Author Note

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Hi my lovely readers,

I hope you are all doing well. I hope your guys are health will be good and happy too.

I am really happy for having such a lovely readers like you. I have been updating this story I think from 2 or more weeks and I didn't thought that I will get such a good response so soon.
I am very thankful to you all for liking my story and supporting me so much.

Recently, before started writing this story I have started feeling really down and doubting on myself and my writing as I am not getting a large audience to read my stories which I post on wattpad and goodnovel and the Instagram page I have i.e. _youcannotstopme but as soon I started posting this story I got my lovely readers like you and got so much support from you guys.

I am really thankful for your guys support as because of only you guys I'll be able to again started believing on my writings.

I know you guys always wait for the new chapters and I am trying my best to update new chapters but the thing I want to say today to you is that I am not feeling well recently I don't know what's happening with my health but I'm not well at all so I will not be able to post chapters for some days but as soon as I started feeling well I will again post the new chapters of the story.

I hope you guys won't mind in it and leave me in the mid. It's just for some days please try to understand my lovely readers and I will again start posting the new chapters.

Thank you once again for supporting me so much and motivating me. Your one like also motivate a lot to me. Thank you so much once again for it ☺.

Take care.

~ Ishita 💕

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