I want to kiss you

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Manik saw her in shock and she also realized what she had done. She became shy and holded the coffee cup and stood up from there and stood at the window.

Manik stood up from there and went towards her and then hugged her from behind.

Nandini startled but then she calmed down and smiled and said " Manik "

" Let me be like this Nandini " he said still hugging her

" But coffee... ... ... ... " she started saying but stopped when Manik took her coffee cup

" My coffee " she said like a little baby with a pout when Manik was putting it on the table.

" Don't Nandini. Don't do this " he said while coming towards her

" What am I doing ?? " she said, still making that cute pout of her and looking towards him.

" Stop this " he said coming closer to her

" What ?? " she said looking at him being a little bit scared as she doesn't know what he was saying and why he is being like this.

" Stop making a pout, " he said sternly, looking at her and then at her lips. "Or else I will kiss you "

As soon as Nandini heard this, she turned towards the window and smiled shyly.

Manik hugged her from behind and put his chin on her shoulder. They stayed like this for a while in complete silence.

Manik then turned her towards him and cupped her cheeks with his hands and said looking into her eyes " Can I kiss you?? "

Nandini saw him in shock and holded his hand and tried to remove it from her cheeks.

" Just a kiss " he said again looking into her eyes.

" What are you saying Manik ?? " she said looking at him

" I'm asking for a kiss, Nandini, " he said, looking into her eyes with a smile.

" How Manik ?? How ?? and Why ?? You want to kiss me but why?? Do you like me or do you love me?? Don't give me hope it will hurt me a lot " she was talking to herself while looking at him trying to find if he was serious or just joking.

" Nandini can I ?? " he asked her again looking at her

" Manik, stop it. " she said and removed his hands from her cheeks

Manik holded her hands and then removed her hairs from her face and tugged it behind her ears.

" I really want to kiss you " he said looking at her

" Why Manik ?? Why ?? " she asked him and hope that he will tell what really he thinks

" I don't know but I can't resist without kissing you " he said looking into her eyes and then look at her lips and then said " Whenever you make pout I can't resist myself kissing you "

" Manik " she took his name being surprised and then talked to herself "You are joking Manik. You are joking. You yourself don't know why you want to kiss me and you don't know I also want to kiss you. Shut up Nandini why are you thinking all this "

Manik cupped her cheeks and looked at her lips and started being closer to her and as he came closer to her and her lips Nandini closed her eyes and holded his shirt tightly.

Just then Manik's lips touched her. He was kissing her softly and sweetly and on the other side Nandini was melting in the kiss and without even realizing she kissed him back.

Both lips were moving in sync and they both were loving it. The kiss and the atmosphere both are really good and Nandini never felt that happy that she is feeling today and the same way Manik is also feeling really special.

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