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I sat there on my couch, twiddling my thumbs. Summer break had just started before i was going to be off to college and i was the only one without plans. Damon and Elena were obvvviouuusly preoccupied, Bonnie was gone for the summer, Stefan had left town to in his words "start over" . We all knew it was because Elena chose Damon. I felt so bad for him, and then theres me.... Sitting on the couch waiting for the pizza delivery guy.

I hadn't heard from Tyler, no surprise there. Was this really going to be my summer before college?

I scrolled through my contacts hoping to find someone to atleast text or talk to . Mindless scrolling continued, "No... Nooo... definitely not! I continued scrolling, "ugh delete"! It was then right after i stopped.

My finger tip starting to shake... KLAUS the contact read.
I hadn't heard from him since graduation . His words still lingered in my head from that night.

"Ughhh godddd !! I let out frustrated with myself for even thinking to send a text. I tossed my phone on the couch.
"Dont do this because you're lonely" i said to myself

Just then a knock at the door came . "PIZZZZAAAAA" I squealed . Jumping off the couch i ran vamp speed to my door. I opened it waiting to be greeted with the smell of cheese and goodness.

"Whats up Blondie" said Damon walking in
"Damon"? I replied confused
"In the flesh, well sorta" he winked
"What are you doing here ? Where's..
Just as i was about to finish my sentence out popped Elena.
"Brought your favorite B+" she smiled
"Awww you shouldn't have" I said sarcastically. "No really i bought pizza "

She gave me the biggest hug and i wrapped my arms around her too. It felt good to have my friend there. Definitely distracting me from a moment of weakness.
"So wheres Liz" Damon asked
" Working as usual" i sighed "What brings you two here" I asked.
Damon looked over at elena. "You can take this one" he smirked. Elena rolled her eyes after shooting him a look. "We wanted to make sure you were ok Care"

I looked over to Damon sitting on the corner of the couch " Hey dont look at me im just here for the pizza" and without missing a beat a knock came to the door. "Well will you look at that perfect timing" he said proudly as he rushed to the door.
He opened it and grabbed the pizza,
"That will be $22.15" said the pizza guy
"CareBear all yourrs " as he walked by
" Gee thanks Damon" i scoffed "keep the change" I shut the door and walked to the kitchen to see Damon already to dig in .

"Caroline really, Veggie pizza? Id expect this from Stefan but not you". As he finished that remark the room grew quiet as Elena awkwardly stared around. Damons lips grew thin with remorse. "Ill just help myself to the fridge or pantry" as he walked away like a dog with its tail between its legs.

I walked over to Elena, "Have you heard from him?
"No not at all" she exhaled a sigh. " I just wish he would have stayed you know" running both hands through her hair.
" I dont blame him though for wanting to leave Elena, he's hurt". I said
"I know that, but how many times do you think i hurt Damon with Stefan and he never left" she fired back.
"But this is Stefan Elena.... Not Damon " i could tell what i said got through to her but nothing was gonna change. I grabbed a slice of pizza, blood bag and made my way to the couch . Elena followed behind as did Damon holding a bag of BBQ Lays. " You know if it makes you feel any better didnt a certain dagger happy psycho offer you a free invite to New Orleans?" Stuffing the chips in his mouth grinning.

I glared over at Elena " SERIOUSLY!!! you told him!" I cringed embarrassed placing my fingers on my temples.
" Something about first love, last love he'll wait forever klausy mumbo jumbo he comes up with" he said mockingly.
"Damon" Elena said sternly
"Im kidding, if i were you id take him up on that offer , also kidding... owww!" He replied as Elena smacked him on the arm.

I slowly drowned out whatever was being said after that. Thoughts replaying in my mind, the day he came back and saved me.... Saved us. I put my hand on my cheek slowly his kiss still fresh on it. Klaus can be well Klaus. Angry, vindictive, spiteful, powerful creature, but deep down i knew there was more. I had seen bits and pieces of it throughout all our encounters. The bracelet, the dress, saving me, the drawing. He also put my life in danger to though. I didn't know if i could get past everything he had done not only to me but to my friends. Apart of me deep inside was intrigued and i know Klaus knew that .

"Earth to Caroline" Damon waving his hands in my face. I must have zoned out for a moment.
"Sorry" i said catching my breath. " I must be a little light headed from not eating all day".

Elena came and sat next to me with a concerned look on her face. "Have you heard from Tyler?" She asked
"No I haven't.... She could see the disappointed look on my face. Tyler had been off trying to help break another pack of werewolves from the sire bond. I loved him ... he was allowed to come back to Mystic Falls and he still chose to stay away. I fought back tears as Elena could see the sadness on my face. She placed her hand on my back gently rubbing back and forth and i just broke down.

"He was suppose to be here." I sobbed "We were suppose to be spending summer together, getting ready for college, I just don't understand ." Throwing my hands in the air i wiped my tears.

Elena took my hand into hers "Care you deserve the world, don't wait for someone to come and give it to you." Her words blanketed over me making the heartache i was feeling less unbearable.
"You're right." I chuckled still with tears in my eyes. Here i am crying over someone who couldn't even put me first. This freaky sire bond thing has just taken over him. " I dont want to talk about Tyler tonight, i wanna eat pizza and have fun with my best friend" i smiled which quickly turned to an eyeroll as i was watching Damon in the background making a heart gesture.
Elena shook her head smiling and wrapped her arms around me "Deal" she said.
After we finished eating and caught up i walked them to the door.

"Im just a phone call away ok" Elenas eyes making sure i understood what she was saying.
" I know, i just dont want to bug you with all of this Elena."
" You aren't bugging me Care, anything you need ok" She hugged me and headed out the door.

Damon following quickly behind her as I went to shut the door, he placed his hand to stop me and poked his head back in " if you do decide to go to New Orleans bring me back a beignet thanks," he winked.
"Get outta here" i scoffed laughing.

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