{Chapter 34}

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~Y/N's POV~

"IT'S FINALLY CHRISTMAS!" I cheered happily and Yuzuha hit me over the head with her shoe "IT'S TOO DAMN EARLY, Y/N!"

I groaned and rubbed the back of my head with a small frown on my face "You're lucky that Santa already showed up or he would've placed you right on the naughty list for that one" I mumbled and she rolled her eyes "Whatever, why are you up so early anyways?"

My eyes widened slightly "Huh.....well how early is it?" I questioned and she looked down at her phone "It's 4am! What the hell, Y/N?"

Yeah.....I came into Yuzuha's room to wake her up but it seems like she doesn't have any Christmas spirit left in her after yesterday.

Christmas eve was so much fun with everyone!

But now it's finally time for me to see Rindou again.

"Well I was going to head over to Rindou's house now" I said and Yuzuha scoffed "He's totally going to hate you if you show up right now" she said and I frowned "Do you really think he'll get mad?"

"Yes" well I don't care.

He's definitely going to be quite surprised when I show up to his house, considering that he told me that he would pick me up around 8am.

But I don't feel like waiting that long.

I shrugged "I'm going anyways!" I chirped and she sighed "Ok well I'M going back to sleep so please refrain from disturbing me again" she said with a dismissive hand and I hummed "Ok"

I walked out of her room and shut the door behind me before grabbing my phone along with the gift that I had gotten for Rindou.

I made my way outside and instantly shivered when I felt the cold air around me "Uh I don't even have a car......" I drifted off before sighing and walking down the sidewalk.

Goosebumps began forming all around me, even though I was covered up fairly well.

Rindou's house isn't too far from Yuzuha's but I didn't necessarily feel like walking on this fine Christmas morning. There were various cars and even some other people outside already which had made this walk more bearable, I'd probably be a bit nervous if there wasn't anybody else around.

I suddenly felt quite odd as I walked through the dark streets that were only lit up due to the Christmas decorations.

'What's this feeling?'

I could practically feel the hairs rising on the back of my neck causing me to shiver "This is almost like a horror movie" I mumbled before accidentally bumping into someone "Ah I'm sorry!"

The young couple that I had bumped into had simply giggled "No problem!" They walked off and I watched them leave before noticing that someone else was behind me.

The male was a bit farther away but he was walking extremely.....slow?

'Well I'm not one to judge' So I ignored it and turned around before walking back into the direction of Rindou's house once again.

𝕳. 𝕽𝖎𝖓𝖉𝖔𝖚 {𝕴𝖓 𝕿𝖍𝖊𝖎𝖗 𝕰𝖞𝖊𝖘}Where stories live. Discover now