished lunch almost an hour ago. Early lunch since the gang got nothing better to do than eat.

"You know what, can I braid your hair?" Fugo asked, he sounds surprised himself. "I really love how shiny and smooth your hair always looks. I would like to touch them if you will."

"Sure thing!" You crawled to him. Setting your back facing his chest so he can access your hair easily. It was rare for him to get in touchy-feely with you and the rest of the gang. Even you were surprised when Fugo accepted you offer him a massage. Though you're not complaining. You just want to help him relax since he's the strategist and Bucciarati's second in command. His work was always much difficult compared to yours. If playing with your hair will make him happy, then you're more than delighted to let him do so.

To your surprise, it was nice having his fingers running through your hair. It was calming, making you full at heart. The way his hand tangled on your hair makes you sleepy.

Fugo didn't use any force, just letting his hand move naturally to his desire. The feels when he slid his fingers between your hair is satisfying. They were smooth and smell very fragrant. He never actually braid anyone's hair, but he's proud that he can do yours.

"Where's your hairband?" He holds your braided hair with one hand while the other went to pull out the hairband from your wrist. You've become far too comfortable that you're too lazy to answer and just raised your right hand. "There you go, [y/n]. Why don't you go check on the mirror?"

"There's no need to check on the mirror," you answered, turning around to see his faintly blushing face. "How do I look?"

"Beautiful." Despite his hard beating heart and clearly being bashful, he said it in such undeniable firmness.

And you smiled softly at his answer. "Then you did a good job. Thank you, Fugo. It was just what I needed."

Fugo noticed that you're getting sleepy. Your low voice and heavy-lidded eyes were telling him that. He went to stroke your hair, beaming with a warm smile. "Should we take a nap?"

"Oh, yeah, we should." You yawned right after. The hazy cloudy feely won't leave even after Fugo's done with your hair. Sleep sounds good right now.

"You can sleep on my bed," he offered, "I can caress your head while we cuddled. How's that sound?"

"Perfect. Let's go," you yawned again. You raised your two arms, and he immediately understands what you want.

Fugo lifted you in a bridal style with ease. Instinctively your hands went around his neck, rest your head on his chest. He didn't say anything even until he put you down on the bed. No words are needed after all. The two of you sleep soundly until the night comes.

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