Stop bitting your lips

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It's Nandini's first day in college. She is very nervous as she doesn't know what this college has decided for her. She is worried, nervous about all the things.

Nandini entered in the college. She was happy seeing the beautiful college in front of her. She is now excited after seeing the college but a little bit nervous too.

She is a bit lost as she couldn't find the class of her in the big college so she decided to ask someone about the class.

" Excuse me " she said to a guy who was standing alone in the corridor.

" New admission " Manik said when he turned around and saw her

Nandini nodded confidently but inside she was worried as she did the right thing or not asking him.

" Manik, your senior " he said stretching his hand for a hand shake

She accepted the hand shake and said with a beautiful smile " Nandini. Will you please show me the way to the class ?? "

As they were talking and Manik was showing her the way to the class just then Manik's friends came.

Manik's friends started roaming around Nandini and looking her up and down and then said in union with a smirk " New admission "

Nandini was worried when they all gathered around her. She got a lot nervous and afraid of what they were going to do to her.

" You know in this college seniors do ragging " Kabir said with a smirk putting his hand on Manik shoulder.

Nandini was afraid and on the verge of crying but she can't let people see her like this so she started looking down and biting her lower lip.

Manik noticed the nervousness of Nandini on his face and his all attention was only on the lower lip of Nandini's which was in a lot of pain.

" Stop it " Manik yell angrily at his friends while looking at Nandini who is now looking at him after hearing him yelling.

" Let's have fun Manik, " Kabir said happily with a devilish smile.

" Stop biting your lip " he said looking towards Nandini

" What ?? " all of his friends yell in union being confused and looking towards him, whereas Nandini was also confused.

" You are giving a lot of pain Nandini to your lower lip. Stop it " he said looking at her.

Nandini release her lower lip from the teeth and licks the blood from her lip which came because of her biting it.

" You guys all stop bothering her " he said with a comforting smile looking at her

" Why ?? We always do ragging of juniors" Dhruv said being confused while looking at Manik.

" Nandini, your class is upstairs, " Manik said, gesturing towards the stairs and gesturing to her to go towards her class.

Nandini started going towards her class but couldn't go as Kabir came in front of her and stopped her from going.

Nandini looked at him being confused.

" Don't give me this look and you can't go until we do ragging " Kabir said and snatched her books.

Manik came and snatched back Nandini's book from Kabir angrily. He then gave it to her with a warm smile and said " You go to your class and don't stop even if anybody stops you "

Nandini nodded and returned the warm smile back to him and went towards her class.


Chapter one !!!!
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