Why are you so cute today?

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" Where are we going, Manik ?? " she asked him seeing beside her from the window

" To a beautiful place " he said happily with a smile

" Where it is Manik ?? " she said and then put her hand on his arm which was on driving veel and said " Tell me na "

" I am kidnapping you " he said looking at her with evil eyes and then looked on the road and started driving with a smirk.

" Shut up. Stop kidding " she said and smacked on his hand.

Manik laughed happily.

Nandini looked at him with a smile. She put her hand in Manik's hair and started moving her fingers in it with a smile.

" What are you doing ?? " he asked, taking her hand in his while driving.

" You look so cute when you smile, " she said happily, looking at him.

He smile after hearing it and said "We are just going to reach "

They reached in front of a beautiful house in front of them.

" Wow, it's so beautiful. " she said to herself happily

It's a beautiful house with a two floor building. It has a lot of windows in it and is colored with such elegant colors. It looks so beautiful and bright.

" Whose house is this?? " she said looking at Manik who was searching for something in his coat.

" Mine, " he said, looking at her and showing her the keys to the house.

" Yours ?? " she asked again, looking at him in shock.

Manik nodded happily with a big smile on his face looking at her.

" Then there will be your mom and dad also, " she said, holding his hand.

" It's my own house. Parents don't live here Nandini they live in US " he said looking at her

" So you live alone " she asked

" Stop asking all these questions now " he said holding her hand and while taking her inside he said " Let's go inside "

They both went inside with their hands locked in each other.

" You wait. I'll come " he said and went upstairs in the room.

" Wow, the house looks so beautiful. It feels so warm inside here " she said looking here and there in the house.

Nandini was waiting there just then one old woman came into the living room with a tray in her hands.

" Have some tea mam, " she said, putting the tea cup on the table.

Nandini was shocked hearing the mam word. The lady seems very old to her and she doesn't have to say mam to her.

" You can call her Nandini " just then she heard the sound and saw Manik coming downstairs from the room.

" Yes please call me Nandini not mam" she said standing up from the couch.

" But... ... ... ... " the lady started saying but couldn't say the whole thing as Manik came beside her and put his hand on the lady's shoulder.

" Nandini, this is Aunt Lilly. She has taken care of me since childhood and you can say she is my mother, " he said with a big and happy smile on his face.

" Hello Aunt Lilly, " she said with a big smile.

" Hello " Aunt Lily said

" Please call me Nandini not mam. I'm also like your child, same as Manik, so please call me by my name, " she said, holding her hands.

" Sure " Aunt Lilly said with a smile looking at her and then said looking at both of them " Why didn't you guys go to college?? "

" We bunk today, " Manik said while sitting on the couch.

" This is so bad, Manik, " Aunt Lilly said with a stern voice.

" Right Aunty. I told him let's not bunk but he didn't listen to me and even forcefully took me here " she said standing beside Aunt Lilly.

" You are so bad Nandini " he said standing up from the couch.

" Manik, " Aunt Lilly said, looking at him.

Nandini laughed happily looking at Manik and then Aunt Lilly also started laughing.

" This is not right " he said and then held Aunt Lilly's hand and made her stand beside him and said " You are mine Aunty not Nandini's . Nandini you can't snatch my Aunty"

" You are so bad Manik. Aunty is both of us" she said and then hugged Aunty Lilly and said " Right Aunty "

Aunt Lilly nodded and then said "Okay now drink the tea and eat these cookies "

As Aunt Lilly went into the kitchen back they both started laughing.

" You should always smile, " he said caresing her cheeks with his thumb.

" Look who is saying " she said teasingly

Manik didn't say anything and just smiled.

Nandini sees the change in behavior of Manik whenever she talks about him smiling so she thought why not make him smile as he really looks cute when he smiles.

Nandini took the cushion and started beating him with the cushion.

" What are you doing Nandini? " he said, stopping her from beating him.

She stopped and then looked at him and said with a wink " What do you think ?? " and again started throwing a cushion on him.

Manik also took the cushion and threw it on Nandini.

" Manik coffee " she yelled while catching the cushion and stopping it from hitting the coffee cup.

" Sorry " he said and then picked up the cushion from the floor.

" Are you mad ?? " she said looking at him

" You started it " he said and then sat there while making a sad face

Nandini shift on the couch and sit beside him and then pinched his cheeks cutely and said " You are so cute Manik "

" Nandini , stop it. Why are you behaving like this ?? " he said, holding her hands.

" Why are you so cute today ?? " she said, kissing his nose.


Chapter 9 !!!!
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