He left her

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Manik couldn't control anymore so he left the knife from his hand and stand in between her legs and says " Darling, don't tease me .... " he moved closer to her ear and whispered " Or else you end up moaning my name " and before she could react his lips were on her.

Their lips were moulded perfectly with each other and they were kissing passionately.

Nandini slapped on his chest as she wasn't able to breathe anymore. He left her lips with a pop sound.

She started panting holding his shoulder and trying to stop him but he didn't stop and started giving kisses on her neck.

He was pampering her with kisses when she moaned as he kissed her soft spot. She felt something twisting in her stomach that she can't describe nor could understand what's happening with her.

Manik was kissing all over her neck and when he found her soft spot he bit there which made her winced in pain but then she moaned when he sucked there.

He took the opportunity and entered his tongue in her mouth and started moving his tongue in her mouth.

She couldn't understand what was really happening so she stayed numb but when he started playing with her tongue she dug her nails on his shoulder and was trying hard not to moan.

She couldn't understand the sensation that is happening in her body and the wetness she was feeling in her core.

She didn't want him to stop but also she couldn't understand the wetness that was happening in her core and the twisting in her stomach so she slapped on his chest to stop him.

He stopped when she was continuously slapping on his chest and she started taking deep breaths.

When he saw her taking deep breaths he got worried so he started rubbing her back as he got really worried seeing her taking deep breaths.

" You're so bad " she said when she calmed herself and hid her face in his chest by making him come closer to her by holding his hand.

He hugged her and while patting her back he said " Sorry. I just couldn't control myself "

Manik then kissed her forehead and said while breaking the hug " You go and have some rest in the room " and then continued while cupping her face in his hands " I'll come with the food later " and then kissed her button nose.

" No, let me help you " she said holding his hand.

Manik held her from the waist and made her come down from the slab and said " Go love rest and your cook will be there soon with the best dish of his "

She smiled while listening to him and then kissed him on his cheek and said " I will wait for it my handsome chef "

Manik smiled and saw her climbing the stairs. Just when he hears the sound of the door closing he starts focusing on the food he was making for her.

He soon was done with the food and he started plating the food on the tray and went inside the room and saw her looking at the photo frame where his mom is holding him in her arms securely.

She looked at him and said with a smile when he was coming towards her " You look like your mom. She looks so beautiful."

Nobody has given him this compliment. Everyone says he looks like his father, he is hardworking and competitive just like his father but he always feels like he got most of the qualities from his mother rather than his father but nobody noticed and here she who has already stolen his heart says the truth he always feels.

Manik smiles hearing her and he sits beside her while placing the tray on the bed filled with food and coffee. He then looked at her and said while kissing her head from sideways " I love you "

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