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"So far we have found out you have telekinesis, pyrokinesis and can control the natural elements." Bonnie said closing the book.

"Sounds like a recipe for disaster." I laughed.

"Not really Caroline, because you are not of a witches bloodline or decent naturally your powers are untapped and unlimited in my eyes. Only you know how far your powers can go and will take you through practice and learning." Vincent added. "Lets go to Jardin Gris Voodoo shop and grab some things."

I went upstairs to grab a coat, it was around the holidays so maybe I could shop a bit for Klaus while we were out.

"Where do you think you're going." Klaus demanded.

"Vincent is taking me to a shop to pick up some stuff to practice." I smiled running out.

"Caroline." He called.

"Yes?" I poked my head back in.

"I'll come with." He began to walk toward the closet.

"Klaus I'll be fine, Vincent and Bonnie will be with me."

He reluctantly placed his jacket back down.  "I'll have Marcel and his vampires scouring the area nonetheless."

I chuckled lightly, I understood the precautions so I didn't press the issue.

"I was going to give this to you as one of your Christmas gifts but I feel as though the sooner the better given the circumstances." He pulled out from his dresser a large book.

"What is it?" I replied.

"My mothers Grimoire, its yours now... if you would like it." He said.

I took the book from him and traced over it with my fingers "Really...?" I gasped in shock.

"It contains her most powerful spells and all her dirty little tricks. I figured since you now have powers this could be of some use to you."

"Klaus this is... wow I dont know what to say..." I didn't know how to thank him for this. I hugged him and kissed him and told him I'd be back soon.

Vincent pulled into town as we got out, when we walked in there was a bunch of jars everywhere and herbs. I looked around studying everything as Vincent spoke with the person at the front. She excused herself and walked to the back.

"What now.." I mumbled under my breath searching for my phone in my purse, it was Klaus. "Hello."

"Caroline are you on your way?"

Um.. no we just got here, we are looking around."

"Watch your surroundings and whatever you do, do not leave Vincent or Bonnie do you understand."

I rolled my eyes slightly because we discussed this already "Yes Klaus I understand."

I hung up and walked back over to them. "All done?" I asked.

The girl came in from the back and gave Vincent a bag. She looked over at me suspiciously then looked away. Vincent grabbed the bag and we headed out, "Did you see the way she looked at me?" I didn't want to seem paranoid but her look put me on edge.

"No what do you mean?" Bonnie replied.

"I don't know she just looked at me weird."

"Let's get you back to the mansion." Bonnie laughed and into the car.

We drove off and were listening to music when I saw that Vincent kept checking his mirrors.

"Is everything ok?" I shouted over the radio from the backseat.

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